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Posts posted by jorgersn

  1. Multi-caches and caches with higher D/T ratings remain available to basic members on the website, just as they always have, unless marked for Premium Members only. It's been that way since 2002 when I began playing. I guess I have a different definition of "for a long time" and a different baseline. As I "grew up" using the website, I've not observed basic member functions being taken away when viewed against the constant definition of the basic geocaching experience. The introduction of smartphone apps changed that. I view the smartphone apps as an add-on, though I recognize that for many newer geocachers, the free app's feature set defines their baseline.


    Since this discussion is about app features, not website features, that shouldn't matter here. By "a long time" I obviously mean since the features were available in app form.


    And while you may view it as an add-on, the fact is that today it most likely is an essencial tool for a whole lot of people.

    Nowadays smartphone adoption is through the roof. Thanks to that, people can leave their work and easily log something on their way home since the phone is almost always on their pocket. You can do impromptu hunts without having to plan something days ahead. Out with someone doing something else and there's a lull? Just whip out your phone and start searching. Or people may simply not want to invest on a separate device when they already have a smartphone that can get a GPS signal, even if less reliably.


    That said, there's still not a single valid reason for why those features should disappear from the app feature set for Basic Members... I mean, other than clearly being a cash grab. Why would these features be removed from general availability if not for that? (Not to mention that it's borderline offensive to the people who paid for the app and are not Premium - they get absolutely nothing back for the money they paid)


    I understand trying to come up with new features and being creative is hard, but removing features that have been available since the app's inception is unfair and anti-consumer. Premium users should absolutely get more support and features, but not at the cost of all other users.


    Even from a business PoV, I don't think people getting into Geocaching will find it very appealing to see so many things behind a monthly/yearly plan (again, the app is the first contact point for many people currently), which can turn them away completely before they even get to the website. I mean even people that already used the app are turning their backs because of that. Just look at the reviews on both storefronts.

  2. All of the Geocaching Classic app's features are either already included or are coming soon in the Geocaching® app. In addition, we've made significant improvements to those features. Stay tuned for information on upcoming releases.


    Sure, but not features like the ability to find multis or traditionals over 1.5/1.5, for example, right? ;)

    Those count as features too and were available for Basic Members. Suddenly, no more. That's what I mean when I'm referring to "artificially creating value for Premium subscriptions". If the restrictions had always worked that way, it wouldn't matter... But you're taking away from the general public and hiding them behind a paywall after all these years.

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