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Dark Elf

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Everything posted by Dark Elf

  1. Today I finally got a new, working, internet-connection. So i'm at last able to post that I also received a mysterious envelope two weeks ago. I haven't been in this forum for some time, so I was very surprised as i found an envelope in my mailbox and I was even more surprised as I saw, who sent it Obviously I sent it to myself Never expected to receive a real Mickey Diver coin, because this was one of my heart-desire-coins. This little coin totally made my day...or better my whole week And the best thing is that it brought me back in this forum I can't thank you enough Mickey Diver for bringing smiles all around the world and even to me And finally: WOOO HOOO This is such a beautiful coin
  2. Congrats DresselDragon I was too late to post, but it was fun to read all the post
  3. Normally I don't really like Suncatcher-coin, but i've to admit that this one is just great Great job
  4. Wasn't here for a long time and a mathtrade would have been the perfect thing to get back in all the coin-stuff. What a pitty that it's too late
  5. Same here Had much to do and totally forgot about this I'm really sorry. Maybe i will send you a postcard later this year, cause i know know, that you really like them
  6. One more vote from me from another computer
  7. Another vote from another computer
  8. My vote for today is in
  9. I also noticed that Just voted from another computer, too
  10. Voted again The page is still not updated
  11. new day, new vote I think all the photos on the site are great
  12. There are some trackable and some non-trackable
  13. great photo. I voted
  14. Yesterday i found a golden mailer in my mailbox, too All the photos i saw here are great, but in person this coin is even more beautiful. Definetly one of my favorite coins. I love the design and most of all the message the coin tells This coin got a special place next to my computer, so that i can look at it when i'm sitting in my chair I can't thank you enough mystery sender for this great gift thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you,
  15. If there are more than 6 digits/letters, try to use the first 6 The cache you found it in is just 35 km from my hometown
  16. Try just the first 6 letters <tracking number removed by moderator> and it will work I think it's this coin: http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?tracker=IAB3M6
  17. All in all it's a mystery and that's why mystery coins are so great
  18. Seems like i'm getting senile and forgetful. Approximately three weeks ago i got a mailer and went from the mailbox into the cellar to get some bottles of water. I put the mailer somewhere in the cellar and forgot about it in the next days until i went into the cellar again to fetch some ice one hour ago (it's quite hot here today). I opened the mailer in the cellar and now i'm sitting here eating a delicious peach-ice and looking on a beautiful golden NWO coin, still not believing that i'm part of the new world order A big Thank you! to the mystery sender and sorry for the delay in posting Shame on me
  19. Awesome picture SecretChief Still smiling Congrats on your strange and beautiful find
  20. Beautiful coin....i really like turtles What is standing on the backside? Can anyone please translate it for me ? Congrats MustangJoni
  21. Öhmmm...i think this is the wrong adress....this is the geocoinpart of the forum
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