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Posts posted by WI_Robin
Orders that have been placed are ready to go in tomorrow's mail. Here is an updated list on what's still available:
Smokey the Bear - gold
CITO Around the World - gold
GeoGuitar (WI_Robin 2008)
Vegas Gamblers - Gold and Silver
Wayward Son - BN
WI 2007 - Gold
Chippewa Valley Geocaching Event - Bronze
Tools of the Trade - S
GeoJersey (the Tokos)-S
Geocaching America - AB
Paperless Caching (PDA coin - batteries dead) - S
WI_Robin MWGB 2008 - S
WI 2005 - G
WSGA 2007 - AG (pending ?)
Nerds v2 various colors ($6 shipped)
Thanks and enjoy your coins. I will send out adoption requests on Friday for those who bought activated coins.
Hi all-
I have not been doing anything with geocoins for over a year now. I have decided to clean house so someone else can enjoy them. This is not meant to offend anyone - I have not kept track of which coins are trade only, LE, XLE, ext.......... I have paid or traded fairly for all of these coins and I am certainly not making a profit on them - I just want to get them out where people can appreciate them. I have mostly activated coins - that I intended to travel, but they didn't make it out yet and a few unactivated coins. I also have many non-trackable coins, sample coins and mystery coins that I am going to give away with each purchase (one free gift per person). I will adopt the activated coins to whom ever purchases them. Almost all coins will be $10 - shipping included. First come, first serve. I will be away from the computer for awhile, so be patient in waiting for a response. Here is the list:
Smokey the Bear - gold
CITO Around the World - gold
GeoGuitar (WI_Robin 2008)
Vegas Gamblers - Gold and Silver
Wayward Son - BN
Sock Monkey - Gold and Silver
WI 2007 - Gold
Chippewa Valley Geocaching Event - Bronze
Deadmans Hand 2006 - AS
Tools of the Trade - S
American Indian - AC
GeoJersey (the Tokos)-S
Last Cache of the Day - C
First to Find - BN
Geocaching America - AB
Midnight FTF - S
Paperless Caching (PDA coin - batteries dead) - S
WI_Robin MWGB 2008 - S
Staffordshire 2007 - G
WI 2005 - G
WSGA 2007 - AG
Nerds v2 various colors ($6 shipped)
I will respond to all e-mails later today. wisconsin_robin@yahoo.com All coins are $10 each shipping included unless marked otherwise. I will include one free gift per person with each purchase.
Thanks - Robin
I have an auction up for Tod's family. I can not post a link here, so you will just have to IMAGINE what it could be; or you can look it up on E-bay. Do a search for geocoin Tod and you should find it.
Only 1 day left, and it is still a bargain compared to what other mystery coins in charitable auction have sold for.....................
I have an auction up for Tod's family. I can not post a link here, so you will just have to IMAGINE what it could be; or you can look it up on E-bay. Do a search for geocoin Tod and you should find it.
The parrot left a dropping at the table I was sitting at as well. Unfortunately I had not been following the forums and didn't realize what it was. A newbie trader was trading me some coins and asked about the coin sitting on the corner of the table, if it was mine. I knew it wasn't and said so. She replied "Well, I will take it then. Finders, keepers." When I got home I found out that between my son and I she had traded us 3 activated coins for 3 unactivated coins....................... I also traded coins with lots of kids who found them with the metal detectors only to find out later that the tracking numbers had been ground off
It is a good thing that I "don't sweat the small stuff"! Thanks Mystery Parrot for your good intentions anyway, your generousity does not go unappreciated!
I have not been visiting the forums much this summer, busy with all the chaos that kids bring to the house in the summer. Last week I received a long delayed package from Ima Gine. Of course it was the stunning Imagine mystery coin and CD. What a beautiful message in these troubled times. I feel very honored to receive it, but I think it could serve a better purpose than to be admired in my coin binder. I just read about Tod's sudden passing. If I get no objections, I think you can all IMAGINE where I am going with this. I will be putting a listing up on E-bay Sunday evening with TOD in the title. I will not be able to put a link here, but please look for it and spread the word.
Thank you Ima Gine for the wonderful coin and the beautiful message that goes along with it. I hope you will feel that what I would like to do with this coin honors the intent of it. If you do not want me to proceed with my plans please send me an e-mail and I will honor your wishes. Thanks again for your generousity and message of good will.
What a tragedy, to lose someone who was in the prime of their life. I can not imagine what Tod’s family and friends have been going through. My thoughts and prayers go out to them. I have not been visiting this forum recently, busy with the every day goings on in life that summer brings to a household with children. I know reading this has made me pause a bit and maybe extend their bedtime hugs a few seconds longer than usual and tell my teenage daughter that I love her and to drive careful before she rushes out the door; because you do never know how long any of us will be here. Last week I received a long delayed package from Ima Gine. Of course it was the stunning Imagine mystery coin and CD. What a beautiful message in these troubled times. I feel very honored to receive it, but I think it could serve a better purpose than to be admired in my coin binder. If I get no objections, I think you can all IMAGINE where I am going with this. I will be putting a listing up on E-bay Sunday evening with TOD in the title. I will not be able to put a link here, but please look for it and spread the word. It is very uplifting to see how the geocoin community pulls together to help out in times like these. There really are a wonderful bunch of people here!
Got the nickel with black nickel horses:
We're keeping 2 or 3, so only 2 or 3 will ever be sold.
Any preference: silent auction here or ebay? Ebay is now taking ~8% of the final value fee; more people would see it though.
The auction is up and running XLE American Mustang Geocoin. Please bid generously. All proceeds will go directly to Tank and Tracy. Thanks E.caballus!!
If someone offers to replace your coin that's great! They will feel better about being able to fix the problem and hopefully you will feel better about sending coins out to travel. I don't think I would ask someone to replace a lost coin, I think it's a risk of the game. It may just take a little patience. I have had several coins turn up after more than 1 year of being inactive. Usually they are found in the bottom of a cache bag, but also have been know to reappear from under a seat in the car. I also attach a tag that tells what the coin is and has my e-mail address on it. That way if it is found by a muggle they have a way to contact me. That being said, I still have plenty of coins that are "missing" at this point in time.
Finally got mine. Thanks!
Hey, I've been wondering where your name has been
Glad everything seems to be swell with you.
I just have not had the time or funds to focus on geocoins right now. But I will have a few different coins to trade at MWGB so I can "re-stock". Right now I have about 20 that have holes drilled in them ready to release, I hope to get that done on my trip. Thanks for helping out with my "gas fund"
I am taking a road trip to Tennessee at the end of the week, making a short stop in Missouri along the way. To help defray the cost of gas I am selling a few geocoins. I have several of the Nerds (v2-trackable) for $5 each and several of the Geoguitars that say WI_Robin 2008 on the back. Shipping is $2 in the USA and $3 international for the first coin and $.50 for each additional coin. You can contact me at wisconsin_robin@yahoo.com Thanks - Robin
$5 each specify color
WoW - those went quick! Thanks!! This is what I have left
I am working on a MWGB group project coin for WI - currently impatiently waiting for the samples to show up in my mailbox
. It is a WI themed coin. I have not heard anything about a general group coin - just a guys version - Son of Cyclops has more info on that. I would probably be interested in a MWGB group coin as well.
THAT was a secret, you have now leaked TOP-SECRET information. Expect a (really quiet) knock followed by a LOUD crashing through the door as the Secret Coin Services will certainly be coming out to have a "chat" with you. I THINK I can probably calm them a bit, but a coin trade would certainly help!! Maybe one of my (unmentionable) coins for your WI themed coin???
Hope to meet you there!!!
I expect that like last year, there will be a whole lot of trading going on.
I have been working on the WI MWGB project for about 3 months (my how time flies). I did talk to the MWGB folks about my idea before I did anything else and they are fine with it as long as I make a donation to the auction. I would love to meet you and do some trading at the bash!
I am working on a MWGB group project coin for WI - currently impatiently waiting for the samples to show up in my mailbox
. It is a WI themed coin. I have not heard anything about a general group coin - just a guys version - Son of Cyclops has more info on that. I would probably be interested in a MWGB group coin as well.
Mine made it to WI on Saturday.
I am looking for a blue "A New Cacher" geocoin. It is the one that is shaped like a baby bottle. I don't have a lot of traders at the present, but I did get some Geoguitars and would be willing to trade for one of those or purchase. Thanks!!
Only 12 hours left and it is still at a bagain price: XLE Glitter Chase Your Dreams Geocoin. All funds from this sale will go directly to TNT. Thanks to all current bidders!
No swirl on mine either, kind of disappointing since I was never told that would be a problem this time and that there where swirls done on other ones. I have not looked my order over closly yet, but I did notice that I do have the missing "TheCollector" nerd. Open to trades - any trackable coin for a v2 nerd, color of your choice. I will try to get some pics up tomorrow.
Thanks again to the Highland Geofairy and all who bid on the "unmentionable" coin. It sold for $113.50.
I have an other coin up on E-bay, thanks to Dorsetgal and GeoDog!! XLE Glitter Chase Your Dreams Geocoin. This is one of only 30 made. It will be sent to the winning bidder directly from Dorsetgal and GeoDog, with the payment going directly to Tank and Tracy's paypal account. Thanks! - Robin
Oops........... If you search TnT geocoin on E-bay you can find the unmentionable coin.
Just over 5 hours left. Thanks to all who have bid so far. Funds paid for the coin will go directly to Tank and Tracy.
You can have one of each color that says "WI_Robin" on it.
Oops........... If you search TnT geocoin on E-bay you can find the unmentionable coin.
kayakerinme geocoins
in Trackables
I have one of the sets on E-Bay now. I have not ben on the forums recently and not been active in geocoins for over a year. Until this evening I had not been contacted by anyone voicing an objection to their sale. I feel that once you make a trade the coins are the property of the person you traded with. When I traded with Barry he did not trade them to me under any condition that he made known to me, in fact his e-mail said that I could do what ever I wanted with the coins. I had never been to his website and never even knew he had one. When they arrived they had no disclaimer attached with any conditions of ownership. Over a period of time I trade for 3 sets. I gave a copper set to a friend, sent a set traveling and saved a set which I intended to display and let people discover. I am now no longer into the geocoin thing for multiple reasons, so I am selling my unactivated coins. I had received many gift "secret" coins and a Moun10bike coin (from Jon himself) and those I have re-gifted to others. The first coin I made was trackable and I gave most of them away-with no conditions attached in geocaches (now that is real old school). If you trade coins with a presumed restriction on them that should be made known at the time of the trade - or better yet have it engraved into the coin so everyone is aware. An other option is to activate them all yourself so you retain "ownership" of them even though they are in an other person's collection. So now I have unknowingly placed these coins up for sale and other unknowing people have bid on them. It certainly was not done against anyones express wishes that I was aware of and not done with the intent of upsetting anyone. Had I been made aware from the start that these coins were not to be sold they would not be on E-Bay now.