The watchlist pays off big time! Away from my computer yesterday afternoon, I didn't check back until 6:55pm - argh! The GSA hit a local cache! This cache happens to be in a local establishment that closes at 7pm. I call and talk to a clerk and yes they're about to close the doors and yes there was a stranger in earlier who had asked to see the "geocache puzzle pieces" and they will re-open at 11am. Oh no! Anyone watching the GSA's profile would know there was a coin here and could possibly beat me to it. Needless to say I didn't get much sleep. I showed up in front of the door at 10:55am half expecting a line of cachers waiting to get in. I'm the first one here! Door opens at 11 and the prize is mine! The cache is full of swag. I leave a jailbreak geocoin. TFTC! see picture
PS. I later asked the clerks if any one remembered the stranger and I got conflicting reports, one thought sure it was a man, but the other said it was a woman. In fact the only thing they agreed on was that the stranger was there for several hours reading comic books!