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Dark Elf

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Everything posted by Dark Elf

  1. 1.) Laptop 2.) mobile phone
  2. Great design. Congrats to your personal coin
  3. Congratz LadyBee4T and Belfrypotters
  4. OMG, what a lot of coins I can only dream of having such a lot of nice coins I store my coins in boxes, too...or better in ONE box!
  5. Ouch summerandnana....ONE lap before end... ....i`m sorry for you
  6. Yes, i will I have never seen Nascar before this cointest, but since i am active in this forum i watch it and i have to say: i like it Thanks opalsns for bringing nascar nearer to me
  7. No luck for me again The half is done and Kyle is only on place 13 Seems like you are the lucky this time summerandnana
  8. Hope this time there is luck for me Now it's finally time for me to win a cointest
  9. #18 Kyle Bush
  10. WOW, what a great collection.....but i don`t have enough money to buy anything Hope you will find someone who buys your coins...should not be difficult to find anyone...with these coins
  11. On the webside stands:
  12. WOW, great anne.and.eli
  13. Icon 1: Icon 2: Tryed my best, but...they are not very good
  14. Chickahominy is right...i have a seeking-list like many others here, but there are soooo many coins i don't even know so i am always excited about what i will find in mission-packages. In my last (and first ) mission i found a coin i did't know before, but it was a beautiful one and a great surprise
  15. Dark Elf

    MWGB Egg

    Congratz anne.and.eli
  16. Penguins, 4 - 5
  17. WOW, congratz Fredhead Beautiful coins. This is definetly one of my most wanted coins!
  18. funny little guy Congratz opalsns
  19. juhuu my fist double post. Sorry!
  20. Is it a Stretch Ball, like THIS? or a Squeezable Face Ball?
  21. Ouch....stupid time diffrence so the cointest was over while i was laying in my bed Congratz LadyBee4T
  22. Looks great. i like it very much good work
  23. I have no talent in designing icons and this is my first time, so i don't know how to turn it into the right size. I thought, why not use a light-blue(like the turtle) hexagon on black ground with the symbol in white in the middle. The quality on the online-uploader is not so good, so if you want the original, contact me
  24. I have three hearth desires and i can`t decide which one to post here, so i post all three Geocoin Collecting Geocoin - Antique Chopper Mickey Diver Mystery Geocoin The Wishing Coin Of course....the chance to get one of this is less than 0,0 procent , but it's still my hearts desire But there are many other beautiful coins out there, which i like very much
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