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Posts posted by ClayJar
So, can we count geocaching when determining our Bacon numbers?
How about the people who cache with other people... Lots of finds, but perhaps all the hides are listed on another person in their team, eh?
Plus, I'm sure we've all seen at least a cache or two that would have been better unhidden. I'd much rather someone be a freeloader than have just one more stupid, dangerous, or illegal cache. (I call **very** few caches stupid, dangerous, or illegal, but there have been enough to not like the hiders' talents too much.)
I *ALWAYS* post a log if I even so much as start driving for the cache. I view my personal logs as a sort of running autobiographical log of my adventures. If I looked for and couldn't find it, I'll absolutely log a non-find, but if I aborted the search due to extenuating circumstances, I'll log an other.
Looking back at my logs (all of them: finds, non-finds, and others), I get to see all sorts of neat things about myself. I can see my high and low points, and even the times where life conspired against me to keep me from the hunt. It's really fun to see, but if you deprive yourself of the opportunity, it's your own loss... well, and ours, too, I suppose.
Anyway, in the case of a skunk, it's a definite "Other".
The middle one requires you to be logged in, since it's archived (if you're not logged in, it'll give you the page you mentioned). The other two don't require you to be logged in at all. (I just verified both of these statements.)
Anyway, the last one is the only one you need, or just look on the event calendar (linked from the Geocaching.com homepage).
A possible launch window has been detected for Middle Bay Challenge. Forecasts are not yet in, but availability studies indicate that an attempt may be feasible on Memorial Day, May 27, 2002. If this window may be compatible with your schedules and abilities, please advise mission control via this thread. More details will be posted as they become available... preliminary forecast expected by Wednesday evening, May 22, 2002 at the latest.
A possible launch window has been detected for Middle Bay Challenge. Forecasts are not yet in, but availability studies indicate that an attempt may be feasible on Memorial Day, May 27, 2002. If this window may be compatible with your schedules and abilities, please advise mission control via this thread. More details will be posted as they become available... preliminary forecast expected by Wednesday evening, May 22, 2002 at the latest.
Past logs are available at http://gcchat.clayjar.com/logs/
[This message was edited by ClayJar on May 20, 2002 at 08:48 PM.]
Past logs are available at http://gcchat.clayjar.com/logs/
[This message was edited by ClayJar on May 20, 2002 at 08:48 PM.]
Even with the bees.
Even with the bees.
Another nice thing about the Rayovac PS-4 charger is that you can (with optional adapter) plug it into your 12V lighter socket... 1 hour charging on the road is great (especially if it's about an hour to the next really tough cache).
I remember hearing about people frying their eTrexes when the springs shorted Energizer NiMH terminals; did they fix that?
As far as chargers go, if anyone tells you there's a better one (and cheaper) than the Rayovac PS-4, I'll be pleasantly quite surprised. I haven't found a better one yet (charging up to 4 cells independantly and in only 1 hour). Plus, it's not very expensive at all ($40-50).
Here's a direct link to the Magellan GPS 2000 manual on the Magellan site (http://www.magellangps.com/).
Now, as for acquisition times... It appears to be a 12-channel parallel receiver ("AllView 12 Technology, tracks up to 12 satellites to compute and update position information"), so you shouldn't have the problems that *really* old receivers have. Now, it is possible that the satellite almanac in the unit is very outdated (if it hasn't been used in ages, this is likely the case). If you leave it out in the open and it can find at least one satellite, it'll download a new almanac and should lock on in around 2.5 minutes after that.
Here's a direct link to the Magellan GPS 2000 manual on the Magellan site (http://www.magellangps.com/).
Now, as for acquisition times... It appears to be a 12-channel parallel receiver ("AllView 12 Technology, tracks up to 12 satellites to compute and update position information"), so you shouldn't have the problems that *really* old receivers have. Now, it is possible that the satellite almanac in the unit is very outdated (if it hasn't been used in ages, this is likely the case). If you leave it out in the open and it can find at least one satellite, it'll download a new almanac and should lock on in around 2.5 minutes after that.
I once saw one swallow a gator whole.
I once saw one swallow a gator whole.
We're still going strong with the weekly chats at 8:30pm CDT on Monday evenings (1:30am UTC, convert as necessary). Oh, and the short version of the URL is: http://gcchat.clayjar.com/ (for your chatting convenience).
[This message was edited by ClayJar on May 19, 2002 at 07:29 PM.]
We're still going strong with the weekly chats at 8:30pm CDT on Monday evenings (1:30am UTC, convert as necessary). Oh, and the short version of the URL is: http://gcchat.clayjar.com/ (for your chatting convenience).
[This message was edited by ClayJar on May 19, 2002 at 07:29 PM.]
Originally posted by james f weisbeck kd7mxi terra utah:it got a reaction so YELLING is a good thing!!!
- Jar-Jar Binks got a reaction so JAR-JAR is a good thing!!!
- N'Sync almost being in Episode II got a reaction so N'Sync must be a good thing!!!
- The Unabomber's Manifesto got a reaction so BOMBING is a good thing!!!
- The terrorists got a reaction so MASS KILLING is a good thing!!!
Q.E.D. Just because being impolite, stupid, rude, murderous, or terrorist can get a reaction in no way means it's the right thing to do.
Elightened yet?
(Incidentally, anyone notice how I deftly avoided WWII comparisons, thereby side-stepping Godwin's Law?)
- Jar-Jar Binks got a reaction so JAR-JAR is a good thing!!!
Originally posted by james f weisbeck kd7mxi terra utah:it got a reaction so YELLING is a good thing!!!
- Jar-Jar Binks got a reaction so JAR-JAR is a good thing!!!
- N'Sync almost being in Episode II got a reaction so N'Sync must be a good thing!!!
- The Unabomber's Manifesto got a reaction so BOMBING is a good thing!!!
- The terrorists got a reaction so MASS KILLING is a good thing!!!
Q.E.D. Just because being impolite, stupid, rude, murderous, or terrorist can get a reaction in no way means it's the right thing to do.
Elightened yet?
(Incidentally, anyone notice how I deftly avoided WWII comparisons, thereby side-stepping Godwin's Law?)
- Jar-Jar Binks got a reaction so JAR-JAR is a good thing!!!
Originally posted by james f weisbeck kd7mxi terra utah:i agree WHY PICK ON ME AND OTHER USERS VIEWS
Two words? cAPS lOCK
Originally posted by james f weisbeck kd7mxi terra utah:i agree WHY PICK ON ME AND OTHER USERS VIEWS
Two words? cAPS lOCK
If we can't just let this pitiful ("adj. 1. Inspiring or deserving pity.") thread die, perhaps we can at least make it into something more useful? So...
What did everybody think about [rot13]frrvat Lbqn svtug[/rot13] in Star Wars: Episode II -- Attack of the Clones? I for one thought it was [rot13]rknpgyl ubj Lbqn sbhtug va zl vzntvangvba[/rot13].
I would say that, yes, it is *exceedingly* poor taste to SHOUT your topic subjects. If you want to know something, feel free to post the topic, but IF YOU KEEP SHOUTING WE'LL ALL HATE YOU! (Well, we really won't hate you; I just get carried away when I'm shouting.
Finding a do it all unit
in How do I...?
I use a MeriGold (Magellan Meridian Gold) and love it. The new "Card Utilities" menu is worth its weight in... well... something really expensive.
Seriously, if you're a hiker/biker/etc and you want to keep tracklogs (dotted lines) of the trails you travel, being able to save twelve oodles squared* of them on the unit itself is astonishing.
*twelve oodles squared: theoretically, you could easily save a good year's worth of hikes on the card, if you wanted to. More than that, even, but most people would likely just want to keep their favorite long or winding trailsets,