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Posts posted by JABs
Andrew the link seems not to be working.
.No wounder, because GC.com indicates that it normally takes at most about 72 hours. Maybe they should not raise expectations. The reviewer will looked at. GC.com and say it does not indicate that at most 72 hours for the cache online, this would have been a reaction of a reviewerMod (name removed) has repeatedly said that if people really start to whine then they can repay like buying a car and get text that the cache is notified and that it may take a few weeks before the cache online.These two quotes have been taken from the a countries geo forum and I hope shows some light.
I have been asked to drop this as they believe that the trouble it would cause is not worth it. Thanks for the advice and most of the problems are writen in another forum of the country in question.
Ok the friend in question is not from NSW, Australia or even the southern part of the world.
The three links have already been parst on but still there is an issue of not been able to say anything without reprisale.
Can a mod or someone with inside knowledge contact me and I will give more details.
OK I am not having any trouble with getting a cache listed but ask on behalf of a freind.
They submitted a new listing over a week ago and still have no reply, they are scared to post a reviewer note as other's before have had trouble from the reviewer for been to pushie. But is not over a week much to long for a reviewer not to even post a note?
Their words -"at forum we may not ask questions about a moderator because we get banned ....... we have to wait patcienly. don't say our name
otherwise we get trouble"
"cachers are waiting more as a month at cache published"
So please tell me why they must wait over a week and I can get a cache published within 24-36 hours?
Payment sent.
Thanks to all who replied, as i have lurked around the coin forums and noticed how well you all interact.
Can still search by postcode just need to add your State.
eg. 2787 nsw or 2787 NSW remember to leave a gap between No. & State.
Type in post code then the state and it works eg. 2787 nsw or 2787 NSW.
Found this topic which may help answer the question. It seems that you are right obehere and that postcodes where working at one stage. (They didn't work when I first tried and so have never gone back).
So looks like they changed the code during an upgrade earlier in the year, will find it if you wish to post there also.
Magellan will not reliese there code to alow this to happen.
I find it does not slow me down I an still using a Explorist 500.
Make a PQ or Bookmark and send file to Magellan Geocache Manager.
There is a topic here somewhere for Magellan uses I will see if I can find it for you.
Hi obehere, I just noticed your question on the GC forums about postcodes. I believe they are an US feature as this site is US based, so it will not work for us Ozzies.
Try and visit this Site and ask on the forums here for more info, as it is where you will find most Ozzies hang out.
Yes you will have to registor same as GC site, there is even a space for each state to list.
Hope this helps JABs.
All looks OK from downunder now.
The links on cache pages seem to of stopped working.
A couple of my caches had links to other caches and a couple had links to web sites, now all seem to have dropped the (visit link) with this -("http://www.ozsite.com.au/oberonrailway/default.htm" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">visit link) thus not allowing you any way to click on link except to cut and paste the url.
Oh I will pay 150 for it to be shipped to Oz if I know it will work.
I'm so happy for ya, Roddy! I know you've been wanting to do this one for a while!
Here's a pic hotlinked from Oak's page!
Now that would be something to see.
OK what got you hooked on Coins?
Why do you keep some and let other coins go?
Please tell or show me why you are hooked on coins?
If only it would work down under in OZ you would have the money now.
You will find about 80 caches within a 20 km radius of Albury take this GC as centre and do a PC - Down Mexico Way GCNPGV .
Also try joining this site and post on there forums as it is where you will find most Ozzies hand out.
There is a section for international visitors but if you post in the indervidual states section of the forum you should get more help. Hope this helps.
If it work down under in OZ I would be very interested.
Mel try logging into these forums as it is where most Ozzies hang out.
PM also send.
JABs will make some plans to join this Event.
JABs-5 people.
Camping site for a tent.
I bought a new Trition 1500 a couple weeks ago that works perfectly. It comes with everything that was in the box, (don't have the box though). I'm selling it because this past weekend I bought a Garmin 60Cx.
I'll sell the Triton for $250.
Oh if only it would work in OZ I would be sending the money now.
How long to publish a cache?
in How do I...?
Thank you all looks like the part of Europe that was having a problem now has some 50 new caches all published at once. Some of which I believe to of been outstanding since October.