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Map Only

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Posts posted by Map Only

  1. Hey Nerve, I read your log and...dang!  At least I had help getting out of my mishap.


    BTW - just curious about the EMTs having to follow your voice.  Didn't they have gps?  :P

    Nope - they didn't have GPS. Maybe when we buy a new GPSr we should donate the old ones to our town rescue ambulances. Hey! I kinda like that idea. But then, if the person in trouble doesn't have a GPSr or know their coordinates they still wouldn't be able to find them. My cell phone has GPS capability which is a real good thing.

    GPS and SAR are a poor mix, at least in my region, IMHO. (Hence the screen name) Great fun for urban micros, however. :):lol:

  2. I've met plenty of hunters in the woods around Western WA, but more often I see folks target shooting without a backdrop - maybe OK with shotguns but not so OK with rifles. :lol: So far I've only heard rounds going past once, and that in a popular area. :blink: Four rounds hit within 40 feet of my group.


    I'm sure orange vests are a good idea, but I'd rather avoid target shooting areas.



  3. :) Black Diamond Flicklocks. :unsure: Had Lekis and I wasn't sorry when they were stollen, :ph34r: because you really had to twist hard or they would collapse when you most wished they wouldn't. When I was a poor student I used old one piece ski poles - $2.00 and they worked great :P
  4. I've looked at a few maps. :lol: Repetitious painful stimuli have taught me to use a map every time I go somewhere new in a hurry. :lol:


    I do sometimes go new places mapless. Douglas Adams described "Zen Navigation" as the act of finding a car that looks like it knows where it is going and following it. As he suggested, you might not end up where you expected, but probably in a more productive location. I once even used this technique to get out of lower Manhattan - just followed all the Jersey license plates. :lol:

  5. The cache owner probably appreciates the feedback. I do try to be nice and note that I didn't spend much time looking when that is the case - and thank them for hiding the cache.


    I spent many hours looking for small items hidden in the woods years before Geocaching was invented and now there are days I just wish it was a friggin' ammo can under a piece of bark....... I guess I'm not a fan on caches designed with the idea of each finder spending an hour looking.

  6. I haven't changed lat/long to a distance and bearing, except by plotting each on a map. My usual method is to plot the cache coordinates on a map and go there. With geocaching, realize that usgs maps and many others use the NAD 27 datum, which can be scores of feet different that wgs84.


    I often use the topo map on my computer, which does the plotting for you. The only time I use a GPS for Search and Rescue is while driving. It is just not efficient to navigate by terrain features at 40 mph on logging roads :o

  7. Way to go!


    I've found about half of mine without GPS, and my buddy "map and compass" is fanatical about not using the little nuisance.


    I have a rant about people using the gps instead of map skills, but I strictly reserve it for SAR folks in my area ;) - gps is a good tool for some situations, and finding a micro in an urban park is one of them, if you ask me.


    People have been finding things for a long time without gps. A map, your skills and perhaps a compass and altimeter is always good for knowing your location within 300 feet where I play.


    Besides, I love machinery of any kind! :o


    * Garmin will support the Mac. Just kidding! :o

    I've been using national geographic topo with an iBook G4 and (on the road) a Garmin III - they all get along much better than the SONY laptop did. Only the scroll feature runs slowly, perhaps due to a slow processor? Still, I am very happy ;)

  9. I too have been guilty of many tnlnsl logs. I usually do this out of laziness, or because what I brought is not nearly as cool as what I found.


    All my hides are in really cool spots, so the caches are more about the location that trading, and unfortunately the locations sometimes make micros necessary. My apologies to toy-traders!javascript:emoticon(':lol:')

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