i have two activated, adoptable Münster Bike Geocoins to trade, if anyone is interested
The first is antique silver and the second sandblast gold LE
If interested, please pm me or cantact me through my profile with your offer
Dark Elf
Hi aniyn,
you need to take out the spinnig part with a screwdriver and then simply put it in again and it should spin freely.
The same problem was discussed in the german forum and this tip helped my coin to spin freely:)
Hmmm...to answer your question: yes, you can....but it's not cheap to make your own geocoin It costs a lot of money. You need to cantact a shop and they will make the coins for you and arrange the tracking numbers with Groundspeak.
Thats the reason why i didn't make my own coin, although i have many ideas
Me and some friends planed a computer-party. We toopk our computer to a friends house and played 11 hours without stop and than felt in a deeeeeep sleep