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Everything posted by MtnMutt-ProDuckShins

  1. Road closure is at this bridge where the Kayakers put in. Trail to Rainy Lake is on the other side of Bridge to which one can not get too. The ranger and Myself went over the road area and also reviewed the map showing Rainy which is far beyond the closure. Jersey barriers block access just before bridge
  2. Liberty Bell, that is a rock mass that was a killer back in 1977, my fingers, arms, back and legs ached. Then it was off to 3 Fingered Jacks in Winthrop to recover. I remember getting into trouble over that climb. Boy... what a lecture I got from some officials what I did. Let's put in terms you may understand... I was a bad boy and I'm not talking about it. Yes, I made it to the top but what I did on TOP that got me in trouble. So, with that in mind you can say you have or have not met one of the Rock Nutcases. Think before you attempt unless you know what you are doing and have had years of experience. MtnMutt They show the easy route....
  3. That's to be one VERY Long Hike as the Middle Fork is closed at the 12.5 milepost Bridge. I just stopped in at the Ranger station and that is what I was told, No 4x4 can get back there.
  4. Luckykoi, I do not suggest Adams as a Solo! Your current elevation gain is not good to be honest! If you happen to be doing 3200-3800 in a couple miles daily and you have been doing this activity for numerous years, maybe just maybe. True it is one step in front of the other, the Rest Step is truly wonderful. But think before doing something like this Solo as if you are injured or fall, that group in front may not see you. Be Safe and wait until a group can go. Please remember this is just some friendly advise.... I'll be in your neck of the wood this weekend for a Dog Show and hope to hit a few caches. I wonder if I can hit your first?
  5. Google is nice, so is Dogpile. I gave all the info I could without crossing that Thin Blue Line. Thanks TMG for the correct call.
  6. delete one of the double post.. sorry about that.
  7. One additional place but cost more is the Cache Box in Colorado.
  8. Are you in search of DECON Containers? Would like to know that they available in Black or Green? I just happen to stumble onto a site in Idaho which carries all sorts of Various types of Cache Containers. Troy Paulsen is the Store owner of the Cache Stash. This is a brand new Website and I placed my order on Friday morning and should be placing a Decon Cache in the Wilds soon. Remember these containers go fast, Good luck. MtnMutt
  9. One of the best training grounds around is Mt Si. Save a few Gallon plastic Milk jugs, fill them with water once at the top empty and easy hike down. Please remember you do not run up a Mountain, you walk and the more weight you get use to carrying now will help you the Mountain. Because your weight will be lighter. Also consider, a sled for group stuff. Will you be roping up? I've only done Adams during winter seasons. If you are attempting this in August, very early morning starts. The sun can cook you and make snow/ice into mush.
  10. How about ... http://www.mcphee.com/ You may send hours roaming around the store and may end up spending a lot because you want this... then you may want that. The website should wet your whistle... Good Luck Do not take kids because they'll want one of everything.
  11. DARN IT! I'll be in Canby for Dog Shows, this coming weekend. Oh, well another day another cache.
  12. First, have you gone to your Council Office and talked with them. No wait. This is an Eagle Project. Has the Scout gone to the Council Office and talked with them? Has he talked with the Head of the District Eagle Board? Has he talked with his District Executive? The Troop Scoutmaster should refer to the requirements/Guidelines of a Project to help in the determination of his Project within his community. If this Scout happened to be in my Troop, I would mention the Guidelines of a Project and suggest something else to spark his interest. Also review other Projects within the District as examples to help encourage the Scout. Good luck and Safe Scouting.
  13. Well, I took off early today and spent some time at the REI Kayak Forum. I even spent an hour with the Wilderness rep. For someone my size 6'2", we came up with the Pungo 120 with Dashboard. We laughed over the ideal of the built in cooler for the Cold Beer and can be setup for fishing with so many high lakes around here which require 4x4 access. Too bad the Coupon takes away the Dividend and it's only good for 2 weeks. Overall it was a great time spent and now time to save the pennies.
  14. COOL, best Fire-Up the Tractor, Ma. Them COWWS is loose again. There's going to be a lot of Mooin' that day.
  15. Now as I review my cords, I FAT Fingered one and the other I didn't have my notes in accord so back I'll go to complete the quest. I also see a CACHE I must do but can not accomplish unless I see a VERSION 2 Moun10bike coin or someone graciously sents me a photo so as I can grab those digits to solve the mystery puzzle. I cannot locate one but I know that several exist in our NW area. Can anyone help the Mutt?
  16. Sorry, I didn't make the Moss Lake HOTM. I did wander out Friday and got to see 2 deer, one very Large Tan Faced Black Bear prior to Mrs ARJ's Cache and later on at the beginning of Orange Arrow Trail 2 smaller Black Bears. I may try to make the next one.
  17. Currently, MAC Version, of Garmin BaseCamp Beta is not compatible with NW Trails.
  18. OK.. No making fun and who won the bet? Yes, I missed placed the 2 pieces of paper I wrote the all the numbers on.
  19. Did anyone keep account of the number of ferns which were harm in the accomplishment of this HOTM? You had to be there to understand that line.
  20. I think I found a new Ouch, that I don't recall yesterday as we finished a wonderful HOTM. If anyone found my mind could you please return it. I did put the pictures back, right?
  21. Foothills Trailhead just off Sunrise SW Place is the start of the Hike. 47 31.090 122 02.238
  22. GCMDDX Has gone away but GC1PNRH has replaced it. I see it was a group effort for FTF. It appears they enjoyed the trek into Darkness. Hope each new Adventurer enjoys themselves as they venture into the Darkness.
  23. OH! I guess the talk about May 10th got me all confused, I got lost and had no where to stand. . I may have to ask for a Hall pass to go do this one, it may just be a Fun one.
  24. Why would 38 candles be too many, unless it's a Cupcake? Darn, I'll miss the Monkey because I'm the Cook that day. I just noticed that April goes without a HOTM...Hmmm. Anyone up for a Friday the 17th, 3 Night Caches and maybe a side trip or along the way Cache?
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