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Posts posted by Alysn

  1. Yup, I did:




    I also left two caches out in the wilds and then my life got busy and I moved before I had a chance to post them. In the move I lost the coordinates of both. I went back to both areas a year later and was able to find one, which it appeared that no one had ever found, but could not locate the precise area of the other and thus was unable to retrieve it. So, if you are ever out doing the final two stages of Blue Moon:




    and you look in the upright portion of an old, fat, tree trunk, you may find yourself with an accidental find. Someday I plan on looking for it again - you never know.

  2. About 25 years ago I was walking in the woods near my home and came across about 50 little pill bottle sized containers with pictures of marijuana leaves on the side. It looked like someone had bought a bunch of "Grow Your Own Marijuana!" kits and then dumped the little containers in the woods once they had outgrown them. Well, I truly don't know what they were but that's what they looked like.


    On my very first geocache I found a CD player and two cd cases just off the path, hidden behind a tree. The circumstances were strange, though I'm sure it wasn't anything illegal.


    Aside from those, I stumbled upon a couple of guys 'hooking up' while cacheing in NJ. The particular park was a known homosexual cruising area. Unfortunately, that fact was not known to the cache placer or the first few people to visit the cache. :P

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