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Everything posted by soreyes

  1. My wife spotted this in a special section of the paper. I could only find a PDF online. Third column from the right, second item from the top: Skagit Parks and Rec Summer Flyer (pdf)
  2. I know where you are coming from. The suggestion in the GC.com cache placing tutorial is not very clear. When I placed my first caches a couple of years ago I could not make any sense of this part: "Some GPS units have the ability to do averaging, but if yours can't, the best suggestion is to take a waypoint, walk away from the location, then return and take another waypoint. Do this around 7-10 times, then pick the best waypoint (I've done this with a Garmin eTrex on a cache)" I didn't understand how to 'Pick The Best'. Now, I just do as the second poster suggested. I hold the GPS high and within clear sight of the sky until I am getting as many GPS sats as possible. Then I set it down and wait a little while. Quickly becoming bored, I mark it and leave. So far, no big complaints. In the case that you do get coordinate complaints, you may have to go back and get another read.
  3. I have had a Meridian for a few years. I had it hooked up with the serial cable for a long time. I got a SD card and a SD card reader in the Fall. I won't look back now. I put that serial cable away! The SD is quick and convenient.
  4. The route through South Dakota is Filled with roadside attractions sure to make the trip fly by! I have made the trip about a dozen times and always have a blast. The Corn Palace Wall Drug Badlands Mt Rushmore Deadwood Lots of caves too this link probably lists some fun stuff: Roadside attractions
  5. Subject: 2005 Ferrari Enzo - Red, Sunny in the 80's, I was heading to one of my estates for an event at my private Geocaching park
  6. ...so that the next finder can cut the cake I left in the cache!
  7. There is a cache on the island I live on that has an Audio Recorder. Pretty fun! No traditional logbook, just record a message.
  8. Looks sketchy to me. The seller also has a pre-programed sd card I came across the other day: Preprogramed SD for Magellan As for best GPS under $250... I would say a Magellan Meridian (yellow or green). They can be scrounged up on ebay as well. Most of the Gold features without the steep price.
  9. I once found a knife in a cache and I considered myself Lucky and Helpful all at once. I got a free knife and I helped out the geocaching community by removing the knife. I see the same sort of notes on logs to my caches all the time.
  10. Since we are talking 'irony', Wouldn't you rather be stabbed by a pocket knife than a broken off shard of mcdonalds toy!
  11. It'd be interesting to check these everyday for the next week or so. I wonder if there will be a noticable difference. Anybody else find this interesting? sd Acutally, it would be More interesting if you could click on those stats and see a history timeline :-)
  12. I wonder how many of these Wet micros are getting mosture inside them when they are opened and logged while it is raining out?
  13. Keep an eye on the GPS section of the Engaget blog for a peek into the future. You can subscribe to it with RSS or bookmark it the old fashined way - GPS-Engaget It seems like they are not developing new units at much of a pace. Many of the newish devices posted are Very high end.
  14. It's near the Tri-Cities - Benton City, WA
  15. The grand Canyon seems like Grand candidate for an Earthcache! Earthcache.org
  16. The ContainerStore had some good prices on small nalgene containers. Between $1 and $5.
  17. Working now for me too, maybe it was just 'closed' for the evening :-)
  18. On this page, Geocaching in Washington Check out the link for Washington State Geocaching Association It is leading to the wrong page: Notice to AT&T Internet Customers...
  19. Washington State park guidlines are listed here : WA St Park Guidlines BTW, that was a super cool log! Thanks for posting it.
  20. My Anacortes History Tour cache got appoved today: Magic City History Tour
  21. This request Cracked me right up! "How to grow moss - For cache hides " Up here in WA state all you need to grow moss is a Lawn, roof, or old camper!!
  22. I post painfully clear hints when I am concerned about the sensibility of an area. I don't want the vicinity around my hides trapsed and trampled. I try to hide caches so that they can be reached without ever leaving a trail or previously cleared area.
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