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Everything posted by 0R0B0RUS

  1. This goes for me too!
  2. OMG! These are beautiful! Nice job.
  3. Wow, now those are pretty darn cool! Since there's a FAQ or an expert for pretty much everything else pertaining to caching, does anyone know how to go about making one of those? I cannot tell a lie. That would be me. Check out my gallery link.
  4. Hi Loran! Sent you an email. Can't miss getting a set of these beautiful coins. BTW, since your moving to Arizona, might you be going to GeoWoodstock 6?
  5. Many people are taking to wearing their personal coins as a custom wire-wrapped pendant. Here are some examples:
  6. So who's got access to a private jet? I would love to fly to Hawaii for the weekend to attend this CITO event. Unfortunately, I couldn't possibly persuade any of my living relatives over there to go. Oh geez, I'm pathetic. LOL
  7. YES! YES!
  8. Paula, I think this is a great idea! Along with the traditional animals, consider some others; who wouldn't want to ride on the back of a huge dog or cat? Or how about a gorilla? LOL You could go really wild!
  9. Same quahog, cheaper price from http://www.dorkfishcoins.com/cart/index.ph...products_id=106. LE Antique Silver is also still available here http://www.dorkfishcoins.com/cart/index.ph...products_id=107.
  10. These are really some beautiful coins! Congrats! Can't wait to see the solar eclipse version.
  11. Very nice design! Can't wait to get one of these. Please keep us posted on the sale date.
  12. It's official. According to the website, sale of the Pocket Decoder has been postponed until further notice. A new sale date will be announced soon. I imagine The Caching Place will update their forum thread.
  13. I thought I was mostly a BN kinda guy, but recently, I've been liking the gold finishes. I bet this would look great in an antique silver or polished nickel as well.
  14. Catching up again for today and the past long time: Two variants of Sepp & Barta's Astrospace coin Geocoin & Pin Club March Madness pkg w/Oakcoins St.Patrick's Day Oakleaf Four Musketeers Set - Blue, Red & Green TikiStomp Event coin Dorkfish Version 1 BN LE Benchmark Geocoin Club - Cape Hatteras Lighthouse Little Mermaids BN Sieze the Day Set (3) - now all I need is the MOGA variant Cat Lovers Set (3) FootTrax personal Highland Geofairy - Red Glitter Pirate Sword Set
  15. I love these little micros! Just for clarification, is the LE geo-quahog 2008 made of the standard base metal (I'm guessing brass) with an antique silver finish? Just so there is no confusion with the D22 2007 Quahog which was substantially larger in size, minted in .925 sterling silver and previously sold by Dorkfish.
  16. Congrats Jackie! Very nice design - can't wait to see 'em!
  17. [edit] double post
  18. Wanted whole set but only spring and summer versions left. Beautiful coins! Ouch! The strong euro sucks! Can't wait to see em.
  19. As I have mentioned before, beautiful design! I really like the odd shape. Can't wait to see the samples!
  20. Is this really a "geocoin" anymore? Don't get me wrong, I love it and I want one. At $20 a pop, I doubt that many of of these will be found in a cache (though a hellavu FTF prize!). Much like these other functional geocaching tools that are becoming available (quadrant and planisphere come to mind) are we seeing a new category of traveler emerge?
  21. LOL! I have traveled that far for an event. If anyone is interested in this coin, I can set some aside for people since I doubt we will sell out at the event. Wish I could go! But I would gladly buy a coin to support the event. Please add me to your list! Thanks BTW, Are you coming out to GW6?
  22. If you read the above post from Hogwild, you'll see they will be doing a 2 day presale. geeez. All well and good when a website works.... order 2 and and it reports 46 and dumps you?..... The new presale has no LE's.......... Nice for you and I see I am not alone on the order mishaps...full carts suddenly turning up empty... How many times have we been here, done that. These cart programs suck under pressure! I just try to get the item I really want in the cart as quick as possible and then go right to checkout. I am already logged in as a member so all my shipping info is already there and then zip to PayPal. I got lucky and got my set this time. But believe me, this has not always been the case. And that's why I also really like the pre-sale thing. You even get a shot at purchasing different coin finishes. If I didn't have my compleatist compulsion under control, I would also be buying swords in the presale...
  23. Paula, I can't go to MOGA That polished gold with the red looks outstanding! I agree that antique silver is my favorite too I was very pleased with my AS purple egg. I am sure the copper eggs are just as kewl! What can I do for you?
  24. I logged in at 4:59pm. I was lucky and got in right when the sword set was moved to the new items page. Clicked buy and went right to checkout. The time stamp on my receipt is 20:00. As soon as I got thru PayPal, I went back to the store and the sets were all sold out. And then I finally read the info on the page - wow we also get a bonus sword!! Very kewl and very smooth. I think the pre-order thing is a great idea. Swords for everyone!
  25. Thanks for sharing! These look really kewl..
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