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Everything posted by fraggle69

  1. I know that people have died and maybe there will be some more fatalities due to the severe weather we are receiving in certain parts of the country. Added to this many people flooded out of their homes and seperated from loved ones etc etc blah blah blah BUT I couldn't help but wonder how many caches have also suffered or been destroyed. A moment of silence to remember some good and not so good caches? Perhaps a little cache prayer so those little caches know we're thinking about them tonight????? Especially as the waters begin to rise...... Aiiiiiii
  2. I logged a puzzle cache as a find, but only because I was there as part of a team. One of the members had solved it prior to our outing. Whilst not getting any puzzle pleasure I did get alot of cache pleasure. I was told by one cacher that they refused to log the find of a cache involving a fairly physical nature, even though a member of the team was able to make the cache find. The thinking behind this was that if they weren't fit/tough enough to get to the cache on their own(and they were not) they were not worthy enough to log the cache. Personally I think if you're part of a 'TEAM' anything goes, however as has already been mentioned you have to play it your own way. Aiiiiiiii
  3. Fantastic looking coin, while I can't justify buying one I am going to make sure I find one to discover. Does it have it's own icon?
  4. Yeah I am all up for wild camping man, but it's a family holiday I think our HUGE family tent might give us a way lol. Thanks for the info, I think we're gonna give castlerigg campsite a blast, or the hollows farm. I am trying to get close to do the lord of the rings 6 caches. Aii
  5. I am looking for a campsite in the lakes, not too far away from some awsome caches It needs to be a sort of tesco value campsite though, does such a thing exsist? Tis for me my chickenpooooo and our teen troll
  6. I can't really say what I am about to go postal about. This isn't the issue I raised dude. The issue is that The PQ I executed last night was a new PQ in my system but it failed to realise the cache in question was unavailable a simple search of the cache in the local area showed it was unavailable, which is why I know the PQ that GC sent me was WRONG by atleast 3weeks. I guess this just happens right, it's a geocaching.com issue? It's got nowt to do with my GSAK DB being out of date blah blah blah. Sorry - only trying to help. I didn't mean to burn you man, I am actually feeling rather a lot of love in the room
  7. I can't really say what I am about to go postal about. This isn't the issue I raised dude. The issue is that The PQ I executed last night was a new PQ in my system but it failed to realise the cache in question was unavailable a simple search of the cache in the local area showed it was unavailable, which is why I know the PQ that GC sent me was WRONG by atleast 3weeks. I guess this just happens right, it's a geocaching.com issue? It's got nowt to do with my GSAK DB being out of date blah blah blah.
  8. bloody hell, looks like it was made unavailable on the 5th July MF pitch and slowly putt the unavailable status from the online PQ or maybe it's a GSAK setting I think NOT Muhahahahaha
  9. It's got nowt to do with caching really, what I mentioned above is odd though and makes me think and the point is?
  11. I *swear* I told you about this exact problem, just yesterday, after we did "Murder most horrid". If a cache is archived, then the PQ doesn't mention it at all. If it's in your GSAK database, then it will still be in your GSAK database after you feed it the PQ. GSAK never will get told that it's archived, unless you tell it. Hey up I didn't say a word about archived cache here, I am talking about UNAVAILABLE
  12. I know - it makes you wonder if life's really worth going on with, doesn't it? You're quite right, what's the bloody point, I mean I've heard of dudes not updating their Data properly but this takes the wee right out of my pants. Maybe an answer from someone more experienced or a mod would do the trick. In all honesty though, this is not wthat is making me angry with a hint of love in there somewhere if you're lucky Aiiiiiiiiiiiii
  13. I did a search on an area and the 1st cache is not available. I then ran a PQ and when I opened the PQ in GSAK the cache is available and showing on my list of possible caches for tomorrow. I ran a GSAK status check which updated the waypoints status. Is the delay between PQ and postcode/area search a long one or a short one? Aiiii
  14. ok does anybody want to be lovely with me, even though i might be in a slightly angry mood about it?
  15. Does anybody want to be angry with me?
  16. You know your cache is an issue (or the plant is close by) when a cacher complains of the following :"painful, burning blisters that may develop into purplish or blackened scars." You then just need to raise the diff to a 5 and explain that specialist equipment may be required hahaha
  17. assuming I am not grounded, then Aiiiiii
  18. I know this is aimed at PuP, but I think I may be able to help too. Firstly the Mio is not a palm it is a pocket PC with sirf III chip, the same chip that lives and breathes in your Garmin60csx so yes it works well under tree cover? No you haven't wasted your money, unless ofcourse you wanted a single unit to do all the jobs. I should think PuP uses something like GPX sonar or maybe BeeLineGPS which are similar to cachemate. The garmin topo is not the same kind of map as memory map, correct me if I am wrong somebody but I understand that the garmin topo only displays the contour lines/gradients of the surrounding landscape? Anyway that's my two pence worth on the subject, I am sure you'll be able to buy a good secondhand PPC if you think you really need one. Sounds like you might be better off with a palm seeing as you have already spent a lot of money. Aiii
  19. no response from email sent on 04/07/07. I'll give it another week or so b4 grabbin. thanks ppl PS the thread can be closed, shutdown, destryoyed or perhaps the mod would be so very kind as to throw it into the depths of hell??
  20. Can anyone tell me how I would go about logging the TB? I can either grab it from the last person to have it or I can discover it, but I found it in a cache!! here's the TB page
  21. TomTom riderOne satnav is supposed to be waterproof atleast to the same standard as your garmin handhelds anyway, the price may be a bit high if you're not planning on using it for motorcycling. No I don't own one, but I wouldn't say no when the price comes down
  22. cool and I bet you had just got that cache container ready to be hidden in the wild too -lizard Aiiii
  23. Might not be muggles, have you thought about the animals? I was checking up on a cache the other day as I was asked to rescue a TB from my cache because nobody seems to want to do the cache. lol Anyway I checked on a micro and I don't know what has tried to chew into it or why but it was all chewed up around the base. Luckily for me the critter decided to leave it in situ YAY!!!! Aiiiiiii
  24. I am sure that would simplify the macro, perhaps it would be worth looking/asking this question on the GSAK MACRO forum!!
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