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Dark Elf

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Everything posted by Dark Elf

  1. There are some two million lakes in Canada, covering about 7.6% of the Canadian landmass. The main lakes, in order of the surface area located in Canada (many large lakes are traversed by the Canada-U.S. border), are Huron, Great Bear, Superior, Great Slave, Winnipeg, Erie and Ontario. The largest lake situated entirely in Canada is Great Bear Lake (31 326 km2) in the Northwest Territories.
  2. one is on the way......... don`t gonna tell witch one hihihi You are kidding me lorca?!? And if it's true, wherefrom do you know? nope i`m not kidding and for the rest my mouth is ZIP ZAP close.......... Oooooh....today i found one of my top 7 in the mail...a geo bandit....and it was sent by lorca i don't know how to thank you....I'm looking foreward to the day that my collection is big enough to pay back a little part of this...
  3. Today i went to my mailbox and found an envelope in it...i opened it...and what did i find: A Geobandit with number 187....but the big surprise: It wasn't sent by the Geo Bandit...it was sent by lorca I don't know what to say...i'm speechless about such an act of generosity...together with the coin there was a very personal and wonderful card This coin is sooo special and will keep a special place. Oh lorca...i don't know how to thank you....I'm looking foreward to the day that my collection is big enough to pay back a little part of this...
  4. The Governor General is Michaëlle Jean
  5. There is a german-canadian friendship and there is even a coin about it
  6. Other languages, spoken in canada are: Inuktitut, Inuinnaqtun, Cree, Dëne Sųłiné, Gwich’in, Inuvialuktun, Slavey and Tłįchǫ Yatiì
  7. Canada is also known to be the fifth largest energy producer; it provides electricity to the U.S. too.
  8. 5.113.149 people are living in Toronto
  9. Canaadas total area is 9.984.670 km2
  10. The canadian prime minister is Stephen Harper
  11. ~33.700.000 peolpe live in canada
  12. Canada has a parliamentary government with strong democratic traditions.
  13. Main languages in canada are english and frensh!
  14. Dark Elf


    Congrats nefesh Sounds great!
  15. GATOULIS...I'm so sorry to hear this I know how it is to loose a loved pet. One of my parrots died 3 months ago... it was the first i ever had and he died after 9 years with me. But now i have two new parrots and they are like friends for me, although i often think about my old one So i feel with you and hope you find a new good pet-friend.
  16. oops...double
  17. Hope i will find something you like I will contact you later...if i find something
  18. Congrats Sterni and Opalsns Thanks for the cointest Li-Z
  19. Madagaskar?
  20. Bolivia?
  21. columbia?
  22. Peru or venezuela?
  23. nicaragua?
  24. Guatemala?
  25. Panama?
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