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Posts posted by Darkmoon

  1. So who becomes the big brother and tells us what caches are lame and what caches are great? Everyone has there own way of playing the game and a cache that you may think is lame is one that someone else loves. We have an older retired couple who caches around here and the wife of the group loves all the micros and park and grabs as she does not like walks in the woods. She always thanks the cacher for those types of caches. Personally I look at all caches as a gift and I am grateful that someone has taken the time to place a cache for me to find. I am an optimstic person so I tend to see the good in everything and my logs tend to reflect that. If there is a problem, I am not afraid to say anything and have on many logs brought attention to the owner of a problem but always in a positive light.

  2. Gotta love this one



    :P March 11 by xxxxxxxxxxxx (802 found)

    Looks like I will be the last entry for this poor little micro since the trees are gone that it once was in, but my love said since I helped look for it I can log it as a find. I hate to see this one go but it has to. S The virtual log and said good bye. TFTC

  3. A couple of years back, there was a bunch of us cachers that made a trip to a small North Eastern town in Oklahoma to do abit of caching. At one of the caches which was a hike in some woods, we stumbled on an old meth lab site. Avoided it and later reported it to the authorities. I was in shock how a small town in the middle of nowhere would have this. The world is truely small anymore! :(


    At another cache, I came across in the cache itself a most fragrant cigarette of the skunky kind left by a muggle who had found the cache by accident as it was under the ledge he would sit on and look at the view why he partook of the stuff. Left a nice little log in the journal and of course his present. :P In my younger days maybe but I did get rid of the item properly. I was glad I was the one who found it after that gentleman did before a family stumbled onto it! :(


    Two weeks ago we were doing a bit of caching in Tulsa and while looking for the cache, discovered the secret cache of some brand new steak knives that were hidden under a few pieces of bark. Looks like kids used this area for their club house and we came across their weapon stash! Very interesting to say the least!



  4. As it has been said, there is no way that you can please everyone everytime. There will always be some less fortunate people who are angry or hurt or who knows what and take it out on the most available person. I do not care if he had a lot of finds, that was truely uncalled for. I am always amazed by people and what they expect...you do not get paid to place caches, you do it because you like to and you want to. If I go after a cache that is not the greatest, I will just right a short log ( I'm one of those cachers that tend to right a long log on caches). If I find a problem with the cache, I will email the owner. To me, I am grateful for caches that are being placed. A big round of applause to all who place caches. THIS IS JUST A GAME folks!


    Maybe this cacher was a page clearer and putted off doing your cache till it finally drove him batty and he just had to do it. Maybe it frustrated him to know end? :P Who knows. Bottom line you handled it right, just move on and don't let it worry you. As far as having that many caches to maintain, I have hidden 67 caches and maintain all of them without a problem. Good quality caches actually do not need that much maintance other than the occasionally new logbook and swag upkeep! Good luck and keep up the sport!



    Where evil is good!

  5. I am surprised that it hasn't been said yet but also make sure that the caches that you and your group is trying to find is an easy one, like a 1/1, 1/2 ,2/1, etc. The harder caches have been known to bring grown men to their knees and bang their heads on trees asking Why me Lord, I know the cache is here somewhere! :P



  6. It comes down to how everyone plays the game. I have myself called from the field to another cacher who I knew had found this cache and just asked for a clue after five of us had spent more than 45 minutes looking for it. It seemed to be more than 75 feet from where evryone's GPSr's were leading them too. I don't think that we did anything wrong at all. We were not told of the exact location, just a descriptive clue on a certain feature that we needed to concentrate on. It still took another 10 minutes before it was found.


    I also called the cache planter of a special cache put out for those reaching their 700th find and had her on the phone while I found the cache. It was exciting for her and for me as I was describing where I was looking for the cache to her and hearing her excitement when I found the cache! That is moment that I will always remember! :blink:


    Also having 67 caches placed and being called evil and twisted and diabiolical on some of them, I always get emails and phone calls from fellow cachers who want a clue! I have never told the cachers the exact location to any caches, perferring more of an off wall clue or limmerick or such and the comment I always hear back is... Da#*, it makes since now. But again that might be on there second or third attempt or more. I did have one cacher who begged me to give him the coords to one of my puzzle caches and of course I told him he would have to figure it out on his own and gave him a clue on how to do it. He never did though! ;)


    I also get emails and calls from cachers looking for caches other than mine that I have found and again I prefer to give a subtle clue, I would never give them the exact location! Heck, some of those caches took me a few trips and a lot of blood and sweat to find and I certainly don't want to make it easier for them to find. If I suffer so should they! :D


    In this sport or hobby or my favorite term, addiction, I have made a lot of friends from all over this state and from towns near and far and am really happy to have such a network of good caching friends!



  7. Love my vest for doing parks and urban caches where the hike is too short or not difficult to warrant wearing my pack. It is also a great place to sew those interesting and geo related patches that I find in caches along with pins! It holds everything that I need and of course I wear cargo shorts that have more pockets and room for more trade items!



  8. I have had one out since last year titled They Live Among Us. What evilness that I did was I copied all the Morse code to a jpeg so that you can't cut and paste it to a Morse Code translator. Not many people have done this cache because of the code and the fact it is a mystery/multi but I have gotten great reviews from the cachers who have done it!



  9. Our local Hobby Lobby carries all sorts of very powerful magnets in all sizes. I used 4 very small ones epoxied on the back of a metal outdoor waterproof socket box and it holds it nicely...in fact trying to pull the box of the metal wall is a chore in itself. One holds an altoid can really nice even loaded with a lot of swag. Other caches that I have used there magnets on were 2 glued to the bottom of a decon container, 10 glued to a 30 caliber ammo can that holds it upside down full of heavy swag, altoid containers of all shapes and sizes, fake utilty boxes, etc.



  10. I'll assume this is the cache:



    I have no clue what pjmorse means by "letterboxers" since nothing in the cache description indicates that the cache is a letterbox hybrid nor can I find a match on http://letterboxing.org/BoxByRegion.asp?re...Western%20Maine


    It seems to me that the coin was simply found by a cacher who doesn't log finds on the site (common enough), doesn't know what a geocoin is (incredibly common), and as such it's probably gone as far as it's going to (unfortunately way too common).


    But I don't see anything that backs up the claim that a letterboxer is responsible.

    bons, you are the Geo Detective. :D Now if you can find my missing TB's...


    Darkmoon [}:D]

  11. And speaking of bomb looking caches, a few months ago I made an urban cache that had a motion sensor in it so when a person got within 5 feet of the black box, a series of flashing leds behind a smoked plexiglass window would be triggered ala Night Rider style to scare would be cachers. The whole front opened up to reveal the cache and the unit itself was being powered by 2 AA battereies. The circuit I designed would shut off after 2 minutes! One of my fellow cachers that I showed my cache to said, ahhhh, man, I wouldn't put that on the building, it looks like a bomb! Oh well didn't think of that so it sets in my workshop, next to a staged fake nuclear bomb unit I built for a paintball scenerio game! :rolleyes:


    Ah oh, I am being watched now <_<



  12. Boy, that movie Gigli really bombed. I saw it in Washington, instead of going on a tour of the White House. I bombed all my finals last week too. Oh well, I guess I'll never get that job I've always wanted at the Pentagon.


    My favorite video game is Bomberman! Bomb Bomb Bomb!!!


    sorry... I've never had a file before. It sounds like fun. :rolleyes:


    kiss my a**, Carnivore!

    and any minute, an unmarked van will show up in front of your house... <_<


    Too funny, I am still laughing over this!



  13. Was going after a new cache before the local geocachers meeting yesterday and found a bowling ball that was cut in half out in the middle of the woods! At first I thought that it was buried till I picked it up and up it came! I think it was a demo model on a board or something at one time because it is hollow. That was better than anything that was in the actual cache. :rolleyes: Took it home and will be making a cache out of it soon.



  14. If I am out doing the Urban caching thing, I have a clipboard, orange vest and a very official looking geocaching name badge I wear...most muggles will leave you alone but I have used these before...


    Looking for a cache in a city park hidden on a ped bridge when a kid came by an asked if we lost something...nope Bridge inspectors and we are checking the structual integrity after the hard freezes we have had! He left really fast!


    On a city block that was busy so while the team searched, I distarcted muggles by asking...I am taking a poll and can I ask you some questions...no one wanted to talk to me!


    I had a lady ask in one park if I was an official geese counter...ahhh, why yes, yes I am!


    but my two favorite that I like to use is...I found another dead bird over here, the toxic gas cloud must have passed thru here


    and one day there was 6 or 7 of us in 3 vehicles and as we pulled up to the wooded area, there were a couple sitting by the lake as we all jumped out of our trucks and took of for the woods.So there we were, all looking around with GPSr's in hands doing the caching circles and turn arounds when I yelled out, Hey, the radiation level is higher here and one of my team mates picked it up real fast and said, Yes , I am reading a high level here as well...I have never seen anyone leave an area so fast in my life!


    I have to agree that most of the time it is worth telling the truth about the game but sometimes it is so much funner when you tell people something else!



  15. Thanks Sparky, I really wanted to meet up with you but as always, my computer went on the fritz and I never got to email you! Yes, it was a sucess and a lot of fun to boot! Found 32 caches and 1 DNF, and had quite the adventure! One of our group stayed in town overnight and finished up the list, ending up with 51 caches over the weekend! Bloodhoundgrl gets the iron geocaching medal from me for doing that and she is basically someone new in the caching scene! We finished up a few caches at night as we are prepared night cachers here in Oklahoma and had a blast. So if any reports of strange lights in the woods and cemetaries, it was just us. Oh yes, I really enjoyed the caches in Swanson Park, they were really great! Also , I saw a sign in Wichita at the local park that said pesticide free...is the park empty during the summer :unsure: ! Too many bugs! Anyway thanks for all the great Kansas caches and you all are invited to come down and sample our caches!


    And in a couple of months, we are going to do a 24 hr caching marathon to see how many caches we can find in one total day...it should be fun!



  16. Yea, come on, you know you are going just becuase I can't go. You want to get those numbers up because I have more finds than you. Confess you evil man confess!


    I'll permit you to go ahead and go on one condition. Save me a copy of the route you guys use so I can complete it later this spring.


    So are me and you going to team up to hit either Black Mesa or Dallas in March?

    Man, you are on to my madness, I thought that I could surprise you with a new jump on the leaderboard! B) No problem, I will save you the route and yes, tell me when and I will be there on the road trip to Black Mesa! Oh yeah, I think you still owe us some Stew from last weekend! :unsure:



  17. There are a few of us cachers from Oklahoma City and Tulsa that are planning a trip to Wichita , Kansas to do as many caches as possible! Looking like around 10 to 12 people so far but who knows? The date is set for February the 21st and we are leaving in the wee hours of the morning in a geo convoy to come up, cache, cache, cache and then leave at night to head back home! Any quick and fun caches that any Wichitians would recommend? Any suggestions? It is promising to be a fun and very entertaining time. I will keep you all posted!




    Oh yes, we are avoiding the ones that say are easy to let the muggles discover so our group will not give it away!

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