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Everything posted by TheWonderStuff

  1. Man oh man, life is so complicated in the States. Us Kiwis have the easy life
  2. But what if the cache owner wants to convert his own Trad Cache to an EC? Archive the trad, relist a new cache as a EC. That is the only way buddy.
  3. Just ask the traditional owner for permission to place a ec, oh, and remember the 30 ft rule Cachers are a friendly bunch, in general
  4. Actually, that statement isnt correct. The guidelines are as follows (for Earthcaches): "Under 30 ft is not allowed, period. Between 30 ft and 300 ft is allowed with permission from the other cache owner." That is for Physical waypoints.
  5. My understanding of this is that it would be covered under the site Terms of Use. Section 4(k). (k) Collect or store personal data about other Site users. http://www.geocaching.com/about/termsofuse.aspx
  6. Yeah, the write up is the hardest part, just depends on how much info I can source. At GZ, I usually take photos of any info boards nearby, as this has useful info on it sometimes.
  7. New Zealand is ahead of the rest of the world. Welcome to the Future
  8. Ummm, which guideline is that? Especially since it's a requirement for Webcam caches: WebCam Caches These are caches that use existing web cameras placed by individuals or agencies that monitor various areas like parks or road conditions. The idea is to get yourself in front of the camera to log your visit. The camera must provide a photo detailed enough to identify the cacher. I think you will find that falls into "Grandfathered".
  9. I ask for a photo to stop virtual logging - especially if the answers a googable
  10. It is against GC.com guidelines to actually say you have to "reconisable" in the photo.
  11. Got any tips for me genegene?
  12. I think there should be a few new pins for "placement" of Earthcaches - Though, since I have placed 12, and am the Master of New Zealand earthcaching ( where is that place?? ) might sway me to think that
  13. Sweet, its just across the ditch. Maybe next year.
  14. I have all 3 of mine on our car. When we upgrade to a new car, I'm going to ask nicely for some replacements
  15. Does anyone know IF there is an new Jeep TB this year, and what color it is. Any idea on its release?
  16. Looks good, shipping looks rather high! Will check them out, yep, thats it! Thanks
  17. Hi While at LAX last year I brought this nifty little plane that I attached to a TB tag. The cache it was in was muggled. I have searched the internet for a replacement, and can't find it. http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=902838 If anyone can help, I would be most grateful. Im more than happy to do a paypal and supply my postal addy (New Zealand)
  18. Yes, but how many? 2?
  19. Ill ask Zork to pop in and grab it for you.
  20. Wow! And you survived being at the same event. I'm impressed at TK's restraint! I think I survived by carefully positioning myself by a k9 - well, that was the plan, it seemed to pay off!!
  21. No TK calling cards have arrived yet either.....
  22. Multis even......
  23. I have had a few emails regarding the above post. The comment was said in Jest, abit of friendly ribbing. I can see how it could be taken as being rather rude No offence was intended to The General, or anyone involved in the site. I would also like to say, its great to see someone take the time, effort and cash to help the caching community in New Zealand. The site is full of good info, and if nothing else, the post and the kiwicaching address has been bumped up from the bottom of the threads for more to see. Cheers Cam
  24. I have had a few emails regarding the above post. The comment was said in Jest, abit of friendly ribbing. I can see how it could be taken as being rather rude No offence was intended to The General, or anyone involved in the site. I would also like to say, its great to see someone take the time, effort and cash to help the caching community in New Zealand. The site is full of good info, and if nothing else, the post and the kiwicaching address has been bumped up from the bottom of the threads for more to see. Cheers Cam Hopefully i'll be able to sleep tonight!
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