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Everything posted by jAY miLLS

  1. GO LARRY!!!!! Let larry win, y'all...if it turns out to be fake, our "friend" from Georgia's in for some hot water... Within seconds another person outbid me with what appears to be a fake e*** account "Bidder2". If that is the seller doing that then we have a violation of another e*** regulation and one that carries a pretty stiff penalty at that. This just keeps getting deeper. Was he shill bidding???? I HOPE SO!
  2. Unlikely to go to an event. With like 18 finds in 4 years I doubt he leaves his garage much unless it is to steal the one coin he has discovered. In fact I bet day light hurts his eyes terribly, and it would not come as a suprise to hear that someone has beat the stupid out of this pitiful little man.
  3. Activate it and drop it in a cache with a note to contact you for adoption. Then adopt it out to the finder when they make contact.
  4. Got my Geotags woowoo, have 4 repeaters. Used one set of duplicates on my keys and wifes keys. Good for trail discovery (usually have keys on me anyway unless I have a brain fart and lock them in vehicle). Plus if they get lost there is a chance of recovery. Seems to be a good use for a repeater as any I guess. Not sure what to do with the other 3 duplicates.
  5. to much to keep track of so may be taken - Rm 158
  6. 8:20-8:25 am Room 118 2:05-2:10 pm
  7. Coin received today, ready and waiting for June . . . . . . . . .
  8. I can cover Wisconsin if it is still available Glenn
  9. Can release in Wisconsin. And interested in the memorial coins also. Email sent.
  10. Usually both sides are entitled to speak about an issue. I guess either you don't like this idea or disgree that anyone should voice an opinion different than yours. I have no motive. I can care less if this coin makes it or not. I think the copyright issues themselves should kill it, and if not that would be another step in the direction that will kill coins as we know them. As for mugging a thread, my posts were mostly responses to another's post, like this one, but were about the coin. yours has come off as nothing but a personal attack towards me with nothing about the coin itself. Now who is derailing what? I have no clue what you are talking about in the Smoking thread. I made one post to which the Op thought was funny and enjoyed. You posted the same number of times as I did there. You thread hogger you. Maybe you need to lighten up and worry more about your own posts instead of trying to police mine. Last I checked they hadn't made you a MOD in your 5 months here. As for telling me where to go, I think I will post where I choose without your permission. Now where did I leave my self respect? Oh here it is, right where I left it. I dunno what reality you are living in but you should read your first post which WASN'T a response to anyone and is nothing more than a purist diatribe against this guys idea, then reread mine. Just let the guy have his idea and thread already, its really not that difficult to live and let live. Oh I see . . . I guess you believe everyone should clear their coin ideas with you first to make sure it conforms to whatever your idea of a geocoin should be and if they don't do that you resort to bashing and belittling techniques to strongarm the thread. I guess you must have taken over the GC.com coin approval duties and I missed the announcement. Again in case you missed it the first time, you are entitled to your opinion but not your own reality. This thread isn't about what is or isn't a geocoin, it is about Dooley's coin idea. Like it or leave it. Go to the jumping the shark thread which is a more appropriate place for the discussion you are obviously obsessed with. Dooley . . . sorry for this distraction in your thread. Good luck with your coin idea, I will now bow out of this thread. I hope this guy follows suit.
  11. Well heck that explains the sold out sign I encountered when I visited. Tried for one glow in the dark but am happy I got one glitter anyway. Its a very nice coin Karma.
  12. What do most coins have to do with Geocaching inspiration? It's less that Geocaching inspired the coin, and more of the idea/design inspired Geocaching (in the form of a trackable coin) Oh my bad. I thought there was something GEO about a geocoin. Guess not. Have fun, but not interested. First I will say I don't care for the idea of this coin for reasons I will keep to myself, or at least keep it out of the forums. Second, why are you still in this thread anyway if you aren't interested in this idea? I really question your motives. Sure you are entitled to your opinion, but you aren't entitled to your own reality. If there is interest in this idea it will be produced, get over it. If there isn't interest it won't be made, it is just that simple. And speaking of derailing a thread. Rather than just saying thanks but no thanks because . . . . . , it takes you 4 of 24 posts to mug this guys thread and impose your purist ideal of what a geocoin should be. You did the same thing to the "No Smoking" thread also. Who cares what you think a geocoin should be anyway? Thats NOT what this thread is about and you are off topic. Have a little self respect and go crawl back to the jumping the shark thread if you want to revisit this topic, but let this guy have his idea and his thread.
  13. Got to get me at least one of these! Nice, are hugs next?
  14. I have no hard feelings Glenn just making an observation is all but I will drop the whole previous thread issue at your request. Obviously, I too hope this idea does well. As for a coin . . . well we will see I guess
  15. No doubt Glenn I can see that also about the cache only thread. I was out of place so I left. I am just amused that the individual that ran me off there came here to express their cache only view. In any case now I have a thread to post it in so as I stated in that thread: Notice I said "reduce" not "eliminate" and I do think it would greatly reduce the disappearence of coins because in theory it should be easier to trace back a coin to the point it disappeared if people hand off the coin to someone they know. I also thought that having a special coin made with the intent of hand to hand transfers would be very kewl also. I really hope this idea takes off as I believe it woudl get many more coins out for others to enjoy.
  16. I brought this idea up a couple times and am glad someone took it to the next level. Way to go Glenn. I was run out of the cache only thread when I mentioned it and ironically enough the person who ran me off there just HAD to inject their cache only view here. Curious. Looks like the idea is being warmly received so maybe I will follow your lead down the road when I am better able too. Puts the tracking back into the trackable as someone should know who they passed the coin off too should it come up missing.
  17. Love the coin! Hope I can get one. Gotta love the untrackables.
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