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Posts posted by FishRockette

  1. It's a little frustrating to have to keep clicking caches to find out if it's a micro or not. It would be much simpler if we could tell at a glance by using the icon system. We have the green lidded box for all physical caches, a yellow lidded multi box for the multicaches. So why not a pill box, or Altoids tin, or film canister looking one for the micros?


    Please save our Micro Sanity.


    Thank you.


    Fish Rockette

  2. I'm really confused, I have the Magellan eXplorist 100, which I'm beginning to regret, but hey it was a present! And I don't think I quite get the coordinates idea yet. Either my GPS is way off or I'm missing something. I've read my manual twice through now, along with tons of spot readings and I just don't feel it's accurate, is there a way to test it?


    Also am I supposed to find my way to the cache completely by the coords or can I use maps? Are maps cheating? And technically if maps are cool why do I even have the GPS? Couldn't I just use maps and a compass?


    I've read all the beginner things and I just feel a tad lost, someone please help me! :D

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