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Posts posted by mcgreggor57

  1. According to this site IE users are in the minority and have been trending so for last 5 years. Also, a quick check of Google brings up lot of discussions of the problem beginning with IE 11. If Garmin has no interest in making it compatible then I don;t see a lot of options other than a compatible browser when using the communicator plug in.

  2. One of the reasons I became interested in this hobby was for the exercise. So far I've only dedicated a couple blocks of time this month to search a neighboring state park. Each of those treks ended up being in the 4 mile range through the woods and trails. Without having a purpose for walking my total mileage for a single day is less than 1 mile.


    There are some cache rich wooded areas within an hours drive that I'm planning on hitting this summer when I can spend the entire day looking for them. I expect my distance will increase during those outings.

  3. I'm about a week in to geocaching and decided today was the day I was going to dedicate some time to find nearby ones in the state park. Prior to today I had a couple park and grabs.


    I successfully downloaded a PQ to both my old etrek Legend C, as well as Android app, and set out with a vague plan of attack. Along the way I realized a few things.


    1) Check to make sure my Garmin is changed from driving to hiking. One quest led me about a mile in the opposite direction trying to get me to the nearest road rather then GZ. A late check of my phone got me back to the correct area.

    2) Bring extra pens. It was muddy out and I was crisscrossing a creek and ended up taking a spill, losing my pen in the process. Thankfully I was headed back to the car and grabbed another one.

    3) Have a game plan. The map display on my phone was difficult to read in the sun and I had to keeping trying to figure out which cache to attempt to find next. I finally took a break, lit another cigar, and made some notes as to the order for the next several.

    4) Bring a geo bag of some type. I thought today was going to be pretty straight forward but could've used several items that others have mentioned always carrying...including water.

    5) Once near GZ the game changes. I don't know how many thickets I blindly walked through instead of putting the gps/phone away and looking for likely spots.

    6) Magnetic micros are slippery devils. I spent 10 minutes searching the grass for the one I dropped.


    It was a 3 hour 5 mile adventure ending in a 5/7 day. There are another 17 or so caches in the park and I know I'll be better prepared next time. Thanks to all who have shared their knowledge and advice here!

  4. Hi,

    My name is Gregg and I was introduced to Geocaching this past week. I love the aspect of being able to get both physical and mental exercise at the same time. Currently I'm making notes of caches near my home and office and hope to spend some lunch hours finding a few urban one's before venturing out to the more secluded ones near me. My two passions in this stage of my life are golf and cigars. With an addictive personality, I'm pretty sure Geocaching could easily become another one. In the meantime, I'm still working on my first solo find. If you're in the Louisville area, I hope to run into you one of these days.

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