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Everything posted by Packanack

  1. Voorhees State Park is Mountain Bike Friendly--the trails are regarded as being MULTI USE--so get out of the way and make room for the bikers. THIS IS A POKER RUN IS IT NOT /// I believe that 2 trails are counted as foot paths only, one of which is the Highland Trail and another which is the cross park trail.
  2. Is there some overriding policy consideration that drives this ? Or is it just more bureaucratic folderol that we have come to expect as part of "life".
  3. You really know who your friends are : Ask a couple of friends if they would help teach the nuances of geocaching , while on a 20 mile bike ride to a group of Boy Scouts--If they say yes--they are keepers. Thanks Paul, Richard and Bill, -- Ramapo , accbd and Bill to the Geocaching world, respectively. My friend at my local troop asked if I would help them plan such a ride and do a geocaching thing, I said sure, but I knew to recruit a couple of much more patient personalities to the cause. Herding Cats is easier. But they were able to impart some of their considerable geocaching and bicycling sense to the boys and they took their own time to give something back to the game. Thanks Guys. Geocaching is a new merit badge of BSA and they will no doubt be seeking merit badge counsellors in the near future, think about it. Planning the search. acccbd says Wallkill Valley Rail Trail--New Paltz on 10/17
  4. Did you buy a pump ? I ride a bike, 10 miles out from car, tire goes flat, replace tube and use one of those knuckle buster mini pumps to fill same. Next stop bike shop for CO2 inflator.
  5. I actually went out and found the cache the OP was speaking of, he being something of a homeboy to me, and he was right on the mark. The finder before me posted a note , not the OP, and it called it to my attention as it was near home, so on way home from work I stopped. The real problem was that the electrical work was awful, I was actually amazed that it had been passed. Outdoors, mounted on metal sign post, open live boxes, wires un secured , boxes fixed to the post with hose clamps. I am no electrician, but in my youth I worked the trades and the OP had reason to inquire. I also note that the hider is relatively new and has generated some comment on his hides and their appropriateness--but that is another story.
  6. Getting back to topic: 1.The OP has 6 finds in one year, suggesting to me that they do not have an extreme familiarity with all of the types of places surrounding them. The do not have the requisite familiarity with their area. 2. With 6 finds , in my view , they are premature in their assessment of what they need to know as it pertains to making their first hide. Behind a shopping center is almost always a trashed out buffer area for drainage and to separate the center from residential area. In the NY metro area. 3. They seemed completely oblivious to the access presented by the hole in the fence. That is a fairly typical arrangement for homeless encampments in this area. Other signs--blue tarps, resin chairs, milk crates, smokey odor and well worn treadways into such areas. People walking with provisions in bags for long distances. The OP felt that they were somehow in danger, chances are they were not, they were more likely hysterical and frightened -- which is a far cry from being in danger. You might feel uncomfortable walking through a homeless camp, but the residents are often fearful that outsiders are there to displace them. Better for neither to feel out of sorts, so stay out is a normal way to treat. The OP's comment that they live in a "really nice area" speaks volumes to me as to their lack of exposure to the underside of the area.
  7. Personally I think it shocking that some would do this, but I am told that some get a charge out of it. Seriously, placement on electrical equipment of any sort is not a good idea. I have no problem with fake boxes placed away from live settings.
  8. Ok, I'll bite -I wish they would bring back Web Cam Caches.
  9. I take my dog out pretty regularly (note I say my dog) actually was my son's idea ---We have to get another dog---and on and on. So last year I said if it will make you happy--go ahead--cause I was the stumbling block. We we get a dog, don't know the first thing about the breed-- Border Collie--so I get the book and the first rule of Border Collie is exercise, work, exercise and more work, then throw in some training--the training is for the owner cause the dog is smarter than the owner. So as I near my 60th birthday I find myself walking 5 miles a day--365 days consecutively--haven't lost an ounce to dispell that walking to lose weight nonsense. But I have come to love the guy and he is all about his humans. Vacation last week, I took him caching every morning. Use a 10 foot loose leash and voice commands, Over here, this way, whoa are the ones he is good with for trail walking and he goes back over the trail on the return like he is gps guided, never makes a mistake, even at a point where 4 trails converged. It is a lot of work, but can be fun. This fall I hope to do some more obedience training, because he is coming into the "adolescent" stage where they start to assert their inate bossiness. BTW, to OP--I am told that if you put them down on their feet, they will walk--so you don't have to pull them in a trailer Obedience training works wonders--Here he is in the down position waiting for me to finish.
  10. There are two web cams in Chatham Ma, which are operational and easy to log.
  11. Palisades Interstate Park, just over the GWB, Polskikrol recently placed two caches --which should be on everyone's list , if you wish to be a Geocacher--and he promises more. Campgaw , Mahwah, NJ --wgrun has placed several newer hides which are described by those who have done them as being classic caches. He is also sponsoring an event shortly. Ramapo Mountain State Forrest Ramapo County Reservation High Mountain, Wayne NJ, Hike one marked trail each trip--Red one day, yellow, blue weathernowcast is having an evening event on 9/22/10--same place you were on 1/2/10, except that it will be about 60 degrees warmer. These are the close by locales for classic hides and hikes.
  12. We have a little group here in Northern NJ that goes out caching on bicycles on a fairly regular basis. Little Known Fact: It is impossible to hold a negative thought while riding a bicycle. Psychiatric community is trying to determine what that is--but it is true--and there is no known rational explanation. One theory is that the repetitive motion coupled with exposure to the natural surroundings triggers a physical brain shift that blocks negativity. But it is such a powerful response that bicycling is being prescribed for some people who suffer with depression.
  13. Define cheating ? I found a cache, I dropped my pen, I could not sign, I logged the find on line -- I found a letterbox in a Lok N Lok , I did not realize it was a letterbox until later on when I logged the cache on line. I logged it online and went back later found the actual cache and signed the log in the cache whcih was less than 10 feet away in a tree. I have gone on group hikes and have signed the log after someone else actually found it, and likewise they have done the same when I have made the actual find. On some group ventures one person signs everyone's name in the log to avoid the pen and paper pass around. All of these situations have happened. Did I cheat ? I don't think so. But if I were to log on line without actually making the find in the field that would be cheating. Dropping a throwdown is clearly out of bounds. Logging a find with the note , it wasn't where I thought it would be is out of line. I do not understand the big deal about a DNF, they are humbling but logging them builds character. And our game needs more characters.
  14. All the time. I met a lady one time, who it turned out had written a host of trail guides for the area. On vacation last week met a lady who does triathalons , we were 300 miles from home and it turned out she lived the next town over. I have met BrianSnat in person. One of the local guys got me into reading a rain gauge and reporting the data to a weather data project. I have gone on more than 50 group outings, and each and everyone of them involved engaging and interesting people. One guy is taking flight lessons, another did marathons, another kayaks. Not a single one of them was anything other than a vital personality.
  15. wesi , I started new thread for Long Island suggestions. One find per year , it is a puzzle cache, everyone hates puzzle caches., This is recreation, not homework or work work.
  16. I think we need a new thread to discuss where New Jerseyans would like to visit on Long Island, other than the Hamptons, Montauk and Jones Beach --Where we would find caching to our liking. I started a new thread to avoid stomping all over Bill's 10-10-10 thread. Looking for parks with a developed trail system and not extreme distance wise, say one hour from GWB. We have a suggestion from Hallycat:
  17. I have gone caching on Long Island. I would like to return. It appears cache rich. Can you recommend a park with trails, preferably with water view. Thank you for your attention. I might even do a Sunrise Highway Investigation Trip as a Sunrise Stepoff.
  18. I would like this and would like to attend if around. It is right around the time to go back to the woods.
  19. PM sent, think this might be GONE weekend.
  20. With a few notable exceptions, who shall for porpoises of discussion shall remain nameless.
  21. Helen Keller was blind, perhaps it is Braille. But I am told that you are not supposed to put puzzle questions on the forums, that they are to be kept off.
  22. At least give the guy credit for making the grab in style.
  23. I say don't do it, for the reasons set forth in the post immediately preceeding. If you are leaving the area, the game or if you have a lifestyle change that precludes you from maintaining the cache,then ask one of your local cachers to adopt, maintain or pick up. Geolitter comes from those who leave the area, the game and just say nothing, leaving behind wet logs and saturated contents. We have had locals who moved were injured or worse , who died and there were community efforts to maintain, adopt or pick-up the caches on behalf of that person. It is very simple to post a request in the regional forum. It is not your cache, so don't assume ownership of it, unless very specifically cleared.
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