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Everything posted by Divine

  1. Did you take that pic for this thread?
  2. Geek (Sorry, couldn't resist.) Overclocking
  3. Yep. This was a small issue a while ago in my neck of the woods. Some people got a bit bent out of shape when they thought they'd be FTF, but it turned out there were already pre-approval finders. Apparently some cachers had shared the descriptions of not-yet-approved caches on an IRC channel while waiting for the approval.
  4. Hehe, kyllä niitä varmaan vielä jossain vaiheessa tulee. Nykyään tarvitsen vain vahvan inspiraation lähteäkseni kätköä piilottamaan. Ei tee mieli hetken mielijohteesta viskata filmipurkkia johonkin koloon. Ilo tulee olemaan minun puolellani. Menee nyt vähän henkilönpalvonnan puolelle, mutta viime aikoina löytämäni Maxxyn kätköt ovat olleet kyllä tosi mukavia haettavia. On saanut ikään kuin palata geokätköilyn juurille, sen perusolemukseen: hienoon paikkaan piilotetaan rasia, jonka koordinaatit annetaan etsijöille. That's it. Etsittyäni satoja toinen toistaan monimutkaisempia mysteerejä ja multikätköjä, joissa monessa ideana on vain pistää etsijä temppuilemaan, laskemaan kymmeniä ikkunaruutuja tms, tai miettimään mitähän se piilottaja on tälläkin tarkoittanut, niin mitä enemmän on 'virkaikää' tullut, sitä enemmän on nimenomaan vanhat kunnon peruskätköt sykähdyttäneet. Arvostan toki hyvä kätköjä kaikissa lajityypeissä, mutta niin se vain on, että parhaat kiksit tuntuu nykyisin tulevan näistä traditionaaleista luonnonkauniilla paikoilla. Eli kiitoksia viimeisestä, Maxxy!
  5. Well, it seems what's happenig in SC is a good old populism trick for votes and political power. First we find an adequate problem: Vandalism in cemeteries. Indeed, vandalism occurs now and then in some cemeteries, and most voters think it's bad. Now we need an enemy. It's good to choose a small or remote enough a population of people to blame, so you can get the masses behind you. Everyone needs cemeteries at some point, which makes it easy to make people believe the small and different/strange acting bunch of people is mainly responsible for the wrongdoing. Geocachers! Now we need evidence. Surprisingly many voters are easy to assure by just telling them that this certain bunch of people are ones to blame for the vandalism. Do you like to see the graves and the final resting places of our forefathers (those who fought to make this country a better place) and loved ones to be vandalized by them? Do you? Of course you don't! Do you think it's right to let them do that? Of course you don't! Then, there are those darned trinko geommies who don't believe that they are vandalizing the heritage of our nation. We need hard evidence to convince them. But shoot, even though we can dig up some dirt (there are always bad apples in a bunch), it's not really that bad, and those suspicious ones aren't still convinced. So, just let us tell half truths, take things out of context, use clearly false evidence and edit the presentation just to make it look they are responsible for the wrongdoing. Remember, if you say it is true, people will believe it's true! It's not important if anyone never urinated against a headstone, once you say there are members of mass urination within geocachers, they'll buy it. No? See that log entry *coughthatweeditedcough* for yourself! No matter if by doing that we hurt a bunch of other people who also use cemeteries, at least our cemeteries will be saved (and we'll get lots of votes)! Stop vandalism! Stop geocachers! Have 'geology' changed into 'freedomlogy'!
  6. Divine


    Samaa mieltä. Itse olen suurimman osan löydöistäni hakenut etäisyys+suuntanuoli (+kartta printtinä) -ominaisuuksilla. Tuona aikana varmaan vain oikeastaan kerran todella toivoin, että olisi ollut karttaominaisuus gepsissä. En olisi vanhaa Ventureani muuten vaihtanutkaan, ellei sitä olisi varastettu. Kun uuden joutui pakosta ostamaan, niin otin sitten karttavehkeen (60CS).
  7. Mulla tuo lukema oli pitkään ~60 km, nyt alkaa lähennellä jo sataa kilsaa. Lähimmät löytämättömät sijaitsevat Porin ja Hyvinkään suunnalla. Aina välillä ilmestyy kätkö tai pari lähelle, mutta aika pian ne tulee haettua.
  8. Divine

    Logging Dnfs

    Sorry jupilli, I'm going to answer this in English. You can never know if there are some Brazilian geocachers reading this valuable information. So you are asking if it's a wise move to include your phone number in your profile, and if anyone has got inappropriate phone calls at inconvenient times. I have given my number to quite many geocachers (and obviously it's been passed on), and I do get some calls indeed, every now and then. Still, I'd say the calls have very seldom been inappropriate and (probably) never at inconvenient times. (Actually, I'm pretty bad in answering my phone calls. The phone is on the silent mode very often, and I don't always carry it with me. So if I don't answer, it's not because of who's calling - necessarily. ) Mostly the calls I receive are about when a geocacher is stumped at the cache site and is wondering if the container is missing. Especially in those cases I'm glad to help, although myself I usually don't want anyone else to tell me where the cache is. I mean, what's the point of going to search a cache and then ask someone else where it is? Anyway, I've done that in some cases, mostly by asking for a hint when I'm almost sure the cache is missing. Embarrassigly often it isn't. I've tried to cut down the amount of my calls to other cachers. I probably did it more in the past. To put my number on the profile page... I dunno about that... probably it's ok, but I prefer to give it to someone else rather in person. I'm still proud of my DNF logs, and I prefer logging them instead of just calling someone and ask where it is.
  9. Sorry, but I only logged those Travel Bugs I actually moved somewhere, and this wasn't one of them.
  10. Divine

    Logging Dnfs

    I agree! For me it's simple: If I go look for a cache and don't find it, no matter what reason, I log a DNF. That is, if I run out of gas, if my wife calls me to come home, if I can't look for the cache because of present geomuggles, if the cache has been stolen etc. I couldn't find it -> it's a DNF. Simple and true. There are several advantages in logging DNFs. The cache owner and the next searchers can get the idea that there might be something wrong with the cache (the DNF icon doesn't naturally do this alone, it's also what has been written in the log), the DNF stores are often also more entertaining to read than found-its, and most importantly (for me at least): a DNF log is part of the cache's and my personal recorded geocaching history. There is no way I can remember every geocaching trip I've made during my years of geocaching. It's really cool to go back the memory lane and read old logs e.g. back in 2002 and so on. Some of my favorite logs are DNFs, like the one in Thailand on an island later almost totally destroyed by the last December tsunami, or the one in Austria, where I had really great time explaining geocaching to local muggles in German. No way I could remember those all if I hadn't logged the DNFs from them.
  11. Divine

    Kätköt Kartalle

    Hmm... vai onkohan etusivulla mainutulla käyttökatkotiedotteella kuitenkin jotain tekemistä asian kanssa, vaikkei pvm täsmääkään:
  12. Divine

    Kätköt Kartalle

    Parissa kokeilemassani kätkössä Karttapaikka-linkki tarjoilee Forbidden-herjaa. Onkohan kyseessä tilapäinen häiriö, vai jokos Karttapaikka kyllästyi ylimääräiseen liikenteeseen?
  13. Ok. Homma sovittu -> TB päässee lähemmäs maaliaan gemmaticin mukana.
  14. Sovittiin, että maksu tapahtuu luonnossa. Siis tietysti esim. korvasieninä yms.
  15. Tuli ex tempore -reissu Hauholle, ja poimin ötökän matkalla mukaani. En tosin osaa sanoa, pystynkö tuomaan sitä yhtään lähemmäs Hyvinkäätä määräaikaan mennessä. Jos joku on lähipäivinä menossa Tampereelta sinne suuntaan, niin sovitaan jotain. Edit: Hmmm.... ehkä tässä kuitenkin voisi syntyä asiaa sinne päin. Meilaan sulle erikseen gemmatic.
  16. Multahan pöllittiin eTrex Venture joulukuussa, ja siitä jäi jäljelle kaapeli, joten saat sen.
  17. En minäkään kissoista oikein pitänyt *) ennen kuin muutin sellaiseen asuntoon, jossa niitä asui jo valmiiksi. (Huom. siis pääsin asumaan sinne - minultahan ei mitään varsinaisesti kysytty. ) Nyt olemme feliinien kanssa aika erottamattomia. Kaipa sitä kiintyisi vaikka muuliin, jos sellainen olisi huolehdittavana. Edelleenkin vastaisin silti siihen klassiseen kysymykseen koira. *) Minulla on ala-asteajoilta huono kokemus eräästä luokkatoverin kissasta, joka raateli käteni riekaleiksi kaverin ensin vakuutettua, että sitä voi aivan hyvin silittää.
  18. I've found two pictures from my logs there. One is taken by my wife, the other by me.
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