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Wij Drie

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Everything posted by Wij Drie

  1. 1) Dominica, Roseau 2) 666 pictures 3) the whole family, a shark, a cocktail and the airplane tot cache, team Wij Drie
  2. I like them both and would probably buy both, if the costs are right and the shipping isn't to high. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  3. Since i'm into all European geocoins, so please put my on your or anyone elses list. Thanks. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  4. We always sign all our logs with the Dutch: It can't be translated, but it's Dutch. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  5. Congratulations to all recipients and finders. We had some heavy storms last night. It was pretty scary. But not as scary as the CCC. I hope to meet you sometime. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  6. And our first trade arrived today. Thanks Wutzebear. I'm still trying to contact Los Muertos. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  7. Does this Mickey Diver coin wants to visit Disneyland Europe? It's close to the Netherlands. I would love to give this coin a visit to Eurodisney. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  8. This monday morning our padded envelopes are mailed at our local postoffice. I really liked the idea and will be posting at our mailbox the next couple of days. Thanks to you al and zZZz specially. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  9. Hey, I have also choose something of your list. So if you have choosen something of mine, there is a (small) chance we have a trade (if i understood everything correctly). Otherwise we can always make a trade afterwards. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  10. I'm really interested in you coin. Please put me on your list. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  11. Caching
  12. OK, I'll have a try. Trick or Treat 1) 9:09 2) 19:19 tot cache, team Wij Drie
  13. I know, exciting, isn't it! We may actually have a chance, Sabrina! Naomi I'll guess i won't be sleeping tonight now i know the CCC knows it's way to Europe. KarelKraak is a very nice person, He deserves to recieve a coin like this one. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  14. Nope, nothing here. But, wij kijken een gegeven paard niet in de bek. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  15. A Friese Stabij called Piet. concratulations with the little one. tot cache, tyeam Wij Drie
  16. 6 girls. I feel sorry for the father. Does he have a life? I'm not very good in American names so no guessing here. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  17. Nice story. You really made me laugh. Here's is your green stuff: There is no shusi in Disneyland Europe. We do have croissants and French fries thou. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  18. Has anyone of you ever visited Amsterdam? We had this years Geocoinfest Multi Event in the neightbourhood of Amsterdam. Lot's of voluntiers and caches to. tot cache, team Wij Drie
  19. It seems as the CCC doesn't have a passport. But i like to thank CCC for giving to the community. Anyone wants to sent his/her CCC-coin to Europe? (just trying) tot cache, team Wij Drie
  20. Brenda: Mickey Mouse Heather: Minnie Mouse DD: Donald Duck
  21. you felt out of a tree.
  22. you had a day off.
  23. You'vr got a new idea for a new cointest.
  24. You had you breakfast with ALL children at the table...
  25. Cleaned your house? At least i don't do that every day. tot cache, team Wij Drie
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