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Posts posted by Ethankwolfe

  1. Ironically, they are instructed not to judge anyone

    ...Suffice it to say on the topic of geocaching, that such items aren't forbidden in caches, so people will put them in. Feel free to snicker, cuss, remove them, or whatever. ;)


    Oh yeah, I'm not trying to get the rules amended or anything, I know people are going to keep doing it. I just think it's rude, is all, to put them there in the first place. We're here to explore and have some fun. If we wanted to find religion, we'd go do that. We know where they keep the books.


    But I'll continue to yank 'em out, and that'll be my sort of balance I guess.

  2. Do you also remove sales coupons from caches? What about the business cards of Plumbers or Safety Advisors or other professions? Would you remove the pamphlet if it promoted something you personally believe or promote?


    It is likely that those who place this type of material believe that anytime and any place is the appropriate one for spreading the Word.


    Anyone can use a plumber. Not everyone wants to be inundated about religion when there are so many religions out there to not want to be a part of.


    And yeah, if there was a pamphlet in a cache about agnosticism I'd pull that out, too. I'm not so selfish that I see geocaches as my own personal soapboxes.


    Also, you can believe that anytime and any place is the right time to tell people about religion, but that doesn't mean you should walk up to strangers on the street and just start walking about Yahweh or Jesus or Muhammad. Geocaching isn't the place to propagate your religion, is my point. Well-meaning though you may be.

  3. Wow, a lot of elitist snobs in this topic!


    Look guys, I've been Geocaching for three months. That's nothing, I'm definitely a noob. I use a free app on my smartphone, because my smartphone has GPS on it. I didn't go out and buy my own dedicated GPS device because they're expensive, and I need to afford rent. I have an account obviously (a premium one at that), and if you think "smartphone users are destroying the community" then you need to grow up.


    Your hobby has reached a wider audience and you're upset that you're not the only ones who know about it anymore. Yes, that brings complications along with it, but you should be happy that more people are enjoying the caches now. I know I am!


    Basically, let other people enjoy this. Get mad at vandalizers, obviously, but don't go assuming that every noob with a smartphone is just destroying caches or won't find multi's. Because you would be wrong.

    ...It's not about being "elitist", but thank you for bringing that topic up again. It must be time for that comment to be on rotation somewhere in the forums, right? :unsure:


    Just because it's been said before doesn't mean there isn't an element of truth to it. A lot of the posts in this thread are decidedly elitist. Not all of them, and I'm sorry if it came off that way! But more than there ought to be.

  4. I'm agnostic. This never bothered me. In fact, I collect the burn in hell tracts. They are usually Chick tracts. Very campy to someone like me. My car sports a Darwin fish so I often get targeted with Chick tracts. Love, love, love 'em.


    Hey don't get me wrong, those tracts are hilarious. I just make sure to pull 'em out when they're in a cache. It's less of a "religious material offends my delicate sensibilities" thing and more of a "this is neither the time nor the place" thing.

  5. Recently, and especially in big cities, I've started noticing religious pamphlets shoved into caches. Anything from flyers for a local church, to business cards that say "I'm a Mormon" with a number to call. I've even found one with one of those cheap little "you're going to burn an here's why" leaflets folded up and stuffed in.


    Really? Come on, guys, this is a hobby. Nobody wants to find religious material in their cache. Especially since those caches have precious little room as it is! I'll admit right now, I yank that stuff out and throw it away any time I find it. It simply doesn't belong there.


    Anyone else notice this sort of thing? What kinds of locations do you usually see it happen in?

  6. See my avatar? It's my trackable sig item that can NOT be discussed in these forums, but many geocachers use them as SWAG to leave in caches.


    Is it because your trackable item is a confederate flag? A flag which pretty much didn't resurface after the Civil War until 1956, when it was used to protest integration in schools after Brown v Board of Education? Because I can see why people would be pretty upset about finding a symbol like that in an otherwise-innocuous GeoCache.


    Anyway, I leave brain-teasers. Little metal puzzles you have to take apart/ put back together. I have a lot of small ones (<1 inch in diameter) and they stay together until someone figures 'em out. But most of the time, I don't take anything and don't leave anything.

  7. Wow, a lot of elitist snobs in this topic!


    Look guys, I've been Geocaching for three months. That's nothing, I'm definitely a noob. I use a free app on my smartphone, because my smartphone has GPS on it. I didn't go out and buy my own dedicated GPS device because they're expensive, and I need to afford rent. I have an account obviously (a premium one at that), and if you think "smartphone users are destroying the community" then you need to grow up.


    Your hobby has reached a wider audience and you're upset that you're not the only ones who know about it anymore. Yes, that brings complications along with it, but you should be happy that more people are enjoying the caches now. I know I am!


    Basically, let other people enjoy this. Get mad at vandalizers, obviously, but don't go assuming that every noob with a smartphone is just destroying caches or won't find multi's. Because you would be wrong.

  8. It just sort of hit me one day. It was something I'd heard of, but never even looked into. Then one day it comes up in conversation with some friends and I'm like, "Hey. We've got four people in a car right now. Let's get a GeoCache." Within minutes, I had an app on my phone and a nearby cache stored in local data.


    My first three or so searches were busts. Mostly because I was new, but also because it was cold and I didn't know to check the previous logs to make sure everything was in its place. I found my first two caches with my 13-year-old brother, and then just sort of kept going!


    It's probably the healthiest, cheapest, most legal, and most satisfying hobby I've ever held for this long.

  9. I checked your page and you've done everything correctly. If your cache was in my review territory, I'd publish it. Sorry about the long delay.


    You've enabled your listing as your reviewer instructed, and you wrote your reviewer a direct email after not hearing anything for more than a week. At this point your next step would be to write Geocaching HQ via the Help Center. Use "Appeals" as the category for your message. The Lackeys who coordinate the work done by us as volunteers can then check with your reviewer to make sure everything's OK. For all we know, there's been a car accident, serious illness, etc.


    Or, maybe your reviewer is just distracted by chasing squirrels. Many reviewers are dogs.


    Thanks for looking into it. I won't lie, the validation is a relief.


    I'll see what I can do on the appeals side!

  10. Hummm, have you triple checked the listing to make sure that there aren't any new notes? And that you remembered to retick the box to send it to review? I've missed both of those before and wondered what I'd missed.


    All the notes on it (since the 22nd of May) are from me, and I've had no other contact from the reviewer since then.


    And on my main page, it's listed under "Your Geocaches Waiting for Review" so it's definitely been re-submitted (as opposed to temporarily disabled, which it was temporarily on the 22nd before I re-submitted).

  11. Hi there! Fairly new to the community here, I've only been caching for two or three months now. I promised myself I would wait until I hit 100 to hide my first cache, but then I ended up waiting a little longer before getting everything in order.


    Anyway, I've got my first cache (it's a puzzle cache!) all set up and rearin' to go, but it's been set up and rearin' to go for nearly two weeks now. I submitted on the 21st of May, got a pretty prompt response on the 22nd, then replied to that and fixed everything I was asked to fix (it's in my front yard, so the reviewer mostly just wanted to double-check it was my property to hide the cache on), before re-submitting it. Since then, nothing. It's been twelve days since any contact with the review process, and I just want this thing published. I've left multiple reviewer notes, spaced far apart, and even sent the reviewer a direct message. That was a few days back, and still nothing.


    If there's a problem with my cache, that's one thing, but I'm getting zero feedback. Is twelve days with absolutely no feedback normal this time of year? Or is something amiss here?




    (Not active as of posting, but hey, maybe once it gets published you'll want to see it here!)

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