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Posts posted by ClayJar

  1. Watcher 0.1.40 (Oh, *THERE* I am!)


    New to Watcher this week, map links! (Oh, and Jeremy, I figured out the couple undocumented links to the other topo/photo map links; feel free to borrow.) Also added, user links (right-click a name in a log or cache) and check all on the main page's checkboxes. (The rest of the updates are invisible to users, but there *was* work involved.)


    Get it... well... you know where.


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  2. quote:
    Originally posted by Jeremy:

    You should not see that note, but you're right about bringing up new log types. I also owe you an email, ClayJar, but It may not be until next weekend.

    Thank you, Jeremy. I am very glad to hear a reply, and I'll keep an eye out for an email (although I might not think of it *too* much, since I've got to get everything together this week for next weekend's hiking Mount Leconte in the Smokies with my very best friend... she's actually going to come along and hike it! icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif).


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  3. quote:
    Originally posted by Prime Suspect:

    Originally posted by ClayJar:

    Jeremy, I know it should be irrelevant, but is there a GPX log type for "note to admin" notes?

    I would hope not. This information doesn't belong in a GPX file. It seems the auto-delete makes this a moot point anyway.

    And what if the approvers ever get the caches in special PQ-like GPX format? Or what if they let you get a single-cache GPX file, and you download one of your own not-yet-approved caches? Or... Or... Or...


    I can make up plenty of valid hypothetical reasons to actually need to know, but all those are irrelevant to me. It is enough to know that it exists for me to want to properly support it. There have been two new log type enumeration values added recently; if I could add support *before* anyone actually gets a GPX file with the value, that's a good thing. Since I seem to have become the unofficial keeper of the enumerations (by virtue of the facts that I'm reachable and I know most of the answers), I figured I'd ask right off.


    (Remember that old programmer's adage: Just because something can't happen doesn't mean it won't.)


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  4. Up through GCFFFF, the last four characters were the hexadecimal version of the cache ID. From GCG000 and up, the last four characters are a base-31 (digits: "0123456789ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRTVWXYZ") version of (cache ID + 411120). The 411120 offset makes ID 65536 (GCG000) come right after ID 65535 (GCFFFF).


    (That's the full explanation. icon_biggrin.gif)


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  5. Jeremy, I know it should be irrelevant, but is there a GPX log type for "note to admin" notes? If there is, I'd like to add support for it in Watcher, just for completeness' sake. (I already added "Note" and "Webcam Photo Taken" to Watcher, but I need to update my documentation for the other application people, since I seem to be the de facto information source when people need to know the enumerations.)


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  6. There are several projects worthy of mention.

    • gpsbabel does all sorts of conversions

    • Spinner is useful for those who want to mangle their waypoint schemes and icons

    • bmgpx will actually give you PQ-style GPX files from benchmark data

    • gpxdoc will convert your PQ GPX files to PalmDoc format, if you want to read them directly on your PDA

    The program I write, Watcher, isn't a conversion program. Rather, it's like having Geocaching.com on steroids on your desktop. I haven't gotten to integrating Watcher with the other programs yet (you'll have to do them by hand for now), but that *is* on my list. (It'd be nice to just say "File | Export | PalmDoc" right from Watcher.)


    Anyway, I've certainly missed some things, but as you can see, the application field is blossoming quite nicely. Oh, and if you need any help with any of these, just come to the geocaching chat. We've got cachers that are well-versed in all of these (especially considering that programmers from each thing listed above come to the chat quite often).


    (Incidentally, my vote would have to be "(6) It already exists, but it's still improving.")


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  7. Watcher 0.1.39 (Everybody, say CHEESE!)


    Well, since there are new log types to be had ("Note" and "Webcam Photo Cache"), the next Watcher update is now waiting. In addition to supporting the new types (and better supporting any future unanticipated additions), Watcher 0.1.39 also supports bmgpx files. There are also a significant number of fixes (including to the cache notes and lists, to better safeguard their data against losses).


    Get it at the usual site.


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  8. I've *definitely* seen a problem with cache density. The seal was compromised, so when the area flooded, the thing went right to the bottom. I never did recover it.


    What? Oh, *that* density! Yes, I would certainly believe that some areas have a distinctly bad cache density problem. In fact, I personally use Watcher mainly to filter out as much of the noise floor as I can so I can see the caches I enjoy... they are distinctly less populous than "normal" caches... and I do *so* love the cache size filter (I'm not a microholic by *any* stretch).


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  9. Let me check my spamometer on the address I use here...


    Okay, as of 11:07pm CDT on October 8, 2003, the amount of spam I've received via my geocaching-registered address is... *drumroll*... hmm... *more drumroll*... er... *very tired sounding drumroll*... well... *sound of drummer passing out*...




    Sounds like a decent privacy job by Jeremy, et al.


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  10. Um, there's no reason at all to change the way Geocaching.com does the ratings, but if GPX Spinner doesn't already have this as an option, I'm fairly sure they wouldn't mind adding it. (I'm not going to add it to Watcher, but that's just because Watcher doesn't *do* waypoint mangling. There's no sense in Watcher doing Spinner's stuff if Spinner does it well enough... I'm too busy with Watcher stuff already. icon_wink.gif)


    (I've often stuck the ratings in the altitude field, myself. I filter all my PQ GPX batches through Watcher, anyway, so I only have the rating there as a curiosity... I've already filtered all the 1/1s and 5/1s and such into "just in case" files... and put the 1/5s in the "very short list" file on my Meridian.)


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  11. The campout is now officially scheduled for LSU's bye week, November 8, 2003.


    Okay, so any bets on the weather. So far, we've had one campout with almost unabated rain and one campout with almost perfect conditions. Maybe I'll head out a day early to try to fend off the rain by daring the skies to rain one me... it seemed to work last campout. icon_biggrin.gif


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  12. Jeremy, sir, while we're on the topic of My Cache Page, logs, and the new log pages...


    Would this be a convenient time to add a "show archived" link to the My Cache Page logs list? Now that the logs can be displayed a la carte, being able to view your own archived logs (whether you deleted them or the cache owner did) would be a very welcome additional new feature. A cacher could finally know for sure exactly what logs he put in, whether or not they were subsequently deleted for some reason.


    (If, for example, I posted a note that a cache was under a flood, but the water went down and it was deleted, I'd still greatly appreciate being able to see the log myself.)


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  13. Okay, how about this...


    All in favor of moving the campout one week later say "Aye!" (All opposed, say "Nay!")


    I don't think it'll hurt anything to move it one week, and that's a bye week for LSU and a Sunday late game week for the Packers, so there shouldn't be any football conflicts here. It conflicts with the GGA meeting, but I haven't heard anything from any other GGA members about plans to attend, and I shouldn't be too missed back east. icon_wink.gif Oh, and the Saints have a bye week, too... just in case we have any masochists wanting to attend.


    Anyway, let's take the voice vote now...




    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System


    [This message was edited by ClayJar on September 25, 2003 at 02:21 PM.]

  14. quote:
    Originally posted by Kite & Hawkeye:

    Nice page, but I think "needs archived" is a bit... grammatically challenged. tongue.gif

    Hehe... true, but we developers of Groundspeak-style GPX applications have been seeing "needs archived" long enough that it looks normal. icon_wink.gif (That's what the log type is in the Pocket Query GPX files...)


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  15. quote:
    Originally posted by alexm:

    I'd really like a face-to-face with an actual figure of authority, but don't think I can get near there during standard office hours to chat.

    You don't need to... just drive up to Kisatchie, park in the clearing, and wait for the ranger to drop by.
    I really don't mind carrying the stuff in, I'd just like to know where we stand (or park) on that issue. It helps decide how much stuff to drag along.
    I tell you what... you can ride in my little red wagon (but the axle's broken and the wheels are saggin').


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  16. Well, it's high time to bring up the Louisiana Geocachers' Fall Campout 2003. Since not many of you have been in the weekly geocaching chats recently, we talked amongst ourselves with the people that were there and came up with what seems like the best plan. Now let's decide if it'll work.


    The plan is to have the campout November 1, 2003, in the standard Louisiana geocaching campout coordinates. Does this sound like an acceptable idea? (Incidentally, the weekend of October 25 is in *no* way a possibility, since a major geocaching event is running that day, so don't bother suggesting that.)


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  17. quote:
    Originally posted by iBrew:

    Why you ask?

    It would allow for filtering Pocket Querys for micros.

    You've been able to filter on cache size in Watcher for a very, very, *very* long time. If you haven't checked Watcher out, you really need to, since it directly addresses the issue of filtering (and all sorts of other issues). Oh, and if you don't love it, you have my permission to tell me why so I may be able to fix it. (Get Watcher by following the link below.)


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  18. quote:
    Originally posted by El Diablo:

    Once again no offense to Clayjar. He had the right idea. It just seems that the chat there is dominated by a few cachers...I guess they are cachers...I've never heard caching discussed there. Well I take that back. The last time I was there they were making fun of a few admins with the word F**K thrown in every other sentence.

    The last person I heard speaking like that was *permanently* banned. It would be far more productive to tell *me* than to air it out here. If you have a log, please e-mail it to me, since obviously I've missed something.


    If you want on-topic only chat, you can always go to the alternate channel, #Geocaching, instead of the main just-a-bunch-of-cachers channel, #Geocache. If you're using the java chat, you can either type "/join #Geocaching" once you're in, or you can just use an alternate URL:




    Of course, there will always be fewer people in the geocaching-chat-only alternate channel than there are geocachers chatting around the geocache.


    Anyway, there's no reason to be rude and insulting to the regulars. I've been all around the country visiting events and meeting chat regulars, and I find them far more polite than you have been here. I'm sure this is just an oversight on your part, of course, since you seem to be a decent fellow (nice hiking sticks and all), but I have seen a very large amount of caching discussion in the chat.


    Anyway, if you want a *moderated*, on-topic chat, you really need to come by the chat for the Official Weekly Geocaching Chats. They're every Monday evening at 8:30pm Central (US). I will be looking for you on Monday; I hope you come.


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  19. quote:
    Originally posted by Romad_Pilot:

    Or you could always be in the CITO mode and carry a trash bag and pick up trash icon_wink.gif

    Unfortunately, that might backfire around hunting season... hmm... person dressed in blaze orange picking up trash? It's a convict!


    Seriously, though, I tend to have my gear in a photographer's vest, so if there might be people, I just bring my clipboard with me. BAM! Instant GIS researcher! (I suppose I may even look like a grad student researcher... pony tail and all.)


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

  20. quote:
    Originally posted by Jomarac5:

    But what if the chef is not doing the best possible job?

    The chef is *never* doing the best possible job. It is *always* possible to do better. Still, a good chef's best try will still be better than the alternative, and I'd rather thank (and tip) the chef than complain that his Telicherry black peppercorns were cracked 3.7% too small, on average. icon_biggrin.gif


    [[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

    Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

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