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Wij Drie

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Everything posted by Wij Drie

  1. KarelKraak does fantastic things on coins. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  2. That's easy. This is the front of your new coin: or isn't... tot cache, team Wij Drie
  3. I like these coins. A good subsitute to the real Secret Geocaching Agent Coin which is still extremely rare in Europe. Fingers crossed. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  4. I would love to get a Lackey coin. One of them has yet arrive in the Netherlands. The coin would visit all Dutch events for everyone to discover. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  5. And... yes... go on. Maak vort man! tot cache, team Wij Drie
  6. OK, Europe missed another fine coin. I really 'love' those nights. Mail sent for the waitinglist. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  7. I vote for something completely different: remint just one of the original metals. Let the other one be the Spaghetti Speciale. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  8. I like these a lot. We have something with Kabouters. <----- tot cache, team Wij Drie
  9. In the Netherland: any upcoming event. We can trade on any event. Worldwide: the first half of October will be Geocoinfest-event. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  10. Welcome to Europe this summer! tot cache, team Wij Drie
  11. beterschap. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  12. I would love to 'grabbel' one of these coins. Please start the menace on a European friendly time. Thanks. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  13. To bad Jeremy never visits an event in the Netherlands. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  14. Shipping to Europe? tot cache, team Wij Drie
  15. first: 11 second: 2 third: 10 tot cache, team Wij Drie
  16. I love pasta and the Netherlands are close to Italy, home of the pasta. So i love to see one of these coins over here. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  17. The coin arrived in the Netherlands - Europe today. We'll drop him in a local cache this weekend. Thanks. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  18. I don't know the English name of this bird: But it's got eyes. tot cache, team Wij Drie 8)
  19. I did!?! We needed only one guess for the right number?!? This must be the shortest cointest ever. Thanks and email sent. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  20. Mom: 500 Please more hints tot cache. team Wij Drie
  21. Another guess: 210 tot cache, team Wij Drie
  22. I sure would love to trade a coin. I do have our Wij Drie Geo 40 coin to trade. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  23. OK, another guess from Europe: 246 tot cache, team Wij Drie
  24. 456 tot cache, team Wij Drie
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