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SG One

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Everything posted by SG One

  1. While I was out scouting for a place to put a multi I thought I found the perfect spot. I averaged the cords, hid the cache, and moved on to hide stage 2. I took a different route out and found a bong, some spoons, beer cans, and a condom. All these things were hidden by a bush about 20 feet from stage one. Apparently that was the teen hangout. Needless to say I grabbed stage one and left the area. Another time I did this cache near a local spring. When I arrived I found barbies and other dolls lined up around the edge of the spring. This was pretty creepy, but I did the cache any way. When logging the cache I found out that the dolls belonged to a grown man who was known to have made sexual advances on male cachers. He was also reported to be wearing nothing but a speedo. I didn’t believe this until I went back to help a friend find the cache. There he was playing with the dolls and performing strange rituals near the spring. He darted from tree to tree watching us untill we left. Although he seemed like a harmless stoner the whole thing was very strange.
  2. A ziplock bag camo taped and wedged under a sign. The worst part is that this cache was hidden deep in a national forest so a tupperware or ammo can could have easily been hidden. On top of this the cache was right next to a gun range that often has Miller Lite cans on the firing line. I don't mind forest micros as long as some one has the gumption to go out and buy a water proof container. Last time I was at Wally world match containers cost 88 cents and spray paint cost a buck 50.
  3. This is one of my first times browsing the forums and found this topic very intriguing. In a way I must agree with the OP on this one. Down here in Florida developers snag every piece of vacant land causing cachable forest land to be at a premium. Many of these increasingly rare pieces of land have been taken up by micros in places where a small cache (at the very least) should have gone. I like micros, I hide micros, but there is something satisfying about going on a long hike and finding a nice cache full of trade items (even McJunk). The woods should be reserved for larger caches. Especially when a small water proof Lock and Lock can be had for less than 5 dollars. I believe micros should be applied in urban settings or areas prone to high muggle activity.
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