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Everything posted by ucmike

  1. i had a hard time getting home last night but the power was on here. i had 5 site visits to do in manhattan today and cancelled. lauren called out sick. off we went, hit two virtuals and 2 regular caches. i have the ac on, but nothing else...well the laptop. it was strange to see the silloutte of nyc with only a few lights on.
  2. you found a stache, not a cache.
  3. magellan 320. use for caches and work. never had a prob. i also have a magellan 2000 that has only locked onto satellites 2-3 times in the 6 months i tried to use it. i thought gps's were for holding down curled up topo maps before i got the 320 for xmas
  4. in the age of suspicous shoes, cameras, lighters and toenail clippers i would anticipate all sorts of headaches with carrying an ammo can through an airport. Tupperware? maybe fed ex the can to your hotel. good luck
  5. it's usually easier to tell people i'm hiking, unless i can bring them along. easier to show them then explain it.
  6. while searching for the "Pinnacle" cache near Pinnacle rock on the appalachian trail near lenhartsville, pa. i nearly stepped on a 5'timber rattler. fortunately, he was a little sluggish- i guess we interuppted his sunning. despite his sluggishness, he gave me two good warning rattles. i thought i snapped some good pics, but got back to camp and realized that i missed them. at two points he came towards us, i guess i was more concerned with keeping some space between us than checking if my cheap digital camera was working. i'd like to thank dad for teaching me long ago not to step over anything in the woods. step up and check before taking the next step.
  7. wah-wah-wah...every one on the net hates me. posts like this remind me why i wasn't reading message boards anymore. every board on the net has these types of situations. how boring.
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