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Everything posted by MtnMutt-ProDuckShins

  1. [Edited by moderator] How about [edited] ADAPT! You would hate my Wilderness Survival Class. When I tell you to please grab your GPSR and remove the batteries and throw them into this Zip-Lock bag. Now show me where we are on the Map! What do you mean you didn't bring a Map & Compass? Now the FUN will really begin! Everyone needs to Adapt to what you have on hand. [Edited] Why do you need GOOGLE MAPS? Explain why only that map system can serve your purpose? If you cannot Adapt, then go find something else to do. Those that live by the battery with die by the battery, those that know Map & Compass shall survive long after the battery dies. Sorry for being so harsh [edited]
  2. Mt Si Road is open to normal traffic but Trailheads are still closed. The Mountain has a heavy cloud cover today.
  3. Sorry to inform everyone but Mt Si & Little Si including any Trail associated with the area are CLOSED for about a week due to Plane crash. The Mt Si road is also closed to only Folks living out here. If you are saying you are visiting someone they check. I try to keep everyone posted as I learn more.
  4. check the batteries if loose, the small springs sometimes need a bit of a tug to make a tighter fit. Also look for any sign of corrosion.
  5. So your system recognizes the Garmin? Do you have a card in it? Does the Card & Garmin file show on your Desktop? Which do you have your GPX pointed to? Have you looked into your POI File on each, sometimes the GPX is sent there.
  6. These may become the Enchanted Coins if they survive the Derailment. Each could carry the note of the Moun10Bike 'Derailment' Geocoin Version 5. Where can I sign up for one of these Special Editions? Hope all turn out for everyone involved in the incident including the Packages of everyone that happens to have their items aboard this Train.
  7. Well, my email is dead for some freaky reason but I can do items within the form. One great thing to do if you want to adapt to the weather especially winter. DO NOT TURN ON THE HEATER!!! Turn that beast off 30 minutes or more before arrival, let your vehicle become cold. Once you park and set out, you will be close to the outside temperature and you body will adjust accordingly & easily. I have done this @@ years and I have not a problem. I've even done this with my Scout Troop and the boys learned quickly that a heated vehicle prior to a hike or Winter campout was a bad idea but great afterward when heading home. This is just an idea you can try or ignore. I prefer Winter outings than the hot Summers. As several others have said... Layers, Layers and Layers is the answer to keep you going. Sorry, I cannot go as too many issues currently in my life. Hope everyone has a great time and the team returns safely.
  8. No.. that's Middle Fork, the Hancock is the North Fork. It's a tad bit confusing. I have not done enough research but this may effect the ability to drive from Sultan/Startup area via those roads in.
  9. Snoqualmie Updates Snoqualmie permits go on sale December 1 at 6 am. Permits are for sale only on line. For more information, see the FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions). Starting January 1, 2012 all access will require a permit including access by bicycling, walking and horseback. See Non-motorized access tab for details. Yep... they have started patrolling the North Fork roads.
  10. It boils down to those that Dump Trash, Poachers, Shooters who do not clean up but leave their crap and Homeless setting up camps. It is amazing just how many people feel the forest are their Dumping areas. It is only going to get worse. So if you want to spend time in the forest get use to paying to play. Sorry... Not everyone Packs it in & Packs it out.
  11. i see there are two different lots being discussed here the small lot of large cans & the huge lot of small cans. I thought this started as the small lot of large cans and has moved to the large lot of small cans. So confusing I like the Large cans....
  12. Most likely it is in your e-mail account. I know I sent you one about Basenji's because my wife shows them and we have several caches which our dogs helped place.
  13. Those are nice size cans for keeping items in and very special caches. I may need several (5) of those puppies if the price is right.
  14. 11-01-11 Beautiful blue sky and clear, all traces of snow gone. Appear to be getting better, let you know what it tomorrow.
  15. I happen to live very close and Snow has shown its dust on numerous peak around here. I drive I90 and take that last North Bend exit, so I view the peaks to my left and watch each day. Remember it not about getting there its about keeping each other safe. Thursday & Friday appears to be going about mid 40's. I know the Jester could walk a Mule to death but young bucks don't understand that. I have more to tell but that's for another time and after a few cold beers. Good luck to your decisions and think wisely. I for one have not had the time to venture out on this one. I wanted to camp up there.
  16. WOW!!! I got married on that date in 1984, so I guess my 6th Anniversary is coming up. Hmmm? What special thing should I do?
  17. What a day!! This turned into a Beautiful day, everyone had a great time of going across, up then down then over then back up across. Yes, I do I know I had a fantastic time, thanks for a Super HOTM. The company on this hike was fabulous. Again, Thanks for putting this one together. Besides the service for Blue Cheese Bacon Burger was quick.
  18. Looks like a good day for being out. The pass will be cool but a layer or two will be nice & toasty... see ya'll in a few.
  19. What time do I meet you at our pickup spot in the Bend?
  20. Duh... You need the Mutt to tag along with my BCBP [blue Cheese Burger Pal]? I got a pass to go out if I get all my chores done.
  21. Arc'teryx makes nice packs I have only 3, plus my main pack is a Custom Build by McHale in Seattle. Then there are all my other Packs including my Rush Moab 10 by 5.11 for carrying my firearms and Geocoins other GEO needs. Go try on at least 10 packs with various weighs to feel what it could be like on the trail. DO NOT SETTLE for the first pack you look at. That pack is your friend and need to fit like a glove. It has to become you not you become it. Now begin your search and DO NOT SETTLE FOR SECOND BEST. You need the one that brings you piece of mind and comfort.
  22. If you are ever bored and want an adventure. Spend the night along the North Cascades Highway where painted Bigfoot Foot Prints are painted across the roadway. I did back in the late 70's & early 80's, but nothing came around. It was several clear nights and very little traffic. We got up and headed to Winthrop for a fantastic breakfast. Still after a total of 7 days at various times no sign of big Hairy, just quiet nights, great company and cold beer.
  23. The waiting would have been the appropriate response from the beginning. Simply because this is the oldest active cache in Washington, does that mean the CO has lost the right to replace it at a time of his own choosing? Frankly, I'm pretty shocked that some people seem to think otherwise. I see no reason why we should not trust that Hypnopaedia is quoting the CO accurately. AJ already disabled the cache, which is an indication that he is aware of the situation, but he is under no obligation to communicate if he chooses not to. I sure hope no one hikes all the way up there to log the throwdown, only to have their log deleted later. If you head out and find a cache missing do you just walk away and document your DNF due to cache missing or do you pull out a reserve cache from your Backpack and log your find then notify the Cache owner telling them you replaced the missing Cache? Most folks who have been around the Cache Block would agree. Most Cache Owners would be very much pleased that you replaced it. Northwest Cache Owners & Cachers are a tight group and everyone is out to help each other. We want folks to find them. Spare a tank of gas for any owner and drop a cache & drop a note to the owner you replaced it. It's all about TEAM work and helping each other.
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