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Posts posted by kimnbair

  1. I have the same gps unit, I didn't load that mapsend program at all I just use the Magellan Geocaching Manager. On the geocache site I download the .loc file then in the geocache manager I open the loc file and then click the little satallite to upload it to my gps, then on the gps I hit the goto button and select my geocache from the geocache folder and it shows up on the screen as a little box. the only other thing I can think of is that you'll need to go into the menu and map setup and make sure its setup to show the geocaching pts hope this helps!

  2. Today I got my first gps a magellan explorist 210 and my first cache was a multi, so I d/l the cache and uploaded it with the cache manager, so when I found the first one it gave me coords for the second part, how would I have put the coords for the second part into the gps? What I ended up doing was going by my current coords and walked around until I found the second set but that took so long and I walked all around when I could have walked in almost a strait line and had I been able to enter in those second coords I would have known where to go, any help would be appreciated!


    I figured it out, I found a more in depth users manual online, which is awesome cause I have another multicache I wanna do and this time it'll be a lot easier!

  3. Today I got my first gps a magellan explorist 210 and my first cache was a multi, so I d/l the cache and uploaded it with the cache manager, so when I found the first one it gave me coords for the second part, how would I have put the coords for the second part into the gps? What I ended up doing was going by my current coords and walked around until I found the second set but that took so long and I walked all around when I could have walked in almost a strait line and had I been able to enter in those second coords I would have known where to go, any help would be appreciated!

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