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Posts posted by Rock-hopper

  1. Ah, finally find the answer, and this works!


    GC2.) How do I download geocaches into my Garmin Oregon?


    There are three ways to download geocaches directly from geocaching.com. You need to be a premium member to use 2) and 3) below. Non-premium members can use option 1) but get only limited information downloaded to the Oregon.


    Connect your Oregon to your computer and do one of the following:


    1.Goto the cache page you would like to download to your Oregon and select the "Send to GPS" button. Select the Oregon as the device and click Write. This only allows you to download one cache at a time to your Oregon . You will need to have Communicator installed in order for this to work.

    2.Goto the cache page and click the "GPX eXchange file" button and select "download file" in your browser. Once the gpx file is downloaded to your computer copy it to [OR drive]:\Garmin\GPX . This method only allows you to download one cache at a time.

    3.Create and run a Pocket Query. Once you receive the pocket query via email, save the attachment, unzip the file and copy both gpx files to [OR drive]:\Garmin\GPX. Geocaches will show up on the Found and/or Unfound List and child waypoints will show up as waypoints on the Oregon. This works for up to 500 geocaches (the limit of the pocket query).


    After completing one of the three steps above, disconnect, power on the Oregon and the caches will be visible in Main Menu>Geocaches.

  2. Hi,


    I've upgraded from Garin 60 to the wonderful Oregon 550. BUT, I can't get Easy GPS to recognise it to send my pocket query to the Oregon.


    I've also tried downlaoding bulk waypoints from geocaching.com, without success. I have downloaded the plug in required, and the test was good. I can download caches individually.


    Can someone please advise how I can download bulk caches, inc (translated) hints and logs?


    Many thanks

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