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Everything posted by Arndtwe

  1. Umm.. .checked out the cache listing, but without pics, nor anything in the writeup, we don't get any idea of how good this cache was... am I missing something? Not missing anything.....just read the logs! I agree. No need to see pictures. Logs say it all...
  2. Guess I would lose my avatar.....
  3. I may be wrong, but isn't the 60CSX the one with the compass and altimeter as opposed to the CX which doesn't?? This is correct. The CX doesn't have and electronic compass or barometric altimeter. Personally though, I thiknk the CX is a better deal than the CSX.
  4. It is. If you have a members only cache you can see the audit log of who views the page. How do you do that?
  5. Nope. Another feature that I think should be available to premium members...
  6. YES FYI this has been dicussed before, look below this thread and you will see...
  7. I didn't say that. I said it meant that it was a SiRF star III. Once, I don't know for sure though.
  8. I think that you are incorrect. I'm nearly positive that the X stands for SiRF Star III receiver. I don't think there is a letter for removable cards. Now I'm not positive, but I think that C stands for Color, X for SiRF Star III receiver, and S for Barometric Altimeter. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  9. I would recommend getting the GarminGPmap60"Cx". notice the "Cx", not "CSx". The reason I would get the CX is because the CSX only adds two features that arent very important, especially not for Geocaching, but it still adds $100 to the price. Your choice, but I would HIGHLY recommend doing your own research and find out differences yourself. In the end, there is not one GPS that is the absolute best, it all comes down to the user...
  10. AND it's not waterproof - a drop at the wrong spot can ruin the whole hunt. Neither is a PDA...
  11. If you have a PDA that isn't GPS enabled but also have a GPS, will that work? Do you have to have one device that does both?
  12. This (<--link) is one that I find useful for doing detailed searches, it wouldn't surprise me if the reviewers use it (hence the URL). Other then thses tools, I would assume that they just use plain ol' maps like Google maps/earth I also LOVE Flash Earth (<-- link). It has a whole bunch of different mapping systems in it that give you the most detailed maps that I have ever found ( even better then Google Earth).
  13. The part about getting an ancient one for 10 or 20 bucks is that you won't panic so much when you drop it in a beaver pond or smash it on a rock while you are out caching. I wouldn't get an "ancient" Palm. Look on eBay for a "like new" Palm m500. It can take an SD card and connects to your computer with USB, something that is important. There is no point in purchasing an old Palm for $10.00 and then finding out the Serial to USB adapter is going to cost $39.99 . . . I have had my Palm m500 for more than six years. The battery is still going strong and in nearly three years of using it with Cachemate installed, have never had a problem with it. I got an inexpensive hard case to protect it from the inevitable rigors of caching. You should be able to get a Palm m500, with the cradle, and including the shipping, for less than $30.00. To get the information into my Palm, I use GSAK (Geocaching Swiss Army Knife). I haven't had to print out a cache page ever since I started caching "paperless." It is the only way to go . . . I don't know where you look, but I've purchased two, both caost less than $4. I would agree however, that buying a new on is a better option. You have more compatibility, and better working machine. It may cost you about $50-100, but you'd be surprised at just how much you would use it, caching and for other things. The problem is, you can't just go paperless by buying a PDA, you also have you pay for a premium membership to Groundspeak (which I would HIGHLY recommend anyways), then CacheMate. In the end, you'll spend at a minimum $25. That's if you get a $10 PDA, one month subscription to Groundspeak, and $8 for CacheMate. But, in the end the benifits are great: Paperless, cool features through Groundspeak, and a PDA. IT"S WORTH IT!!!
  14. I'm not the author , but I found these references to "Two Crow" on Amazon.com (where you can also buy the books): Amazon.com phrase search on "Two Crow" --Larry Well, those certainly answers the question about where "TwoCrow" came from. As for the other question, I haven't been geocaching in a couple of years, owing to a bad back that keeps me from hiking in the woods as I used to. But I still use GPS navigation in my little old two-seater airplane -- in fact, my GPS of choice for aviating is a hiker's model, a Garmin GPSMAP 60CS. I bought it to do research for "Cache of Corpses," using it to find all the waypoints where bodies were buried in the novel. It was so useful that it became a fixture in my airplane, even though it does not have an aviation database -- I still must employ aviation charts to keep myself away from tall radio towers and forbidden airspace and the like. Very cool! Sorry if I am being a bother, but I have one question more... how did you know to come here and chime in? Did you do a Google search at random, and saw that this had some stuff about your book? Or, have you just been "lurking" in forums ever since you heard about Geocaching? Just curious.
  15. TwoCrow, I have two questions for you. Do you Geocache? And the second, what made you choose the user name "TwoCrow"? P.S. Looks like a very interesting book that I am considering buying...
  16. Yes, this answers the where, we know that part. But the poster above asked how would your reviewer know WHAT the container is. Oh I see. Didn't realize that was the question, sorry about that.
  17. When you submit a cache for review, there is an option to "add additional waypoints"'. In here, you are suppose to enter the real coordinates of your cache, and select them to "reviewer only", that way, the reviewer can see the real location but not anyone else. If you do not add this to your listing, the reviewer will request you too.
  18. Thanks for all the help, I will try emailing for a password, and I'll also check around for people selling them other places. I did check eBay and found nothing like what I was looking for... oh-well. Thanks again for all the help!
  19. Crap! Anyone know where I could get one of these form somewhere else?
  20. Well, I found this really cool coin online at geocoinstore.com. This (<-- link) is the coin I want to get. Theres a catch. You have to be member, no problem there, so I signed up (it's free). Now the coin I am talking about here is "password protected", meaning you have to sign up, like I did. They say you'll get it somehow or another, but I have not gotten it by email or anything. can someone please tell me where to look for this password? Thanks!
  21. Sorry, I didn't visit the link now realize it was a joke.
  22. You NEVER give to accurate of coordinates. Always try your hardest to get them as accurate as possible. Now, for him finding it so quick, if you really think it was that hard, he may have just lucked out? Keep on hiding fun ones! Make them challenging, but not impossible. Remember, the whole point is to find the darn thing, even if you don't you can still have a fun time, but it's really fun if you actually find. Or at least I think that way. Happy caching!
  23. I'd like to know how you "hacked" your iPod touch.
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