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Mega Robin

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Posts posted by Mega Robin

  1. Hello,


    I'm new to geocaching, and I was trying to get my profile filled in as complete as possible.

    However, I'm unable to select my gps device because it's not listed.

    I'm using a Sony NV-U70T. The closest one to that that I could find in the list on this website is the Sony NV-U50, altough it's listed in the "Sony Ericson" dropdown menu, which is also wrong.


    Is there a way to report this to the people who do the maintenance of the website?





    PS: I'm also going to be using an ipad mini for geocaching, but only the regular ipad is listed in the gps list (which isn't a big difference to the use of the gps receiver inside them, though).

  2. Thanks for all the responses,

    I think I know what to use now. :)


    And I know it might seem strange to a lot of you guys,

    but I think it's more fun to look for something with just a device to find the coördinates and some sheets of paper where I wrote the hints down.

    To me it just seems less fun to see a map where all nearby geocaches are listed, and where you see more info than you decide to write down...


    Thanks guys.

  3. C:GEO


    Another great app


    So I've heard, but since it violates the terms of use agreement of the website I wasn't going to suggest it. Now that it's out there, OP, do with it what you will.


    And it's for androids, not apples.

    Well, I guess it's not what I'm looking for. Thanks anyway. :)



    I only want a gps/navigiation app that isn't for driving. I don't want to be able to see which caches are near me, I want to manually enter coördinates that I find on the geocaching website.



    Thanks for clarifying. You might be interested in Commander Compass http://happymagenta.com/compass/

    I have the app on my iPhone but confess to not using it, since I use the Geocaching app and haven't had a need to use Commander Compass. So I can't give you any good feedback on how to use it. But I think it may be what you want.

    I've looked this one up and it seems indeed quite what I'm looking for, thank you!

    Going to test it ASAP.

  4. Argh... I'm not so sure that you are listening to what you are being told. Chief provides a couple of fine suggestions in the last paragraph, but you swing back to something like NavFree Benelux. From what I can ascertain, that app is for DRIVING, not something like geocaching -- of course it is going to work off of addresses instead of coordinates, it is designed to take you to the restaurant, stadium, grandmama's house and the like, not someplace along the river, in the meadow or to a mountain peak.


    You know, geocaching.com has a free Intro-app. It is limited in scope and functionality as it is designed only to introduce somebody to geocaching, but at least it gives one a "heads-up" and a bit of knowledge (not much, but some) of geocaching. The idea behind the Intro-app is to let somebody "test the water" to see if geocaching would be something they would like to do.


    Want to look for more? Simply search "geocaching apps free" from Google or any other web search engine. The key word, I think, would be "geocaching", not something like "navigation" or "GPS". Lots of options came up when I searched that.

    Yes, I have read everything and I do understand it.

    But it wasn't what I was looking for, it wasn't my question.

    I don't want the free trial app or other geocaching apps which are limited in number of cache finds per day. I only want a gps/navigiation app that isn't for driving. I don't want to be able to see which caches are near me, I want to manually enter coördinates that I find on the geocaching website.

    And I was wondering if other people here also used an app like that, and which would be the best choice.

    Because if you google for apps, every app's page claims that their app is the better one.


    In addition to geobucket and the intro app, looking4cache has a free version. All of these apps are somewhat limited - geobucket and looking4caches have certain restrictions for basic members of this site - but would give you a feel for the game.





    Another great app

    I'm going to check this one out ASAP.

    Thank you very much!




    Another great app


    So I've heard, but since it violates the terms of use agreement of the website I wasn't going to suggest it. Now that it's out there, OP, do with it what you will.

    Oh, that's not good news.

    I guess I won't be using this one then...

    Don't want to get my account banned or something. :unsure:

  5. That GC Tools app seems like it's made more for deciphering puzzles in the field and that sort of thing. A good tool for a more advanced cacher who's into puzzles, multis, mystery caches, etc. . Yes, it looks like there's a place to manually enter coordinates but that's about it. You can get any GPS app for that without all the bells and whistles.


    You really should start out just doing some simple traditional caches, and you're going to want an app that's actually designed to go geocaching with, not work out tricky field puzzles. You might need that later, but that app isn't for basic Geocaching.


    If you're still leery about spending $10 for the official app (which I don't think you'd regret, though), I've heard of a lot of folks using a free app called GeoBucket. It's designed for basic, paperless Geocaching (which means you'll have all the cache info on the device instead of having to enter coordinates manually in another app). I'd suggest you check that one out.

    Yes, but what GPS app should I get then?

    So far, I didn't manage to find a free gps app that brings me to exact coördinates instead of a nearby address...

    Also, I wanted to try NavFree Benelux, but it kept crashing on the iPad mini of my mom...

  6. Thanks for the replies so far.

    The only thing I need is an app that does what a handheld gps does: bring me to an exact location of coördinates.

    The iPad doesn't have internet everywhere, but it does receive gps signal (I used an automotive gps without having internet everywhere, and it worked, but as I already said, it can only take me to the nearest address in a street, not at the "exact" coördinates when the cache is in a forest or something like that).


    I've also been searching a bit more, and so far the best app for me that I could find would be:

    "GCTools - The geocaching tool collection!"


    I think I'm gonna give that one a try,

    and I hope it works out for me. :)


    Should anyone still know something else or something better,

    then please let me know! ;)



    Mega Robin

  7. Hello there!


    I'm new to geocaching, and I would love to try it, but I don't have a GPS device.

    Also, most GPS devices or apps are meant only for car traffic, and won't be able to lead me to exact coördinates (they would lead me to a nearby address instead).

    So, what app(s) should I use on my iPad mini to be able to get to the exact location of given coördinates.

    I think the official geocaching app is able to do so, but I don't want to spend money on anything before having tried it.

    So are there any good, free alternatives?


    Thanks in advance!

    Mega Robin

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