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Posts posted by Zoraima
2003 was my first year caching!
I found 52 and hid 2, one in NY and one in MA.
I would buy one!
Yup! That was me looking for info in Springfield VA!
My hubby and i have finally moved in and are all settled in Centreville VA!
I haven't done any caching in Virginia since moving here a few weeks ago because I've been on vacation almost ever since! I found 8 or 9 in Florida the first week of December and just did 3 in New Jersey, so it's been crazy!
Glad to be here, will definitely check out the MD geocachers site! Thanks for the info! Looking forward to meeting folks!
I'm a new cacher too!
Just moved to Centreville VA from Boston MA. Just hit my 50th+ caches in New Jersey... I'm excited to start caching here around the DC area soon! (As soon as my non-caching hubby goes back to work! hee hee
I hope to hit 100 caches by the summer. I cache everywhere I go--both my parents and sister have gone with me... I love going! I'll hope to meet cachers in the area, we should organize a meet?
Hello All!
I've just moved to the Virginia side of Washington DC's metro area (Fairfax County) and thought I'd say hello! I've been Geocaching since March and enjoy it a lot!
In Massachusetts we had Geomeets 4 times a year, which was a great way to meet fellow Geocachers and people in general... I don't know what all goes on here in Virginia/DC, but I'm looking forward to talking with folks and getting to know everyone!
Thanks all!
Originally posted by ScottJ:Oh, this is the worst-looking hat I ever saw. What, when you buy a hat like this I bet you get a free bowl of soup, huh? Oh, it looks good on you though.CADDYSHACK for sure
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future. --Galadriel, "The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship Of the Ring"
Originally posted by Snoogans:quote:
Originally posted by Zoraima:quote:
Originally posted by Team X40:Some people have great stories, pretty stories that take place at lakes with boats and friends and noodle salad. Just no one in this car. But, a lot of people, that's their story. Good times, noodle salad.
That's from "As Good As It Gets"-- one of my faves!
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future. --Galadriel, "The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship Of the Ring"
My favorite part was when the secretary of the publishing agent asked Jack Nicholson:
How is it that you write women (charcters) so well?
(Jack) Well, I'll tell ya. I think of a man and then I take away reason and accountability.
http://www.texasgeocaching.comThe greatest labor saving invention of today is tomorrow....
My personal favorite was when the woman comes to his house and asks him to open the neighbor's curtains so he can see the beautiful world God created, and he says, "Go sell crazy somewhere else. We're full up here."
Nobody's gotten any of mine thus far... I'll post them again with a bonus #6
It scares me how good some of you are!
1. That's about a nine on the tension scale there, Rube.
2. What's the matter, stock market crash or something? Don't worry, here, have a french fry.
3. I wanna be just like you. I figure all I need is a lobotomy and a pair of tights.
4. Great, they're going to steal away under cover of broad daylight in the biggest car in the county.
5. Valentine's Day. Bummer. Where'd you get your date, Elaine?
6. My reputation precedes me. Otherwise I'd be late for all my appointments.
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future. --Galadriel, "The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship Of the Ring"
Originally posted by Team X40:Some people have great stories, pretty stories that take place at lakes with boats and friends and noodle salad. Just no one in this car. But, a lot of people, that's their story. Good times, noodle salad.
That's from "As Good As It Gets"-- one of my faves!
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future. --Galadriel, "The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship Of the Ring"
Here are a couple of old favorites of mine:
1. That's about a nine on the tension scale there, Rube.
2. What's the matter, stock market crash or something? Don't worry, here, have a french fry.
3. I wanna be just like you. I figure all I need is a lobotomy and a pair of tights.
4. Great, they're going to steal away under cover of broad daylight in the biggest car in the county.
5. Valentine's Day. Bummer. Where'd you get your date, Elaine?
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future. --Galadriel, "The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship Of the Ring"
I was on a chat site called "College Chat" back when I was, well, in college. There was a guy in there that I spoke to for a couple of years and then he changed his nickname to "Papillon" after the book. He suggested I read it, said it was a great book and I would enjoy it. So I picked up a copy and read it. Zoraima and Lali were Papillon's two wives. One night I decided to surprise him, I hadn't spoken to him in a while, so I logged on as "Zoraima". He was shocked, but pleased I had read the book when he figured out it was me.
In any event, I've stuck with the name, as no one else seems to use it. It's unique-ish, like me.
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future. --Galadriel, "The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship Of the Ring"
The only other outdoor hobby I've taken up is kite-flying, and even then, not seriously. I've managed to get the stupid thing in the air once. I'm heading for the kite festival on Brenton Point this weekend, maybe I'll pick up a few pointers.
I like gardening, but right now all I have is a brick courtyard that strangely enough doesn't grow plants all that well. Ahhh, the joys of condo-living.
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future. --Galadriel, "The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship Of the Ring"
Hi All:
I looked in the FAQs first before posting this, and went through several pages of the "Getting Started" but didn't see an answer to my question.
I'm wondering how to go about triangulating between points that are far apart, let's say driving distance. If you do the location on a map, you still don't come out with the coordinates, you just have a spot on a map.
Thanks all!
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future. --Galadriel, "The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship Of the Ring"
I recently read an article in a women's magazine that says catnip keeps mosquitos away. I don't know if this is true or not, but I intend to test it out. Will post my results if anyone's interested?
I am ready to give up on caching till after the bugs are dead with the first good frost or cold snap. Went out this weekend smothered in Skin So Soft and then in Skintastic, and I am covered from head to toe in bug bites. Went out with some friends a couple weekends ago, we wore Deet and I wasn't bothered one bit. I would much prefer something that was not quite as harsh as Deet, but if that's what it takes, that's what I'll have to use.
One thing these studies don't take into account that people's natural body odors or other factors. When I was out this weekend with my dad, he was being left alone, and I was being eaten alive. There are always those folks who will not be bothered by the bugs and then those of us who are just sweet enough to be devoured by the little bloodsuckers!
Lastly, of course, the mosquitoes are attracted to the carbon dioxide we exhale. That's why these mosquito magnet products for your yard emit carbon dioxide--the mosquitoes are attracted to it and sucked in. Too bad we can't develop some kind of breathing device to do something similar--all us cachers could walk around like Darth Vader!
Meanwhile, I'm in itching agony from failed products. Anyone have any suggestions for what to do once you have the bites? I've tried Caladryl and rubbing alcohol, but I think with the sheer volume of bites, I might need something a tad stronger.
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future. --Galadriel, "The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship Of the Ring"
Not only am I impressed with the idea, I'm impressed with the speed at which you reply by email!
Very clever indeed! Must think about how to pull it off precisely!
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future. --Galadriel, "The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship Of the Ring"
Please tell me too!
Massachusetts needs to get in on the act!
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future. --Galadriel, "The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship Of the Ring"
It's happened to me twice...
In May, my husband and I were invited to a wedding in Rhode Island. We had never been to the ceremony or reception site and decided to leave around 1:00 for the 3:00 wedding.
At 11:00 that morning, I was feeling restless. There is a cache 1/2 a mile down the road from me, so I said to my husband that I was kind of antsy and I wanted to go grab that cache. I told him, "Don't worry about it, I'll be half an hour and we'll have plenty of time."
I went out to the site of the Bittersweet 3D cache. Got my gear and started walking to the cache. My GPS couldn't hold a signal due to the fact that there were a lot of trees. Every time I looked, the thing was averaging, averaging. It would just finish and then start up again.
Oohkay, time to consult the printout. Printout? What printout? I had forgotten it at home. So I'm out in the woods, wandering, trying to find someplace for my GPS to get the signal. Nope, not interested in connecting with those satellites.
To make a long story short, I spent 45 minutes searching. I gave up, knowing I was well past my time limit. Time to get home. Of course, the trail markings were confusing and I hadn't waypointed my car. So I followed the yellow trail that I had followed to get in there, and it led me to the back of some housing project. Darn! Now I don't have any clue where I am.
Headed back into the woods to see if I could find the last spot I remembered knowing where I was. Turns out, for some reason, I had to hop on a short leg of the blue trail and then onto the yellow trail. I made it home at 12:30, tired, sweaty, dirty, disgusting. Barely had time to shower and make it into the car--good thing we left early, got slightly lost getting to the church.
Second time, I was visiting my dad. He was interested in going caching and we decided at 10:00am on a Saturday morning that we would do a local 2/2.5. His girlfriend wanted us to be at her house by 11:30 (she lives about 35 miles away) to go to a street fair and parade. No problem.
We get to the drop off site and start hiking. Across a river--we both fall in. We start up a gigantic mountain that the recent 6 months of snow and 2 months of rain have turned into a big hill of mud. My hiking sandals break. I tromp around for 40 minutes in broken sandals until I have to give up. My dad takes the GPS. He heads up the mountain. He's within 4 feet of the cache, but not knowing what he's doing or looking for, he can't find the cache itself. He refuses to give up. I yell to him that I'm going back to the car. Neither of us can understand each other. My shoes come off and I leave them in the mud. I see my dad coming down the hill and suddenly he bends over. His shoe has come off. While he extricates that one from the mud, his other shoe gets mired down. He trods out barefoot as well.
Lo and behold, we get home at 11:00am. We still have a 40 minute drive (if we're lucky) and we are both covered with mud and slime. We wound up showering off with the hose first, then inside for quick showers. My dad drives like a madman and we make it up to the girlfriend's 5 minutes before they closed the roads for the parade.
My dad, post cache...
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future. --Galadriel, "The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship Of the Ring"
A police officer pulls over a man for speeding. Walking up to the car, he notices the man has a quanitity of sharp knives in the backseat.
Cop: What's with all the knives, sir?
Man: I'm a juggler. I can keep all 9 of those knives in the air at once.
The policeman thinks about this for a moment and says, "I'm not so sure I believe that. I'm going to have to ask you to step outside the car and prove it."
The man does just that, juggling all 9 knives perfectly. As he does, another car drives by with two men inside. Looking at the juggler, one man turns to the other and says, "Man, am I glad I gave up drinking. Look at the tests they're giving nowadays!"
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future. --Galadriel, "The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship Of the Ring"
Me: Rehabilitation teacher for the blind and visually impaired. I work with senior citizens who are losing their eyesight. I go to their homes and teach them adaptive living skills they need to stay independent and live at home.
Husband: Unemployed network security admin. Hopefully about to be re-employed which will make me the unemployed one in the house!
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future. --Galadriel, "The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship Of the Ring"
Thanks a lot for the responses, everyone!
From our perspective, we're looking for a townhouse or condo.
My husband is blind and will be taking the Metro to work every day. We'd like to be someplace fairly close in and close to transportation. Neither of us wants to deal with the upkeep of a house, especially me!
If that helps at all...
JoeC, I may contact you about a realtor! Thanks!
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future. --Galadriel, "The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship Of the Ring"
Oh yes, can I ever relate to the horror of terrain...
A couple of weeks ago, I was visiting my dad in New York and decided to take him for his first cache. We had to leave at 11:00am to go visit a friend of his, and selected a cache about a half mile from his house. The terrain was a 2.5 stars. It was 10am.
We got over to the site and found the parking space listed. The cache description said we would have to cross the river and we could possibly see the cache from the river. Rather than crossing via the obvious bridge, we splashed through the river banks. My dad slipped and fell in the river, immersing and killing his brand new digital camera.
We got to the other side of the hill. Did I say hill? More like a mountain. We started to slog our way up.
I had worn my sister's hiking sandals knowing that the water was a potential problem when wearing shoes.
Unfortunately, the area has experienced an extremely wet spring after a seriously bad winter snowfall-wise. The mountain had turned from dirt to MUD. At times I was sinking in up to my ankles in mud. The force required to extricate my feet from said mud caused the straps on my sandals to break.
I admit, I'm out of shape. The mountain got the better of me and I gave up when the second shoe broke.
My dad, fearless, decided to take the GPS and give it a whirl. He strode up the hill. He got within 4 feet of the thing, but not really knowing what he was doing, couldn't locate the cache. I started transversing the woods towards the road, barefoot. My dad was yelling something I couldn't understand given the distance between us. I couldn't see him either.
Finally, he yelled and was coming closer. I could see him. He bent down. His deck shoe had come off. He was standing on one foot to pull out the shoe from the mud, and when he had retrieved it, his other foot had mired in the muck. He strolled down to where I was, barefoot.
We were both soaking wet and covered in black mud. My dad's hands were covered from his tangle with the mud to retrieve his shoes. I let my shoes rest in peace in the woods. We came out on the street only to discover that there we were, barefoot, facing a steel deck bridge to cross. Pain had a new definition by the time I got over that in bare feet.
We got to his car. His brand new car with the light gray interior. Fortunately this is a remote area, and no one was around. He asked me to take the key from his pocket and drive home. I retrieved the key and got the car open. He sat down and got mud all over the car seats. I gave up, stripped off my overalls and drove home in my t-shirt and underwear.
We got home at ten minutes before noon.
To see a picture of my dad post-cache, visit my website, click on "geocaching" and click on the link for pictures I've taken while geocaching.
To his credit, the next day he asked me to take him to the cache I hid up there. I showed him how it worked and he's decided to buy a GPS himself and give caching a whirl. We spent all day Sunday laughing about the experience. We got more out of that 2 hours than if we had actually found the cache. It was a hoot.
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future. --Galadriel, "The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship Of the Ring"
Hi all.
Sorry this is not terribly germaine to Geocaching, but hoping it will be alright.
As mentioned my husband has a job interview on Monday in Springfield VA. We're pretty sure he has the job.
Looking at places to move in either Maryland or Virginia. He will be working in DC.
Any suggestions as to what towns we should look at to call home? Or, any places we should avoid at all costs due to crime, seriously high prices for housing (we're in Boston now and the prices are astronomical, we're looking for something reasonable), or other reasons?
I thank you all very much, and sorry to take up the board with non-caching advice...
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future. --Galadriel, "The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship Of the Ring"
Hi Cottingham:
Not that I closely examine what people are doing in their cars, but there are some places you pull into and people are just sitting there, staring at the woods ahead of them. Not looking at anything or reading or doing anything... Makes me wonder what they're doing there... As I say, I have a vivid imagination... In my mind, they're waiting to follow someone into the woods and...well... I'll stop there...
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future. --Galadriel, "The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship Of the Ring"
I should also mention that I will not have access to a car while there.
Thanks again.
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future. --Galadriel, "The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship Of the Ring"
Caches In Need Of Adoption
in Northeast
Hi Everyone:
I left MA in 2003 and my cache, Hapgood's Hopechest, was looked after since then by BluEyez. Unfortuantely, she is unable to look after it any more and I need someone else who might either be willing to adopt it, or go remove the cache and I will archive it.
Thank you,