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Everything posted by Arndtwe

  1. I would have said the same thing, but he says he has EasyGPS and it doesn't do what he wants. Oops, I missed that.
  2. P.S. I know that this has already been said, but if you have a PDA, Cachemate IS the absolute coolest Cache organization available. It's 8 bucks, one time fee, free upgrades. Awesome.
  3. While GSAK may be the most popular by far, it is also quiet intimidating at first. It appears to be very complex and there are a lot of features as well. This is all good and well, but if all you WANT is something that is simple yet very efficient and not to difficult to learn, you may want to consider EasyGPS. It's free, and unlike GSAK, you dont have to pay to get rid of a nag screen.
  4. Garmin GPSmap60Cx
  5. No, a regular PQ of your finds won't work on INATN. It has to be the "My Finds" PQ (if I'm not mistaken) as it uses other data that come in that zip file that is not in a regular PQ. And when you get the query, don't unzip it rename it, or do anything else to it. Just upload it as it comes. Thats what I said... My apologies. You said "I think..." so I was just intending to confirm your thoughts for the OP. No harm, no foul.
  6. No, a regular PQ of your finds won't work on INATN. It has to be the "My Finds" PQ (if I'm not mistaken) as it uses other data that come in that zip file that is not in a regular PQ. And when you get the query, don't unzip it rename it, or do anything else to it. Just upload it as it comes. Thats what I said...
  7. Are you running a PQ, or the "Add To Queue" (however you spell that last word)? If it is just a PQ of your finds, I don't think that it will work. The last time I tried their site, they were having problems, and you were linked to the old uploader <-- (link), which then did it the correct way.
  8. That's a bummer. You should get a Palm Tungsten series, they're great!
  9. I bought one of those from Wal-mart and absolutely love it! There is WiFi EVERYWHERE. You would be surprised at how much there is. Just about any store, gas station, restaurant, school etc. etc. etc. has WiFi.
  10. FYI I just learned that you can also load GPX files into it and have your Geocaches show up on the map! Way cool! Now all I have to do is figure out how to do it, lol.
  11. Here is a list of tested devices that work: These are only the tested models, some others may work as well...
  12. I have a Palm Tungsten T3 and it works great! I'm pretty sure you can get some maps for Canada too, not sure about that.
  13. EarthComber is a free street map for your PDA. You can load all the counties you need for your PDA and customize the map the way you like it! This is by far the best FREE mapping program I've seen.
  14. It all depends on what the brother wants to do with it. If he wants to hide a geocache and have it listed on this site then it might. If he wants to hide some stuff for himself to come back and get later, then there are no guidelines for that. Even if jaudio hides it for the brother to find, it's still not listed here, so no guidelines need to be met. He could hide it on NPS land, without permission, buried, etc. He could even bury it on a bridge, as long as he doesn't dig too deep. Drat, you beat me to it
  15. I think he just wants to hide one for brother as a Christmas present, not a Geocache. Do the Geocaching guidelines apply to Geocachers even when not caching? I think not!
  16. No one?
  17. How do I tell which class my Tungsten T3 has? class 1, 2 or 3? I would assume 2 but I have no clue. Any help? P.S. Know of any good online pages for learning more in depth about Bluetooth with the Tungsten T3? Thanks for help in advance!
  18. What about this log of mine where I arrived and 4 or 5 sprinklers in a row were destroyed...... Oh, well..... It's not uncommon for those particular sprinkler units to fail over time on their own (especially if the installer doesn't have the lines right for the amount of pressure which is common with cheaper installers). I wouldn't be surprised if that had nothing to do with cachers destroying them and it amazes me how many places I go by that don't take care of their sprinklers because they extremely economical to replace and extremely east to replace. That being said...if you're going to do a sprinkler cache this is a good method: Inserting a hollow PVC pipe into the ground then placing a shelled out sprinkler head will make it easy to remove and replace and if you make the PVC pipe about an inch or so deeper that the sprinkler unit it'll help it not "float" with a heavy rain. They make great caches though because they are waterproof if done correctly. Of course, you'd never REALLY do that, because it would require digging a hole in the ground. This discussion is for purely intellectual considerations and would never occur in real life. Ever. That's a pretty bold statement to make that it will never happen. I mean after all, what percentage of people don't ever read the guidelines? Sadly, more than you may know, meaning that many people have probably done this and will continue to do so.
  19. There is a cacher around me named Super_cacher <-- (link). It says he only has 900 something but he doesn't log all of his finds. His mother who he caches with is Mutherandsun <-- (link), her profile shows there real (or close to) find count. I think that he is aroung 10 years old, but I don't know for sure.
  20. Is there a place where you can download extra .PRC files for extra features with Cachemate? Things like a GCXXXX search in Cachemate and possibly other things as well.
  21. Finally, I have got it working COMPLETELY. Mods can close topic if they like.
  22. Now I feel really stupid. I got my registration number and entered it in on the CacheMate program and in says "invalid registration number". Now what do I do?
  23. WOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I figured out what I did wrong! All I had to do was select a different user on the quick install! And now I have it working!
  24. Well, I still can't get this to work. I have synced all the stuff that I'm pretty sure has to be, and done all of the steps, and I still can't get it . Heres what I've done so far. The first thing I did was go to the online "READ ME" that is provided in the CachMate folder. This is what it says: Ok great! but I have a Tungsten T3 so there are other things you have to do, here are the text files included in the CacheMate folder: Here is what it said in that file: So do I load all four .prcs at once? Do only install the two in the Tungsten file? Or do just install the nowmal ones? I am very confused on these. Is there a setting that I might have missed when setting it up that HAS to be set a certain way to work? I CAN"T GET IT TO WORK!!!
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