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Team Pitkis

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Everything posted by Team Pitkis

  1. Arvoisat tilastowizardit, onko tietoa? Tarvitsisin joitakin päivitettyjä faktoja kätköilyesittelypowerpointtiani varten. Olisiko jollakin tietoa kätköilijöiden lukumäärärstä ja kätköjèn määrästä Suomessa, Ruotsissa ja globaalisti? Mahdollisimman tuoreet luvut olisivat aivan erityisen hieno juttu. Vuoden 2012 luvut eivät enää ole kovin luottamusta herättäviä. Aki
  2. At least this cacher seems to be quite active one ... according to his profile, but it's odd that nobody knows him. Just wondering....
  3. A geocacher with handle "tyrohiker" from Dallas TX has picked up one of my travellers and the trail gets cold right there. I've tried to contact him via Groundspeak, but he chooses not to answer any emails from me. I do not want anything else from him but placing my geocoin (TB1J8B6) back into circulation. He has had it since February 16 2008 and I think that is quite enough for one cacher. Any hints are very much appreaciated. Member A from Team Pitkis Pirkkala Village, Finland
  4. Team Pitkis announces its readiness for such hosting. Location: Pirkkala near Tampere Area of hunt: City of Tampere and about 50km distance Open for suggestions about time and details.
  5. Last year I (Member A of Team Pitkis) visited Germany for couple of days and during those days there were a kind of a "free activities" -gap baked into our itinerary. Just for fun I contacted our German colleagues in their forum to find out if anybody were available to join me on a cache hunt on that specific day. To my comfort, cacher "rangercaptain1" took me to hunt with him for day. Instead of visiting just one or two caches in the vicinity of my place of accommodation, I got wheels under me in the form of rangercaptain1:s car and a tons of very good advice for cacheing practises and specialities of local nature. I'm very grateful of his time and effort and I'm more than willing to return the favour in his best convenience. In this context, I'm opening this topic for people to announce their readiness to host our foreign cacheing colleagues to get the best experience possible for their time in Finland. So... If you're ready to concider such hosting, please, leave your cacheing handle and your location or location of possible cacheing districts into this chain of messages. From such list, people planning trips to Finland, can find contacts to discuss the possibilities. Member A of Team Pitkis
  6. En löydä. GC????? tarkoitatko tätä Marttaristi GCY0MC Huomaathan, että kirjainten välissä on nolla eikä O-kirjain. Jäsen A
  7. Tervehdys. Tilapäisen (joskin pitkähkön) häiriön takia Marttaristin pimeäkätkö oli poikkeuksellisen hankala haettava tässä vielä jokin aikaa sitten, mutta huoltokäynti on palauttanut palikat jälleen ojennukseen. Näin syksyn hiljalleen pimentyessä kätkön anti alkaa olla parhaimmillaan ja yökätköilyn kokemus on halukkaiden otettavana reilusti vajaan tunnin ajomatkan päässä Tampereelta Helsingin suuntaan. Siitä vaan siis taskulampuille paristojen testaus ja kunnon maastojalkineet jalkaan ja pöpelikköön valoheijasteiden ohjattavaksi... Team Pitkis
  8. Special thanks to "iipee" who has kindly promised to deliver our message to the person in question. Aki from Team Pitkis
  9. A geocaching handle "_Naksu" was created on Saturday, September 22 this year and the last visit is recorded on Wednesday, September 26. Cacher has logged two caches, GCXAJJ X-treme II – Viikintie Bridge and GCX406 Vettä ja betonia, both loggings on Sep-22. Apparently cacher has been in company of "iipee" and "vileevi" in Helsinki area. He grabbed my Earth Geocoin with note explaining that the coin is going to appear next in Lappeenranta. After that nothing.... as he doesn't visit geocaching.com -site and I do not have any other means of getting into touch with him than sites send-mail, I do need some help to get into touch with this cacher. So, if you can give me even the slightest hint about this fellows whereabouts and/or identity it will be immensely appreciated. Aki from Team Pitkis
  10. Team Pitkis

    Pmr Channel

    Olemme käyttäneet tiimin sisäisessä kommunikoinnissa PMR radioita jo jonkin aikaa ja pienimuotoisen "vaeltelun" jälkeen olemme havainneet kanavan 4 alikanava 2:n olevan varsin vapaa ja häiriötön. Lisäksi kojeemme näytöllä kanava näyttää aivan luvulta 42, joka kaikkien Douglas Adamsin ystäville on päivänselvästi ainoa oikea vastaus elämään, maailmankaikkeuteen ja muuhun sen sellaiseen.
  11. Tasalukuja ja tilastoja Team Pitkiksen kätköilyhistoriikki alkoi varsin kaukana Suomesta eli lomamatkalla Kanarialla. 1. kätkö The Old Scholar GCBAFA 7.3.2003 Ensimmäiseen sataseen meni 590 päivää ja tasaraha osui kätköön GCKT0F Vihiojan pelipuisto Toinen satanen vaati 226 päivää. Kätkö oli GCNK5D Siuron sivukirjasto Kolmannen satasen kohdalla tuli vähäinen löpsähdys vauhdissa eli kesto oli 311 päivää. Kätkö oli GCT29R Kadonneita rautatieseisakkeita: Leukaluut Neljäs satanen olikin sitten jo sprintti eli 156 päivää GCWQFY Nokian vesitorni Puolituhatta täyttyi edellisestä tasaluvusta 181 päivässä GCGENE Mouhijärvi - Sacred Treasures Kuudes satanen oli jälleen uusi ennätys 106 päivällä GCXX07 Kadonnut harju Seitsemäs satanen oli sitten meidän all-time record 81 päivää, GC15GXA Kummelikätkö: Sporttivartti 500-kätkön kunniaksi laskimme liikkeelle vaeltajan eli dedikoidun geokolikon "500 Caches Found" 500 Caches Found 750-kätkön eli Kolmen Vartin kunniaksi olemme varanneet hopeisen Finland geocoinin ja 1000 kätköä varten kultaisen Finland geocoinin. Tämän jälkeen seuraava erikseen juhlittava onkin sitten 2000 eli varautumiseen pitäisi olla enemmän kuin kylliksi aikaa. Kattavat kätköilytilastot Team Pitkiksen profiilissa osoitteessa Statistics
  12. Vai lähimpiä kätköjä tutkiskellaan.... no täältä pesee. Ilmoittettujen koordinaattien mukaan molemmat lähimmät kätköt (mystery) ovat omia Visio 0,04 km Birkaensis 1,2 km Lähin ei oma kätkö samalla kriteerillä on Border 1,4 km (mystery, jonka Harjus tälläsi "lähes kotiportaille") Lähin kätkö (todellinen sijainti) on oma kätkö nimeltä Pirkkalan piilosana (~ 500m) Lähin muiden sijoittama kätkö on Viikinsaari Micro (regular, Divine adopted by liisu) Tällä hetkellä (25.9) lähin löytymätön kätkö on ForeverMe:n Cliffhanger #1, Peltolammi (4,1 km)
  13. Bug fixed? Today the numbers in StatBar and User Profile cache details got synch again. I would very much like to know if some fix was introduced or must this situation remain in the "grey zone". At least it would be polite to let people know if something was actually done. Member A from Team Pitkis
  14. I've been as puzzled as the rest of the users of this forum about this bug diverting our statistics from accurate readings. I think it's a coincidence that the amout of missing finds equals the number of our web-cam caches found. On the other hand... I just wonder if this can have roots in old cache log-listings. The number of 2003 caches found for us is 15+1 (+1 is common little error in looping control). Anyway. I made this clip-n-paste to point out that in some parts of the system the total is ok and the problem seems to be in this "My account" -profile briefing. Member A from Team Pitkis
  15. Tässä jokusia vuosia sitten olimme vaimon kanssa etsiskelemässä "The honey pot of Winnie the Pooh" -kätköä Niihaman seutuvilla kun homma ei ihan mennyt ns. "putkeen". Ensiksikin alkoi olla varsin myöhä ja vaikka kevät valoisine iltoineen jo vähän auttoikin alkoi metsässä olemaan jo hämärää. Gepsin taustavalo oli tässä vaiheessa jo ihan must ja hiljakseen alkoi muodostua kevyttä usvaa alueen lukuisilta soilta. Niinhän siinä sitten kävi, että tiukasti kojeeseen tuijottamalla jäi nämä maamerkkien lueskelut vähemmälle...mitäpä noista kun backtrack kertoo kuitenkin reitin takaisin. Sattuipa vielä eräässä notkelmassa työnnältämään tuuheimmasta pusikosta hirvilehmä parin vasansa kanssa, jolloin keskinäisen tuijottelukilpailun jälkeen molemmat osapuolet peräytyivät vaivihkaa tahoilleen. Ja sitten... paristo sanoi työsopimuksensa irti ja tyhjä ruutu ilkkui kourassa ikävästi. Sumukin oli pahentunut niin, että maanpinnan tasolla näkyvyys väheni muutamaan kymmeneen metriin... ja varsinainen pimeäkin ehti leikkiin mukaan. Siinähän sitä sitten oltiin. Olimme kuljeskelleet pitkän ja merkillisen kiemuran metsässä ja hirviä väistäessämme vielä toisen mokoman. Meillä ei ollut minkäänlaista suuntaa tai maamerkkiä, jonka mukaan olisimme voineet johonkin päin suunnistaa. Aikamme tilanteen ratkaisumahdollisuuksista keskusteltuamme tuli tarkemman tuumauksen paikka ja hetkisen hiljaisuus. Tuona hetkenä saatoimme juuri ja juuri kuulla ysitien liikenteen aiheuttaman äänen, joka antoi myös kyseisen tien kulkusuunnan. Pääsimme metsästä takaisin käyttämällemme tielle pysähtelemällä vähän väliä ja kuuntelemalla liikenteen ääntä ja suuntaamalla siitä mahdollisimman tarkkaan pois päin. Silkalla onnella satuimme puskemaan takaisin ajotielle vain parinkymmenen metrin päähän autostamme.
  16. I just browsed through this chain of messages and found it rather complimentary to Magellan and very little criticism emerged. I don't want to be a killjoy, but there are some pros and cons according to my experience. First of all this eXplorist 500 of mine is bought from a store in Finland on January and it has been used mainly for geocaching in Finnish environment. With the unit I bought also a topo-map SD to cover my immediate vicinity of my house on the map. First some pros. This screen is very clear and I happen to like the icons used (someone liked Garmin icons better). The size of the unit is also very nice indeed and it fits into jacket pocket nicely. The operating time with single charging of battery is conciderably better than in my previous unit (SporTrak Map with chargeable AA-batteries) even in cold conditions. Some cons. I got used to the goto-line that gives a direction to the target from the place you currently are and that feature is sabotaged totally by replacing former visible line with almost impossible to see sized dotted line. On the other hand the route line from the place goto was set to the target is bright red clearly visible... and totally useless line. So far I haven't found any means of getting that goto-line useable. If the user interface with SporTrak Map was cryptical this eXplorist UI is even more so. I just wonder if there has ever been a straight thinking UI-designer in company payroll. Even first year students of ITC-studies must be able to create a LOGICAL user interface to such a simple gadget. Unfortunately there is also a MAJOR DISASTER built in the unit too. It cannot endure cold weather. The unit was placed in the glove compartment of my car for several hours in -15 degrees centigrade and when the unit was powered on it discarded its flash memory completely and showed only NAND error on the screen. For that NAND problem I found a cure from internet which included upgrading the firmware to the most recent one (SD card detached, of course) but since that the operations with SD memory has been catastrophic. The handset corrupted my Topo-Map SD completely (I've not yet seen if manufacturer is willing to replace that) and all other SD cards placed in the slot are available only couple of hours before getting corrupted also. I bought a 1GB SD card to see if Map Send maps can be used with the unit but it's getting tiresome to format a SD-card and copy its contents before each and every sortie of geocaching. Has anyone experienced any similar problems and if so... managed to find a cure for the "disease". Member A from Team Pitkis
  17. Petteri Kontio Espoosta (nimim. Liimes) on ennenkin esiintynyt Geokätköilyn asiantuntijana TV-ohjelmassa, joten hän voisi olla hyvinkin kiinnostunut asiasta.
  18. Nivekpenrith contacted, thanks for your assistance. Member Aki from Team Pitkis, Finland
  19. Nivekpenrith contacted, thanks for your assistance. Member Aki from Team Pitkis, Finland
  20. Contact needed to UK-geocacher nivekpenrith One of my wandering TBs has gone stray for rather long time ago now and according to my inquiries upon this subject it looks like UK-geocacher nivekpenrith may be the last person who may have taken it. I've tried to contact nivekpenrith via geocaching.com e-mail service, but this cacher seems to failed noticing my messages. So. I need some help from the community. If you happen to meet nivekpenrith during your cache hunts, please, remind him that his response is gravely needed to locate "TB Red Mercedes". According to geocaching.com profile this handle is a premium member since Sept-2005 and he has found 410 caches found, 24 hidden and he's been accessing the net Jan-09, 2007. He's a health worker and he lives in Telford. Any assistance in finding my TB is very much appreciated. This TB is sent to its way by my son who has observed it's passage throughout its journey. He would be delighted if this TB can be found yet again. Member Aki from Team Pitkis, Finland
  21. Contact needed to UK-geocacher nivekpenrith One of my wandering TBs has gone stray for rather long time ago now and according to my inquiries upon this subject it looks like UK-geocacher nivekpenrith may be the last person who may have taken it. I've tried to contact nivekpenrith via geocaching.com e-mail service, but this cacher seems to failed noticing my messages. So. I need some help from the community. If you happen to meet nivekpenrith during your cache hunts, please, remind him that his response is gravely needed to locate "TB Red Mercedes". According to geocaching.com profile this handle is a premium member since Sept-2005 and he has found 410 caches found, 24 hidden and he's been accessing the net Jan-09, 2007. He's a health worker and he lives in Telford. Any assistance in finding my TB is very much appreciated. This TB is sent to its way by my son who has observed it's passage throughout its journey. He would be delighted if this TB can be found yet again. Member Aki from Team Pitkis, Finland
  22. Olisimme shiftaamassa geocaching varustusta paremmin laajemmalla alueella (mm. naapurimaat) tapahtuvaa kässäilyä varten ja siksipä tarjoan myyntiin N. puolentoista vuoden ikäisen Magellan Sportrak Map käsigepsin ja MapSend Streets&Destinations-tietokoneohjelman, koko paketti hintaan 450€. GPS harmaasävynäytöllä,sisältäen Suomen maantiekartaston (AT). MapSend ohjelmalla voi kojeeseen ladata tarkempia karttoja Point-of-Interest tietoineen. Ohjelman mukana liityntäkaapeli GPS:n kytkemiseksi tietokoneeseen. Toimii myös esim. GSAK (Geocaching Swiss Army Knife) ohjelman kanssa. Laite täysin kunnossa, jopa helpohkosti vikaantuva paristokotelo on juuri uusittu aidolla tehtaan varaosalla. Kaikki kätköt ovat tämän gepsin kanssa löytyneet... Team Pitkis Pirkkalasta aki.pitkajarvi@kolumbus.fi
  23. We, in Team Pitkis, have composed a guideline concerning DNF:s for ourselves and It's quite simple to follow. We do log DNFs in cases we have made a proper attempt to find the cache. That means that if attempt was postponed by pending dusk or something like that, that does not count as a proper attempt. Instead of logging evey single visit or every single idea of the possible riddle solution are not that interesting material for other cachers. But when the DNF logging is limited to those proper attempts, some hints may be given away about the wrong approaches. Of course the cache owner has his/her say in possible hints, but in general I have personnally found many DNFs to be very illuminating when solving the riddle. As it was mentioned earlier, those DNFs give the cache owner some feedback concerning the difficulty/terrain appreciation and suggestions on when to time ones maintenance visits and so on. So summa summarum... I'm very much pro-DNFs and at least we in this team find them very welcome in our own caches. Aki from Team Pitkis
  24. International programs for exchanging students from one country to another is an old invention, but have anyone concidered the possibilities of extending this idea into geocaching? This kind of arrangement can be quite easily get implemented between Estonia and Finland. The costs of transport are reasonable and it's possible to schedule a busy weekend geocaching in your neighbouring country. The idea is that I'm prepared to put up a suggestion of bunch of caches in my home turf for my exchange partner to receive a similar courtesy myself later on. I could help arranging a economical trip to Tampere and host a searching trip according to the plan finalized in co-operation. I can offer my own knowledge of the caches to provide appropriate hints if absolutely necessary, transportation with my car and maybe some other services. That depends on what can be negotiated mutually. On the other hand I'm willing to take my "team" to Estonia some day for similarly arranged caching trip. Is this only wishful thinking or how do you feel about this kind of international co-operation? Aki (in behalf of Team Pitkis)
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