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Everything posted by succotash

  1. This cache in Georgia requires technical tree climbing. It was placed in September 2007 and already has 21 finds! It's placed at a location that provides equipment and guidance, so the find count is higher than one that would require cachers to access it on their own, but it does show cachers want to do it and the logs indicate they love the experience.
  2. Please add our voice to those who think Last Stop for a Weary Traveler is the best virtual (it's actually our all-time favorite virtual). We also recommend Solar Sailing (excellent virtual listed as a multi) and since you are Premium Members, if you want to find a physical cache and sign something you can give Manifest Destiny a try!
  3. We agree with those who don't appreciate the audit logs and wish this feature would be eliminated, and certainly not increased!
  4. Since it looks like you're just getting started and haven't found any caches yet, our suggestions for increasing your chances of finding caches and getting hooked on this great sport are: -- Start out with regular sized caches with low difficulty and terrain ratings (e.g. 1/1). Looking at the logs to see that they've been recently found is a good idea, and reading what other finders say about their experience should help you know what to expect. -- Move on to caches with higher difficulty and terrain ratings, and smaller sizes. After a while, you might find that it's very rewarding to find a cache that hasn't been found in months, or one that had a string of DNFs before you found it. Enjoy!
  5. You can try reading this information.
  6. Many of these suggestions seem like they would have the (unintended) consequence of encouraging cachers to not read cache pages. At the very least, they would minimize the risks involved in not taking the time to read cache pages. That doesn't seem like a good thing.
  7. Is the property public or private land? We advise checking and ensuring you have permission for the cache placement. The land owner may have specific suggestions for you. We have several caches placed in areas that allow hunting. In each case we placed wording on the cache page recommended by the entity owning the land, and in some cases we have gotten excellent advice from the property managers on the best cache locations to maximize safety, minimize impact to hunters, and bring the cachers to a scenic spot. Remember there are seasons for game other than deer and it is truly best to ensure that you have permission and understand the specific rules/seasons/etc for any particular piece of property. Good luck!
  8. Great idea for your english paper! We are fascinated by the extra dimension caching adds to things that we already enjoyed, like exploring the outdoors (on land and water), visiting historical places, and solving puzzles. We love finding out about special and little known places. Like others we are fascinated by the fact that there are thousands of secrets hidden around the world, that caches are all around us. We enjoy the bond with friends and family who also cache. We're fascinated by how incredibly positive and supportive our local caching community is even though we're not social (event) cachers. Because we are a caching team we also have the extra benefit of sharing this sport together and discovering how our different skills and abilities work and complement each other. We also enjoy the trackable component (it's pretty amazing how some of these objects move around the world being passed from one to another for years!).
  9. Can't a cacher ask a question without being jumped on and grilled? Yikes! Amen! Second that Amen!
  10. 210 miles northwest of our home coordinates. Interesting program!
  11. Marlon! Stop!!! That's the cache log - we're supposed to sign it, not smoke it!!!
  12. Others may have better ideas, but our suggestion is to get more TBs out on the road so you have many to focus on instead of one. Our first TB is gone, but fortunately we put others out that are still moving and bringing pleasure to those who find them and to us when we get those positive emails. On the plus side, we recently found a TB that hadn't been logged in 14 months and the last log was in a different state. So there is always hope!
  13. [/quote = Team GeoBlast] Ever hear the old story about the guy walking along the beach and throwing back the starfish that had washed ashore? I thought it mattered to this one. Good reply and great story, TGB. The story helps explain the amazing patience of some of those on the forum who have answered the same questions so kindly over the years as cachers and forum posts come and go. I didn't look at the prior forum topic but checked this one because the last post was from Zeke and George. Hi Zeke and George! We usually bring whatever pen wll clip on our lanyard and a half dozen extra different writing utensils in our swag bag or coat pockets, hoping at least one will work with whatever we find in the cache. These suggestions are much more efficient, particularly those that have attachment mechanisms. Thanks.
  14. We are just starting to graduate to paperless, it's great. Our only caution is if you like earthcaches and virtuals with lengthy explanations and graphics you may want to still print those off to make sure you can find the information about what you are supposed to do/learn when you get there.
  15. Off-topic photo to give this thread a bump, it is wonderful to look through it.
  16. Kawana, don't give up on puzzle caches. Puzzle caches cover such a broad spectrum that the frustration is not confined to rookies at all. You will "get" some puzzle caches right away, others after thinking and looking at them from different ways over days (or weeks or months), other perhaps never. The one that you mention in your post is a four-star difficulty puzzle. The owners are letting you know it is a significant challenge! It also says it involves 15 stages, which is a pretty significant commitment. You may want to try a few one or two-star multi-caches or puzzles first to get confidence in your ability to solve them. Good luck!
  17. Personally, I think your approach is quite defensible, especially if you are learning to cache on your own. Sometimes the forums can be tougher than any cache! Hope you continue to enjoy the caching experience and meet many friendly cachers along the way. Bean
  18. Much of this thread doesn't separate the idea of Premium Membership from the MOC feature. We're PMs, happy to have the features available, and are happy to add that to our ways of supporting the site. We don't own any MOC and haven't had any reason to restrict our caches. We had a "live and let live" attitude about them until learning about the audit feature. For someone who enjoys surfing the caching web, usually using the map feature (which does not let you know if a cache is MOC until you click on it), that feature does seem misguided. According to Geocacher-U: "The purpose of MOC was to prevent cache piracy. Owners of MOC caches have the ability to view an "audit page" which shows the names of all the users who have viewed the cache page, how many times they have viewed it and the last time they viewed it." To me, that implies that if I click on a MOC I am instantly a suspect in the event of future mishaps to befall that cache. Do the people who like this feature want to have to provide their name and contact information every time they enter Joe's convenience store, just in case the store discovers shoplifting later and wants to know who to accuse? On the plus side, MOC owners who research clicks by succotash get to see information on our favorite caches. So maybe it's worth it to give a little extra advertising to those good caches. Bean
  19. We think this is a water moccasin, spotted in the Phinizy Swamp Nature Park on our way to The Original Swamp Cache. At the time it was not near any of the caches in the park, but there is an earth cache very close to this location now.
  20. We love this thread too... and thought that picture looked familiar! This was the favorite of the four caches we did on the Emory Campus that day and we have this photo on our fridge.
  21. We released "She's Da Bomb!" earlier this year and she recently made it to Saudi Arabia and back to the U.S. (thanks Super Scott)! Another favorite is a TB we made from a gift coin created by cacher Dragonfly Dreams. We found it in a cache, made the Dragonfly TB, and released it in August. The joy and fun of sharing with others and watching where they go is worth the frustration of the ones that don't make it.
  22. This isn't the first time food has sent the authorities awry: Oops....
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