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Everything posted by MtnMutt-ProDuckShins

  1. Too Many, with the latest addition of GPSmap 62st, with Northwest Trails added.
  2. Timely matter but sometimes they just seem to drift off into LIMBO LAND. I've had several do that.
  3. We all have gone through this. We just go back to the point of GZ and replace. You may not have the Original type container but you are back in action. Good Luck! I've had one replace 6 times.
  4. I'll not be there but my coins should be. Hope A&L can touch base for the exchange. Enjoy!!
  5. This should help you.. http://www.geocaching.com/track/
  6. At Last we can close this Chapter on the Mt Si Fire. Sure it has a spot which will show for years but it is out and we can say 'DONE for Now". Please close this Post....................
  7. I like the News Media, as of this afternoon at 2, we still have smoke. One of the Pump Truck had just filled and was heading back up 444th.
  8. Yawn... too dark to tell anything as I drove pass more info this afternoon.
  9. Crews are still working up there but no Copters as of 5am, the area is steep. One area they were working Saturday was a small Valley. This morning is nice and cool so far with no Breeze.
  10. It appears out, News crews keep repeating the same news without any updates. The Water dropping Copter has left the area. Very quiet out this way have not driven up to area yet today. Crews are still working the area and lots of dark smoke.
  11. Fire has started on Mt Si and is spreading up Toward the top. Will try to keep everyone up to date. Currently approx size is 5 acres...
  12. Just which one are you having trouble with and someone in the crowd can PM you with details to help grab this runaway cache? Or maybe the Cache can see you approach and it goes running in a different direction.
  13. Please come back soon as it has always been a fun adventure each time and the great laughs afterwards. Keep the coin close at hand to guide & protect on this next adventure. Until we laugh again may you know we are out here for you. Just one of the many members of the HOTM. Dudley aKa MtnMutt
  14. GARMIN, plain and simple. Sure I have an iPad 3 but you will always catch me with my 60CSx upfront and proud. Do I take it to the Mountains? Yes, but he who lives by the battery dies by the battery. I carry that paper thing called Map and carry a Compass. In the Northwest lots of trails, so I load up on Northwest Trails... thanks to Moun10Bike. As for that Waterproof thing... let us say one of us has dropped their GPSR into a stream and the GARMIN kept on working. Enjoy your time out in the hills and you find many a cache. Oh, almost forget.. Welcome Aboard. MtnMutt
  15. Subway sandwiches, make your own with a variety of meats, cheese lettuce, breads, bags of Chips , cookies, and most important WATER. A blue Ice can keep items cool for the day. Be creative and plenty of rest stops for the kids. Good Luck.....
  16. Have you considered calling 1-800-WAAAAAA? It's only a game get over it. WOW!?
  17. Ok, I can use my iPad3 with ZERO problems but I carry my 60CSx for back up. Sure it is not as accuracy as my Garmin but I can compensate knowing the Correction factor. If new to this Game, stick to an actual GPS and learn. Then step out using both and see the difference. Good luck on your adventures....
  18. What about a Gift Card for candy from a Special Candy manufacturer?
  19. NOPE! But you can use your iPad as a back-up. If you could drag & drop as from iMac to iPad it would be nice but have not figure out the code as yet. I carry both just in that unique situation when you are in a place you were not thinking about Caching but the situation presented itself. There nothing wrong with Hand Loading the Coords.
  20. TL Congratulations on hitting #500 at this Special HOTM. I wish I'd not had other plans as I would have wanted to be there. Well, I'll have a Special Beer in your HONOR on Sunday afternoon. Once again CONGRATS to you!! Mutt
  21. oh, there will be 2 coins but one will be a surprise for someone. The fun part will be where along the route will I drop them. Could be that one cache that captures my fancy. Now, the Code word is... Groundhog. Does that help everyone? This group of 5 will be complete once the Coins are dropped. Then starts the next 5, this is fun. I may just drop off the next group in Europe or where ever.
  22. Which do you think JHolly prefers... GOLD/GOLD or GREEN/SILVER? Then the fun part of hiding his Coin along the way or just slapping it into his hot hands? Will he find me along the way, Hmmmm? Only the Shadow knows for sure or a Community vote. What does the Machine say?
  23. This morning I just noticed that Mission 9: Tunnel of Light Reclaimed has been taken once more. I would like to throw out an idea... What about placing a Plaque similar to the Original Stash Plaque or even looks like the Original Container? This would show some of the Original Items on it. Remember this is just an idea to have everyone Ponder over. Groundspeak or WSGA, could start a Plaque Fund which everyone can toss in a couple of Dollars more or less to fund the Project. It would be sad to let this Cache go away since so many enjoy the events around it and the thrill of Hiking the Tunnel to find it. The History is there... Now how can we save it?
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