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geoing nuts

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Posts posted by geoing nuts

  1. Here is the most active thread about Intercaches. The developer monitors that thread.

    Definitely not what I'm looking for but I may try my hand at creating one of these for my area. Thanks for the link. lots of useful info on that thread. i am still looking for info on how to actually implement an Augmented Reality (AR) style of cache. I did forget about that pesky guideline though. No biggie. I could create a traditional multi and give users the option of an AR type of adventure. They could choose how to play the cache and the feed back from those who choose the AR style would be invaluable.

  2. I was brought to this thread after posting a new thread asking for advice on how to create and possibly implement a daytime "night cache" style of cache using augmented reality. Post can be seen here -Augmented Reality. Not sure this intercache idea is what i am looking for but curious to know if augmented reality could ever be built into this style of play?

  3. I have been thinking it would be cool to create a daytime "night cache" that utilizes a smartphone augmented reality app. I am sure this can be done but I have no idea how to go about creating it or the appropriate app to use. Ideally, it would be an app that that can run on both iPhone and Droid platforms. For those unaware, augmented reality uses the devices camera and gps to give additional info on the devices screen as it scans its surroundings. The cache I have in mind would be similar to a night cache but instead of using a flashlight to locate fire tack or reflectors you will use your devices camera to navigate. The camera will superimpose arrows at specific locations or landmarks for navigation and would possibly point directly at a well concealed cache. What are your thoughts?

  4. This one has been up for awhile so I guess it's okay to post a pic or two.




    Can you spot the cache. Of Course you can. I have received more than a couple emails telling me my cache has been taken away by the "authorities" and a few have sent me a pic to prove it! I love this game.





    I usually respond to those emails asking if they know where I could look up the specific "code violation - GC2QRBA" it refers to.



    I really badly want to copy this!!!


    I have copied the idea (GC3H79Z) and it caches some seasoned cacher’s out. It’s a 1.5/1.5 but they do fall into the trap


    The pic is actually the second attempt. The first attempt used the magnetic printer sheets that can be purchased anywhere you buy printer paper. It wasn't able to hold up to the elements. this second attempt used and old magnetic ad made for a vehicle. It is much thicker and I just cut it to size after using 3M Super 77 spray adhesive to affix the standard printer paper i used to print the "warning". The printer paper was sprayed multiple times with a spray waterproofer after I "dirtied" the paper with a little dirt and a light spritz of water from a water bottle to give it an aged look. The log sheet is glued to the back with 3M as well. It has held up for a couple of years now but the corners have begun breaking off due to brittleness. While it needs to be replaced, the breakage actually adds to the overall look of a warning sticker that would be typically found. Also notice the the "code violation" the "sticker" refers to is the actual GC code. Whenever I get an email letting me know my cache has been removed, I always respond with a thank you email and ask the cacher if they ever knew a code violation "GC2QRBA" existed in our area. You would be surprised at the responses I get.

  5. As Brooklyn mentioned above, TechBlazer is a great resource as is http://www.geocacher-u.com There are tons of different ones out there and a simple web search for "geocaching stash note" or "Geocaching log sheet" will net you a bunch. Self laminating sheets that can be purchased almost anywhere office supply products are sold is an easy option for laminating your own. I have also found that good quality clear packing tape works just as well and is a lot cheaper that laminating sheets. Just make sure you overlap each edge of the tape and extend the tape past the papers edge. once you have taped both sides, trim around the edges leaving about a 1/4" of taped overlap. I've had stash notes laminated in this fashion last for years in the wild with no moisture problems.

  6. Good Luck Beezer, I just finished doing a CAC for my Council, Alapaha Area Council, which just merged with another Council to become the South Georgia Council, not too long ago. It took me over a year to get the CAC off the ground and running. Since records are not kept by the Council on Eagle Projects you will have to contact each Troop in your area and then start contacting all the Eagles and find out where their project is, if it's still there, then scout it out to see if it's worthy of a cache, check proximity issues... These efforts will often lead to some great sites. I was even lucky enough to find some projects that were over 20 years old and still doing well. It is a huge undertaking but well worth the effort. Choose the wording of your cache pages carefully, I had a heck of a time convincing a local reviewer that my pages did not violate the policies of Groundspeak and had to tweak them quiet a bit to get his stamp of approval. If you use the Scouts name in your listing make sure you get permission from his parents and it wouldn't hurt to get his too. Also, make sure you follow the guidelines of Groundspeak to the letter and above all else, get landowner permission. These caches will be a reflection of the values of Scouting and every rule should be followed. Let me know if I can offer any help and I'll happily give you my phone number through private message if you need it. - Dave, I used to be a Bobwhite...SR-944

  7. Here's a log I wrote for Little Stone Mountain which is now archived.


    "I found a cache!!!" was heard echoing throughout the parking lot as I was getting our season passes out of the truck. Much to my surprise, it was my youngest son doing the yelling (age 7). I might add that we were not looking for caches and did not plan on doing any in the park. It just so happened that we parked by what we call Little Stone Mountain and the kids decided to climb on it while they waited on me. My son said he saw a spot that looked like a good cache site and decided to check it out, and found one. Luckily, I had the gpsr in the truck so we could save the cords and log it. Thanks for an easy one that was found by the youngest member of Team WalkingWithNature. (name has since been changed to Geoing Nuts)

  8. I love this idea and will probably use it in my area soon. The simplest way I can come up with (that can also guarantee an easy and reliable reset) would be to use a fishing reel from an old (or new) fishing pole. The reel would be permanently affixed to an attachment point and heavy duty fishing ling would be securely attached to the top of the parachute. When the cacher gets to GZ all they would have to do is push the release button on the reel and the cache would "free fall" from its hiding place up high. A tangled mess of fishing line on the reel's spool should be avoided by only using enough line on the spool to allow the cache to reach ground level. To reset, the cacher would only need to "reel in" the cache which would return it to it's hiding spot and reset the release button. Hope this helps. I would love to see the cache listing once you get the logistics worked out.

  9. Its a 60 in parachute with just over 10oz attached to it if they don't see it they will hear it hit the ground I need a way to get it up about 40 ft that is reliable and easy to release and reset if you can come up with an idea i'll give you credit already thought of a pully system but it's not as reliable as needed


    I love this idea and will probably use it in my area soon. The simplest way I can come up with (that can also guarantee an easy and reliable reset) would be to use a fishing reel from an old (or new) fishing pole. The reel would be permanently affixed to an attachment point and heavy duty fishing ling would be securely attached to the top of the parachute. When the cacher gets to GZ all they would have to do is push the release button on the reel and the cache would "free fall" from its hiding place up high. A tangled mess of fishing line on the reel's spool should be avoided by only using enough line on the spool to allow the cache to reach ground level. To reset, the cacher would only need to "reel in" the cache which would return it to it's hiding spot and reset the release button. Hope this helps. I would love to see the cache listing once you get the logistics worked out.

  10. We are looking for someone who saved our TB cache in America. We would like to travel to the USA but we get there. Please willing geocachers whom should we send it by post. Great thanks for your willingness.

    Czech Republic Geocachers - Filipovi_41771


    Are you wanting to send a TB here to America. If so, I can send you a private message with my postal address and you can send it to me. I'll place it in south Georgia or north Florida for you.

  11. Start point (when nano retrieved from the exit the cacher replaces it through the small hole ready for the next cacher to fined)



    Internal view (Start point top right exit bottom left)






    This is a new cache that is nearly ready for deployment


    It’s made out of the same recycled plastic board that I made the others out of


    Oh that does look fun. Let us know that cache listing when it gets posted. i would love to read the description.

  12. Here is one of my caches that has been up for awhile. GC2RN3B Can You spot it?




    Is it in the Cannon Ball...maybe the top one...?


    Lol. Just cause you found it recently doesn't mean you can spoil the fun... 'bout time a fellow south GA cacher was found on here.






    The cannon Balls were made from softball cores that were found in the woods behind some softball fields. They drill and paint well.

  13. Here is one I created that I hadn't seen before, based on the good old hose clamp. In this version, it magnetic and attaches to a pre-existing hose clamp. My other version is a complete faux hose clamp. You have to dis-assemble an existing clamp, then retro fit it around a nano. Cuts the ends off and JB weld them to the ends of the nano. Be sure to scuff the black off the nano for a better look.





    Truly evil! Now all I have to do is find the right spot to put my own.

  14. 6247821377_426e9204de_z.jpg


    First person to spot the container gets... Err... FTFTCITP? (First to find the container in the picture). I swear, getting the FTFTCITP is something better then it seems. It's like, a competition.

    seems 6noisyhikers beet me to it! Although, I must add I almost missed it then looked again and it jumped out at me. I love Cache Owners that go the extra step to paint the cache to camouflage it perfectly.

  15. This one has been up for awhile so I guess it's okay to post a pic or two.



    Can you spot the cache. Of Course you can. I have received more than a couple emails telling me my cache has been taken away by the "authorities" and a few have sent me a pic to prove it! I love this game.





    I usually respond to those emails asking if they know where I could look up the specific "code violation - GC2QRBA" it refers to.




    Is that a sneaker print in the lower-right of the photo? :lol:


    By the way, power69 is correct... "flat" caches that do not "contain" a log have been disallowed for several years now.


    If it has a pouch on the back it is a container. I've also used them with coordinates on the back as stages of a multi.


    Gof and Bacall is correct. There is a log easily found if you remove the magnet and inspect. I wouldn't dream of creating a cache with no log. What would be the point?

  16. This one has been up for awhile so I guess it's okay to post a pic or two.




    Can you spot the cache. Of Course you can. I have received more than a couple emails telling me my cache has been taken away by the "authorities" and a few have sent me a pic to prove it! I love this game.





    I usually respond to those emails asking if they know where I could look up the specific "code violation - GC2QRBA" it refers to.

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