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Everything posted by 0R0B0RUS

  1. I guess, this now translates into 1 full set of 3. Also, please to add 1 pin. Email sent. Thank you for efforts!
  2. Ordered set. Very kewl coins!
  3. Looks like they closed the other thread instead
  4. email sent requesting 2 black nickel. Nice looking coin
  5. Missed out on the 1st run and a micro version sounds cool! I would be in for a 10-pack.
  6. Very nice. I'd be in for a couple of these!
  7. Hello there! email sent on Oct.5, but no response. Way back at post #30, you promised me a coin. I was never invoiced, so I was just wondering if this was happenning or not. Awaiting patiently...
  8. Email sent. 2 gold and 2 silver please. Thanks.
  9. Another outstanding coin design! I like the shiney silver. Please do give us a heads up when these become available for sale. Thanks.
  10. Hoorah for the Dillon Gang! These coins are great. The LE is outstanding! Thanks for all your hard work.
  11. Order placed. Phew! Thought I'd missed out on these cute coins... Thanks!
  12. Put my order in. Very kewl coin!
  13. You can count me in for at least 2 of each metal. Might I also urge you to consider a third metal like say gun metal or something like that. I really liked the black nickel V2. You shouldn't have any problem selling/trading these coins. It's an awesome design!
  14. email sent requesting one of each metal. It looks like it's gonna be a real nice coin.
  15. PayPal payment sent. Please confirm. Thanks.
  16. Yeah, what she said!
  17. Great pics! I guess this makes my previous request to be one of each metal. Cannot wait to see these!
  18. Got mine today. It came with the activation code. I guess you'll have to contact the GBES if you did not get a code. Beautiful coin!
  19. ditto, what they said. IMHO, no disrespect to our Hawaiian and Alaskan cachers, but the original idea really only works with the contiguous lower 48 and you should stick to that. It's clever and will make an attractive coin set.
  20. ditto, what they said. IMHO, no disrespect to our Hawaiian and Alaskan cachers, but the original idea really only works with the contiguous lower 48 and you should stick to that. It's clever and will make an attractive coin set.
  21. yes you can.... email me your info and I will send you a paypal invoice Email sent. Thanks its already shipped... hows that for service? Ranger ROCKS Thanks!
  22. email sent. Probably too late but hopeful.
  23. The Team Sand Dollar V2 coins were my first ever trade and will always be one of my favorite coins. But not having my own personal coin to trade, I was lucky, because I had just ebayed a few coins on his want list. These are truly awesome coins! I do not believe you will have any problems selling the quantity you need to make to get the tracking number. Resist the urge to mint much more than that and you will ensure continued value for both trackable and un-trackable coins.
  24. email sent. please of please tell me I'm not too late!?1!
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