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Everything posted by kvhollis

  1. Me too! Hopefully you use something like VMWare or Virtual PC to do all of that!
  2. Oh yea. Certainly changed all of the file names and it's working like a champ. Is there a more recent build that is stable and doesn't suffer from the Zoine DLL problem?
  3. That did it! Never would I have imagined that!
  4. Mind if I play with the image file? I'm coming up on my lunch break at work. Sure. I'll attach them here. I added 3 here. These are just a few of the ones I wanted to add of 6 or so.
  5. I saw something like that in an early version of the builder. Try renaming the file to use a lower case file name. By the way, which version of the builder are you running? I tried lower case - still no luck. I'm using build: #2.0.4721.3802 after running into the DLL issues with the last build.
  6. I've been trying to add media to a cartidge. I add the name, the description, then I click on Add. I select the JPG file and I get the error, "Selected File Type Not Valid". I have never had a problem previously with any other cartidge. I can open the photo in Windows and in Photoshop with no issues what so ever. Has anyone else seen something like this?
  7. I haven't seen any posts regarding newly introduced bugs with 2.51. Not that it couldn't be broken, of course I do, however, vaguely remember some posts regarding problems with long message box text. I notice you have one very large message. IF this is the one involved at the point of the crash, you might try shortenting it substantially to see if that helps. Edited to add: This post discusses the message length problem. That describes my problem to a "T". Thanks SO much for the heads up on this one. That is exactly where it would die just as indicated in the linked topic. Screen would go "white" and the unit would power off as soon as the Zone.OnEnter event would fire (and should have displayed that message).
  8. I was just wondering if it may be the cartidge itself or the 2.51 firmware on the Colorado that was/is causing the problems.
  9. require "Wherigo" ZonePoint = Wherigo.ZonePoint Distance = Wherigo.Distance Player = Wherigo.Player -- #Author Directives Go Here# -- -- #End Author Directives# -- cartAWalkAlongWestCreek = Wherigo.ZCartridge() -- MessageBox Callback Functions Table used by the Builder -- cartAWalkAlongWestCreek.MsgBoxCBFuncs = {} zmediaWestCreekLedges = Wherigo.ZMedia(cartAWalkAlongWestCreek) zmediaWestCreekLedges.Name="West Creek Ledges" zmediaWestCreekLedges.Description="" zmediaWestCreekLedges.AltText="" zmediaWestCreekLedges.Id="48f2ca8a-60a5-4f08-a459-819c1f5cde45" zmediaWestCreekLedges.Resources = { { Type = "jpg", Filename = "Ledges.jpg", Directives = {},}, } zmediaWestCreekErosion = Wherigo.ZMedia(cartAWalkAlongWestCreek) zmediaWestCreekErosion.Name="West Creek Erosion" zmediaWestCreekErosion.Description="" zmediaWestCreekErosion.AltText="" zmediaWestCreekErosion.Id="c4fadef1-f69e-4c5c-a5ff-8a32ce82d96d" zmediaWestCreekErosion.Resources = { { Type = "jpg", Filename = "Erosion.jpg", Directives = {},}, } zmediaWestCreekConfluence = Wherigo.ZMedia(cartAWalkAlongWestCreek) zmediaWestCreekConfluence.Name="West Creek Confluence" zmediaWestCreekConfluence.Description="" zmediaWestCreekConfluence.AltText="" zmediaWestCreekConfluence.Id="2887be89-5135-4998-8308-d1ab0e74bbe1" zmediaWestCreekConfluence.Resources = { { Type = "jpg", Filename = "Confluence.jpg", Directives = {},}, } zmediaFinal = Wherigo.ZMedia(cartAWalkAlongWestCreek) zmediaFinal.Name="Final" zmediaFinal.Description="" zmediaFinal.AltText="" zmediaFinal.Id="29d5058a-6e27-48eb-9683-f2eeffc2fc3f" zmediaFinal.Resources = { { Type = "jpg", Filename = "Final.jpg", Directives = {},}, } zmediaWaterfall = Wherigo.ZMedia(cartAWalkAlongWestCreek) zmediaWaterfall.Name="Waterfall" zmediaWaterfall.Description="" zmediaWaterfall.AltText="" zmediaWaterfall.Id="062a0357-e599-483d-9f64-372639d16bda" zmediaWaterfall.Resources = { { Type = "jpg", Filename = "Waterfall.jpg", Directives = {},}, } -- Cartridge Info -- cartAWalkAlongWestCreek.Id="5cf117bd-7b5e-42e1-8469-4837544aed2e" cartAWalkAlongWestCreek.Name="A Walk Along West Creek" cartAWalkAlongWestCreek.Description=[[West Creek is a 9 mile tributary of the Cuyahoga River and encompasses a 14 square mile watershed. West Creek has 10,000 years of history beginning with post-glacial remnants. This tour will take you along a paved pathway next to West Creek showcasing interesting geological formations as you go. Some have described doing Wherigo caches as a Multi (except you don't have to find each stage. The player knows where you are. It can and/or will interact with you during the course of the game. It all will depend on how the cartridge was developed. Others have described a Wherigo gas as a virtual with a puzzle (one that you don't have to solve) at the end. To complete this cache - all you will have to do is walk along the pathway from East to West and visit 3 seperate zones. Once you have done that - the final zone will appear and give you the proper directions to find the actual container with a logbook that you can sign. ]] cartAWalkAlongWestCreek.Visible=true cartAWalkAlongWestCreek.Activity="Geocache" cartAWalkAlongWestCreek.StartingLocationDescription=[[]] cartAWalkAlongWestCreek.StartingLocation = ZonePoint(41.4133000055949,-81.6798666636149,0) cartAWalkAlongWestCreek.Version="1.3" cartAWalkAlongWestCreek.Company="" cartAWalkAlongWestCreek.Author="The Conman" cartAWalkAlongWestCreek.BuilderVersion="2.0.4721.3802" cartAWalkAlongWestCreek.CreateDate="6/24/2008 9:18:58 AM" cartAWalkAlongWestCreek.PublishDate="7/1/2008 3:15:41 PM" cartAWalkAlongWestCreek.UpdateDate="7/1/2008 6:23:18 PM" cartAWalkAlongWestCreek.LastPlayedDate="1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM" cartAWalkAlongWestCreek.TargetDevice="PocketPC" cartAWalkAlongWestCreek.TargetDeviceVersion="0" cartAWalkAlongWestCreek.StateId="1" cartAWalkAlongWestCreek.CountryId="2" cartAWalkAlongWestCreek.Complete=false cartAWalkAlongWestCreek.UseLogging=true cartAWalkAlongWestCreek.Media=zmediaWaterfall -- Zones -- zoneWestCreekErosion = Wherigo.Zone(cartAWalkAlongWestCreek) zoneWestCreekErosion.Id="3f6aef67-edc9-470f-bbce-40d660d8bcde" zoneWestCreekErosion.Name="West Creek Erosion" zoneWestCreekErosion.Description=[[]] zoneWestCreekErosion.Visible=false zoneWestCreekErosion.DistanceRange = Distance(1500, "feet") zoneWestCreekErosion.ShowObjects="OnEnter" zoneWestCreekErosion.ProximityRange = Distance(200, "feet") zoneWestCreekErosion.AllowSetPositionTo=false zoneWestCreekErosion.Active=true zoneWestCreekErosion.Points = { ZonePoint(41.4128,-81.6811,0), ZonePoint(41.4128,-81.681,0), ZonePoint(41.41273,-81.681,0), ZonePoint(41.41273,-81.6811,0) } zoneWestCreekErosion.OriginalPoint = ZonePoint(41.412766679128,-81.6810499827067,0) zoneWestCreekErosion.DistanceRangeUOM = "Feet" zoneWestCreekErosion.ProximityRangeUOM = "Feet" zoneWestCreekErosion.OutOfRangeName = "" zoneWestCreekErosion.InRangeName = "" zoneWestCreekConfluence = Wherigo.Zone(cartAWalkAlongWestCreek) zoneWestCreekConfluence.Id="74fed93d-e527-4162-9d73-072f827aae2e" zoneWestCreekConfluence.Name="West Creek Confluence" zoneWestCreekConfluence.Description=[[]] zoneWestCreekConfluence.Visible=false zoneWestCreekConfluence.DistanceRange = Distance(1500, "feet") zoneWestCreekConfluence.ShowObjects="OnEnter" zoneWestCreekConfluence.ProximityRange = Distance(200, "feet") zoneWestCreekConfluence.AllowSetPositionTo=false zoneWestCreekConfluence.Active=true zoneWestCreekConfluence.Points = { ZonePoint(41.4126,-81.68363,0), ZonePoint(41.4126,-81.68354,0), ZonePoint(41.41253,-81.68354,0), ZonePoint(41.41253,-81.68363,0) } zoneWestCreekConfluence.OriginalPoint = ZonePoint(41.4125666618347,-81.6835833231608,0) zoneWestCreekConfluence.DistanceRangeUOM = "Feet" zoneWestCreekConfluence.ProximityRangeUOM = "Feet" zoneWestCreekConfluence.OutOfRangeName = "" zoneWestCreekConfluence.InRangeName = "" zoneWestCreekLedges = Wherigo.Zone(cartAWalkAlongWestCreek) zoneWestCreekLedges.Id="01944a2b-d81e-4387-b3d0-5d38a39bf32b" zoneWestCreekLedges.Name="West Creek Ledges" zoneWestCreekLedges.Description=[[]] zoneWestCreekLedges.Visible=true zoneWestCreekLedges.DistanceRange = Distance(1500, "feet") zoneWestCreekLedges.ShowObjects="OnEnter" zoneWestCreekLedges.ProximityRange = Distance(200, "feet") zoneWestCreekLedges.AllowSetPositionTo=false zoneWestCreekLedges.Active=true zoneWestCreekLedges.Points = { ZonePoint(41.41247,-81.67725,0), ZonePoint(41.41247,-81.67715,0), ZonePoint(41.4124,-81.67715,0), ZonePoint(41.4124,-81.67725,0) } zoneWestCreekLedges.OriginalPoint = ZonePoint(41.4124333381653,-81.6771999994914,0) zoneWestCreekLedges.DistanceRangeUOM = "Feet" zoneWestCreekLedges.ProximityRangeUOM = "Feet" zoneWestCreekLedges.OutOfRangeName = "" zoneWestCreekLedges.InRangeName = "" zoneFinal = Wherigo.Zone(cartAWalkAlongWestCreek) zoneFinal.Id="c594b746-bf4f-4748-8358-1a09f7fd0b95" zoneFinal.Name="Final" zoneFinal.Description=[[]] zoneFinal.Visible=false zoneFinal.DistanceRange = Distance(1500, "feet") zoneFinal.ShowObjects="OnEnter" zoneFinal.ProximityRange = Distance(200, "feet") zoneFinal.AllowSetPositionTo=false zoneFinal.Active=false zoneFinal.Points = { (((EDITED OUT))) } zoneFinal.OriginalPoint = ZonePoint(41.4121166547139,-81.6819000244141,0) zoneFinal.DistanceRangeUOM = "Feet" zoneFinal.ProximityRangeUOM = "Feet" zoneFinal.OutOfRangeName = "" zoneFinal.InRangeName = "" -- Characters -- -- Items -- -- Tasks -- -- Cartridge Variables -- -- Builder Variables (to be read by the builder only) -- buildervar = {} -- ZTimers -- -- Inputs -- -- -- Events/Conditions/Actions -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------Builder Generated functions, Do not Edit, this will be overwritten------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function zoneWestCreekErosion:OnEnter() -- #GroupDescription=ErosionZone -- -- #Comment=ErosionZone Comment -- Wherigo.MessageBox{Text=[[Here at the posted coordinates you will see massive evidence of erosion from West Creek. Walk closer to the edge (be very careful as the water may have eroded support under the edge) and observe the erosive powers of water as it has dislodged a large amount of soil and sediment in this spot. It has eroded the soil down to the Bedford shale. The Bedford Shale is well exposed in Northern, Central, and Southern Ohio and has been used as a source of clay for making bricks and ceramic products. You can see that the water has eroded down to the shale in both directions. If you are able - notice how the pattern in which the shale is formed. You can see the thin individual layers. Notice the texture and the color in this location. You will see that it starts out wide and the deeper the creek gets the more narrow it gets at the bottom levels. This is caused by the amount and intensity of the creek water levels moving towards the Cuyahoga River. You can also observe spots where the shale has given way due to the erosive powers of the creek. You have completed this task. Continue on to the next zone (towards the west) - which is the convergence. ]],Media=zmediaWestCreekErosion,} zoneWestCreekConfluence.Visible = true zoneWestCreekErosion.Visible = false end function zoneWestCreekLedges:OnEnter() -- #GroupDescription=West Creek Ledges -- -- #Comment=West Creek Ledges Comment -- Wherigo.MessageBox{Text=[[When you arrive in this zone - look across the creek. Here you will see a very interesting geological formation. You will notice evenly spaced channels cut into the rock surface. Notice the surface of the rock. What type of rock formation do you think this is? How do you think those grooves were cut into the rock? ]],Media=zmediaWestCreekLedges,} zoneWestCreekErosion.Visible = true zoneWestCreekLedges.Visible = false end function zoneWestCreekConfluence:OnEnter() -- #GroupDescription=West Creek Waterfall -- -- #Comment=West Creek Waterfall Comment -- Wherigo.MessageBox{Text=[[A confluence is a the meeting of two or more bodies of water. Here you can see two creeks being joined together. Towards the west is a beautiful waterfall where local kids have a blast playing. There is also an earth cache at the waterfall and a traditional. Many choose to walk up the creek bed and visit the earth and traditional caches. This was the last zone that you needed to complete. The final zone is now shown. Start heading back towards the parking lot and you will find the final zone. Once you get close enough a new screen will pop up giving you the exact cordinates if you so desire to use them. ]],Media=zmediaWestCreekConfluence,} zoneFinal.Active = true zoneFinal.Visible = true zoneWestCreekConfluence.Visible = false end function zoneFinal:OnProximity() -- #GroupDescription=Final Zone -- -- #Comment=Final Zone Comment -- Wherigo.MessageBox{Text=[[Congratulations you have found all zones and have made it to the final! Once you have found the cache you can save the game and then upload the results to Wherigo.com if you so desire (see the cache page for more details or the cartidge listing on Wherigo.com. This allows me to receive feedback and see how the cartridge ran for you. I hope you enjoyed this brand new cache type and the first of it's kind in Ohio! Conman ]],Media=zmediaFinal,Buttons={"OK",},} end ------End Builder Generated functions, Do not Edit, this will be overwritten------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------Builder Generated callbacks, Do not Edit, this will be overwritten------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --#LASTCALLBACKKEY=0#-- ------End Builder Generated callbacks, Do not Edit, this will be overwritten------ -- #Author Functions Go Here# -- -- #End Author Functions# -- -- Nothing after this line -- return cartAWalkAlongWestCreek
  10. All images are indeed JPG (just read about that today) and all images are present. Thanks for the reply.
  11. While running a cartridge that I developed . . . my colorado crashes (or should I just mention that the unit dies) when you enter the second zone. When you enter the zone - a photo with a message is supposed to be displayed. However, I can't get past this issue. The issue is not present on the emulator. Colorado is running the 2.51 version of the firmware. Any ideas?
  12. Any ideas how to script that to require them to push the button?
  13. I have a event that fires when a player enters the zone. The first thing that it is *supposed* to do is (1) show a dialog (with photo) to the user and then Wherigo (2) asks a question using the natural surrounding area for the answer. The problem: It always asks the question first before the player seeings the dialog box. I checked the order of events. The "show a message to the player" is listed first. Then it will ask the question: Any ideas on what I can do to get it to show the message first THEN ask a question?
  14. I too am in favor of an Earth Cache forum. I troll pretty much in the general forums but I think I personally would participate more there as I really enjoying finding and devloping earth caches.
  15. kvhollis

    Task problem

    I believe that made all of the difference in the world!
  16. kvhollis

    Task problem

    My zone is 30 feet in size. I think I will definately increase the size and see if that makes a difference. Builder version is 2.0.4908 (3/7/08) and the player is 2.11 I believe. Khan
  17. kvhollis

    Task problem

    I have a very simply cartidge. When you enter the zone - a task is marked as completed. I have it set to "when you enter the zone" - however, the task is not being marked as complete until the feet says ZERO and the zone says "here". Any ideas?
  18. I am getting complile errors with the following data in my "show message to player" dialog box. Congratulations! Also, you will need to email me your completion code. Made sure you write it down! [[You survived, your completioncode is :]] .. Player.CompletionCode Any ideas?
  19. Any sample code that can be used to encrypt answers in the data file?
  20. I am now trying to defeat armchair caching. Have you successfully tried this code? Does it work? Thanks.
  21. How do I check the accuracy and/or altimeter in Wherigo? I have a completed cartidge and people have gotten word out that you can do it in the emulator. Does anyone have some sample code I could use to check the altimeter reading?
  22. I'm getting similar behavior on my task events. It looks like they aren't triggering at all. Here's what I did... Made a quick and easy cartridge with three zones (all active). Made three tasks that were basically "Go to each zone". When the zones are entered, they fire off a "When the player enters a zone" event that sets the appropriate task to Complete... "Set ztaskGoToJeffersonMemorial Complete true". The tasks do get flagged as complete, as I can see them disappear in the emulator. Each task has a "When a task status changes" event that is supposed to do the following: Increment TaskCount by 1 If TaskCount Equal 3 Show a series of Dialog messages to the player Set cartDCMallTour complete true else Show a message to the player end None of that seems to be happening at all. I don't get the series of dialogs when all tasks are completed (TaskCount=3) and I don't get the (else) message if they aren't all completed. The cartridge never gets completed either. Is this a bug with the builder or code, or a bug with the emulator? My Builder is 2.0.4807.4874 2/11/2008 10:06:48 AM and my emulator is 1.0.2963.18199 12/31/1600 7:00PM engine version 2.11. If you want more detail (including message log), it's all posted in the tutorial I'm building at http://smthng.info/Builder (near the bottom). I can confirm that the builder is not writing out the proper functions for the task events. I'm making the change now and will have an update today. Thanks for testing this. So much for having it today. This change has to be made to our "engine" code and so will take some time to get done. I'll probably have something by the end of next week. David. I am in exactly the same boat. Does anyone know the status of this? Has it been fixed? I downloaded the lastest build Saturday, March 1st.
  23. I have two - one for each of my GPSr's. Yes, I would recommend it! Do it early before you have scratched and banged your GPS all over the place. But then again - better late than never. Easy indeed to apply. I had a buddy who told me something a LITTLE different than their directions were. I liked his much better as it made the application of the sheild so MUCH easier. They said spray both sides a LITTLE. However, once you put it on the screen it's VERY difficult to move the protector around to arrange it better to your liking especially if your aim is off. The 2nd time I put one on we SOAKED it on both sides. It sliped and slid all over the place. Better to get it exactly where I wanted it. Hope it helps. Drop me a line if you want / need to. khanATkhanhollis.com
  24. They are indeed very nice looking. If I had to choose one of the colors as my favorite - the award would go to the silver ones!
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