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Posts posted by Gray-5

  1. Like some others have said, I carry a credit card size, laminated sheet in my wallet. I don't always have a geocaching bag with me to carry the larger pamphlet but I always have my wallet with me. I usually carry about 5 at a time. Also like others have said, I initially say I'm on a type of scavenger hunt and there's supposed to be something in this vicinity. Quite often people accept this, wish me luck and walk away. Those that show more interest I usually mention Geocaching. If they continue to show interest, I take out one of my credit card sheets and give it to them. Just another thing, I always wear a high-vis vest whenever I am urban caching. Sometimes I also carry a clipboard and wear a hard hat! I ignore everyone walking past and continue searching. Most people don't give you a second glance as they think you are going about your work business, which you are apart from the fact it's not "work". :D I never try to spin a story because I find telling the truth is much easier. It always sounds suss whenever I tell a story. I do like the one about the Slug Survey, that's hilarious!!!!



    That is awesome, I want one of those!

  2. I prefer to use both, my android phone and my dakota 20.

    The phone allows many diff map types to visually locate the cache (street view, topo, satellite, etc) whereas my gps has only topo and generic base map. The gps locks on to the satellites faster and is more accurate.

  3. Some people like to get involved where their meddling is not wanted or warranted! I don't know the story other than what I just read, but some people like to be community cops (I know a few). Maybe she has a property boundary issue that is spilling out onto others properties?!?!

  4. I found the easiest technique is to bring the family with me. Mugglers are too busy watching my kids running around, meanwhile I grab the cache. Once in hand, I bring it back to the wagon/stroller that we have and i open it then. When I'm by myself, i try to be as unassuming and as conspicuous as possible so nobody really pays attention to me. Act like you are on the phone while scouting...its white noise in today's world.

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