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Posts posted by TheBeaver&Sunbeam

  1. For those members of the Southern York County Geocaching Society looking for details to the caching for cancer event I spoke about at the last meeting here are the details...


    We'll meet at the nature center at Nixon Park at 10:30 AM


    It looks like we'll have about 12 kids (ages 7 - 14). I'm hoping to divide the group up into either 3 groups of 4 or 4 groups of 3 depending on how many folks from YCGS are willing to help. I'll have an adult from our group to accompany each group of children - so no worry about assuming responsibility for the kids.


    Here are the caches we're going after:


    Horror Quinns Cache


    An Uphill Battle


    Survival of the Prepared


    And I might place a couple of temporary caches along the trail for the beginners in our group.


    We plan to have lunch at the nature center around noon and then we may attempt one afternoon cache before calling it a day.


    We have a travel bug we will release - the kids all votes to attach a tiny kangaroo to the bug and send it off to Australia.


    If you are able to help me please let me know either by posting your name here or by sending me a private email - I'll need to know no later than Thursday March 9th so I can make arrangement for additional GPS units if I don't get enough volunteers from the group.


    I sincerely hope some of you will help. A few hours time on a Saturday could make a big difference in the life of some of these kids who have had to grow up too fast.

  2. I picked up a TB recently (see bug page here)and moved it on to a new cache. However when I went to enter the log for the cache cache log where I left the bug it did not appear in the drop down list. The bug is showing on my cache page - so how do I get rid of this thing.


    Obviously I did something correct to get the thing into my account but it's time to move it along. If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it.

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