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Everything posted by -=(GEO)=-

  1. Hummm.... How does this compare to something like the MapPoint Web Service ?
  2. Extensibility in GPXSonar: So far, I haven't seen anyone mentioning this so I'll ask If GPXSonar were scriptable or extensible, would you write and share custom extensions? If GPXSonar were extensible, what kind of extensions / plugins would you like to see? Thanks, Fabien.
  3. I'd highly recommend the IPaq series as well. I love my 1945's TFT screen! My 2 cents. Regards, Fabien.
  4. -=(GEO)=-


    Eheheh... I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one with a mind in the gutter I love the coins Pepper! -Fabien.
  5. haywyre... There should be no mystery there. The distances will be accurate if any of the following actions occur: 1. You set a particular cache as the current center. 2. You set arbitrary center coordinates. 3. You recall one of the coordinate bookmarks. For further details, check out the following links: Center Coords. & Cache Options Regards, Fabien.
  6. artvandelay... It's not a defect: there's no association between whatever file you open and center coords. Now, is it do-able? Certainly, as long as the filenames don't change all the time, I could see how this could be useful. Regards, Fabien.
  7. leatherman... Click & Hold the button instead.
  8. Genoist... Yes. Notes are saved (along with everything else) in the GpxSonar.dat file located under \Config. Ok. In what format? Xml, Excel, CSV, ... Regards, Fabien.
  9. haywyre ... Thanks for the feedback, however, you need to be more specific. Thanks, Fabien.
  10. Jeeters... You can already do this using the Search Filter leatherman... & Jeeters... Have you ever used the 'joystick' and 'button' at the bottom of your PDA? They replace the stylus and the double-tapping and take the need for 'precision' out of the equation. You could try stopping to read the cache page
  11. ClydeE... Ok, that's a good start. The notes in GpxSonar also include actual cache coordinates and a status field (found, not found, note, archive). If we want to pursue a tighter integration of the 2 apps, I suggest we take that discussion offline. Regards, Fabien.
  12. trippy1976 ... You can configure GPXSonar to use much less memory using the following setting: File -> Tools -> Performance -> "Use Less Memory" option In your situation, this will be more effective if you install the app on a CF/SD card. Hope this helps. Fabien.
  13. robertlipe... Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that 'mapconverter' only worked with Mapopolis 3.x and not with 4.x?
  14. DomHeknows... That one has been on my To Do list for over 6 months. I may implement it through the WAP interface to the site even though a web service is planned for this purpose (rumor). I've offered ClydeE to integrate with GSAK a while back. The ball is in his court now. You may want to post this request in the GSAK thread. Regards, Fabien.
  15. NSMB... You can already hide/unhide columns.
  16. Team Libra... Yes, but not from GpxSonar. To convert a GPX file to Mapopolis waypoints, you'll need a utility called GpxToMaplet. Check out this thread for the links to it. Regards, Fabien.
  17. Lone Duck ... Hue!?! I'll check it out but this is very odd... I can't test this right now, but I do not believe that leading zeros are dropped. Trailing ones can be dropped w/o loosing any precision. 1. Identical: 42 47.0280 = 42 47.028 2. Not Identical: 42 47.028 != 42 47.28 So, if GpxSonar actually does #2, there's a problem. Otherwise, it's fine. Regards, Fabien.
  18. Jim W... I've been considering porting GPSBabel to the Pocket PC and embedding it in GPXSonar. That would take care of uploads and conversions in many formats at the same time. So, the short answer is: YES...Eventually Regards, Fabien.
  19. Jim W... I've been considering porting GPSBabel to the Pocket PC and embedding it in GPXSonar. That would take care of uploads and conversions in many formats at the same time. So, the short answer is: YES...Eventually Regards, Fabien.
  20. 2LuknF8... GpxSonar does not care where it starts from or where your files are. Sounds like something else is going on here. Sounds like your Cache Attributes filter needs to be changed. Thanks for the feedback. Fabien.
  21. To all GpxSonar Users: I'm about to start working on the next release of GpxSonar but I'm having a hard time gathering the fragmented input that I've received through this forum over the course of the past 3 months. So for the sake of efficiency, I'd like to try a different approach: If you have a request for a feature or a bug fix for v1.2 of GpxSonar, please log it here. Anything entered in this thread will be considered for the next release. Anything outside of this thread will not be considered. This thread will be closed once I have enough things on my plate for v1.2. Please stay on topic. Thank you, Fabien.
  22. Rosco... Here's the problem with using the forum for feature requests and bug reports: it's hell for me to track things that way and I end up missing things when I attempt to gather a list of what needs to be done for the next release. I'm going to try a little experiment shortly in preparation of GpxSonar v1.2... I'd rather have everything in one file to avoid adding complexity in the code. Splitting things up still does not guarantee that you won't lose data either. Instead, I'd rather handle saving things as part of a "transaction" where I back things up on the fly and get rid of the backup only when I'm sure that everything was saved properly. I'll get to it as part of the v1.2 work. Regards, Fabien.
  23. Alan2... PayPal donations are always welcome if you really mean that Regards, Fabien.
  24. Volwrath... You're correct. GPXSonar doesn't do that for a simple reason: until now, archived / disabled caches were never present in PQ files and therefore, there was no need to handle that case. If the situation has changed, then this is a feature request and I'll take care of it. Thanks for the feedback. Fabien.
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