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Proud Soccer Mom

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Posts posted by Proud Soccer Mom

  1. I gotta agree with flask. It's better than an outright ban of cache placements.


    Yeah, it would be a pain in the butt, but it covers the 'adequate permission' part for placement.


    I have to disagree with jholly though. Just because you placed a cache there doesn't make you responsible for the gopher hole someone tripped in.



    -edit for bad spelling-


    But if you were reaching under a log to get the cache and a brown recluse or black widow bit you then you would.




    My husband got bit by a brown recluse sitting in a lawn chair on his parents' porch. You mean they weren't responsible for a spider being outside where spiders are and reacting how spiders do when they feel threatened by someone doing something normal when the spider is in the wrong place at the wrong time?


    If I got bit by a recluse or widow, I'd probably let the cache owner know if I wasn't able to kill the thing... because I'd really try to kill it if it bit me. If I saw a recluse or widow, I'd let the CO know... but widows stay put with their web, whereas recluses roam around so the widow deserves more announcement than a recluse.


    I'm thinking too much into your comment, aren't I?

  2. Reading the cache page, it sounds like the coordinates were off. The CO has posted updated coordinates, and does indicate it is behind a fence.


    If you are still concerned, drop a note to the reviewer. Or you could ask the CO.

    The updated coordinates place that cache only 493 feet from GC1JEKZ, owned by the same cacher.


    Where's my post about what to do with non-compliant caches? :ph34r:

    If you don't feel that you can have an adult conversation with the cache owner (although you probably could unless this is grudgey-based) and have no confidence in contact@geocaching.com (which is ridiculous since they're awesome in my experience), contact the reviewer. You can find who that is by the very first log entered on the cache. While I think the 493ft saturation is eye-roll worthy, the question of whether it's compliant with the RR is a good concern because we don't want anything bad happening or bad press about geocaching.

  3. Did I mention that the CO indicated that he did not take coordinates, or gather the info about the 3 EC's in-question himself? It's true, well, that's what the CO told me, anyway.
    I find this interesting. Mainly because the question of if the CO had ever visited the sites popped into my head when I read the following on each of the cache pages:
    I have used sources available to me by using google search to get information for this earth cache. I am by no means a geologist. I use books, internet, and asking questions about geology just like 99.9 percent of the geocachers who create these great Earth Caches.
    Interesting, n'est pas?


    I'm missing where suspicions would be valid that the CO didn't visit the site.


    When I waymark, I'm by no means an expert on 99% of anything I'm writing a waymark for. I have visited the site and marked my coords using my handheld GPS receiver. I have taken my photographs on site. But I would have to contact experts, use the internet and read books to catch up on what I need to know to write the waymark.

  4. We have a golden retriever. In theory, he's a fantastic dog for hunting, fishing, hiking, and geocaching. In reality, he's a big, lovable dork who hates to get dirty and gets spooked when he steps on a stick and it goes "crack". But we bring him with because one of these days it might all click.


    Ideally, you want a dog that is easily trainable, can search, can point, and has a gentle mouth.


    You can actually find all these traits in almost any dog (except a yorkshire terrier. You will never find these traits in a yorkshire terrier), from pure breds to mutts. It depends on the temperment of the dog.


    You may also want one that can sense your fear and react to defend you. It helps if the dog is bigger, if this is something you would like.


    If you can, adopt from a Rescue or Shelter. If you want a pure bred puppy, search out reputable breeders in your area, do your homework and take your time. Reputable breeders will make you jump through several hoops to adopt one of their pups... and that is good.

  5. If I have things with me that can allow me to fix a cache, then I will. Mostly its replacing a full or wet log. If it's a broken container, I sometimes have a small or midsize L&L in my pack so I might replace it. I will usually note that in my log. If more people do this, it could help keep caches going longer for more people to find.


    Agreed 100%.

  6. To break the tension, how about a _robot vs. ROBOT cache, like this? :)


    That is cool! Great idea. I've always thought about a cache where you have to dig through my finds, or other people's finds. I see both the Lassie's have found it, and appear to have become geo-friends.


    I know "the_robots" (aka the original robots) better get moving, because the newer THE ROBOTS are finding caches every day, and leaving a much larger footprint in the area. :laughing:




    I forgot all about this one! Thanks for bumping though, it looks like we have a solution. The phony robots have changed their username to Indiana Geones :blink:


    Their profile says, "WE ARE A FAMILY OF GEOCACHES AND WE LOVE IT SOOOOOOO MUCH" and I got the cutest picture in my head of a family of cache containers. All the baby nanos... Papa and Mama Ammo Cans...

    Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be guardrails...

  7. I think it's reasonable for a cache owner to ask for the answers to an Earthcache or additional logging requirement to be provided in a language which enables them to verify it.


    However, since there's typically a requirement in such cases to *not* post the information in a log, this shouldn't normally affect the language of the log. The CO can always send a friendly mail saying "hi, cool that you visited my cache, what language is that? and can you say it in English? thanks!". Or of course the CO is free to choose to be a pre-emptive curmudgeon, with BIG NASTY NOTICES threatening DIRE CONSEQUENCES if you don't DO THINGS HIS WAY.


    Keeping in mind we're only seeing one side of this, I would not get worked up about it! Big nasty notices?? Threats of dire consequences?? Did the CO threaten physical harm or something I missed? :blink:


    Of course the CO didn't threaten physical harm or anything like that.


    CAPS usually denotes yelling which gives a tone to text that lends to the assumption that those words are being expressed WITH A LOT OF PASSION AGAINST WHATEVER IT IS THAT THEY DON'T WANT TO EVER SEE. Turning the Caps Lock off, the "English Only" declaration isn't all that monsterous, especially since it instructs translations to be sent via email. I think a number of us would do things differently, but the new instructions aren't unreasonable after we remove the inferred emotive tone which is given through the use of all Caps.


    I read a lot of things on here as tongue-in-cheek so "BIG NASTY NOTICES" and "DIRE CONSEQUENCS" weren't taken seriously when I read it, but rather that it was just poking fun at the use of all Caps. I didn't write that comment so I obviously don't know what sTeamTraen meant but that's just how I read it.

  8. All right- that is completely fair.. I was reacting from an emotional place.


    Thank you butta and steve for talking me down...


    Every time I check my emails I seem to have another communication from him. It feels like harassment.


    But you are correct at this point no law has been broken. I am just frustrated and don't know what to do.


    I'm just trying to figure out why he deleted my logs so I can make it stop!


    He has only encrypted some logs and not deleted all of them, meaning the encrypted ones are still holding your smiley but are just not readily readable by people who do not wish to read spoilers. This should mean that your log contains some information that the CO considers important to remain concealed. He seems to be deleting your logs because they aren't in compliance with the logging requirements. These requirements also seem to be important to the integrity of the logs on his cache. You might consider reviewing the other logs, if you haven't already, so if you wish to be compliant, you will know how to be uniform.


    Personally, and this is just my personal opinion, I don't believe all logs have to be in English. I think an English translation would be courteous but free internet resources exist to give a translation that's comprehensible if the cache owner (or any readers of the log) do not know the language. A log that has an idiomatic expression may not be relevant to the cache and considering what was already happening in this tug-o-war, I can see a log with irrelevant content being deleted because it has irrelevant content and the cache owner is becoming less patient as more logs come in, not because it was in a non-English language. Strike that last bit. I hadn't read where the cache owner had totally lost his mind at reading a language that wasn't his native language. A bit uppity and xenophobic, isn't it? Yeah, "English Only" declarations aren't something I can support in good conscience.


    You seem to have the control here. You can (1) re-enter your log in compliance with the requests of the cache owner; or (2) forget logging the cache and move on. The choice is yours what you want to do. You aren't going to make someone else do anything - as an adult, you know life just doesn't work that way - so this is less of a question of what to do about the cache owner and more about what you want to do at this point.


    Good luck to you with whatever you and your friend decide.

  9. Thanks for the indepth comments and thoughtful advice (which I'll pass on to my brother's best friend's wife's cousin's former roommate, etc etc etc). I know my post was obvious about some things and vague about others, and I apologise for not disclosing all the pertinent details that would have made it easier to give advice and help. It makes me appreciate the advice even more.

  10. Let's say you're geocaching in a place where there are no geocaching restrictions and all is happy but you know, courtesy of information from the individual in charge of this sort of thing, that geocaching is strongly disliked and if it were known to be in a particular area of jurisdiction, it would be banned.


    ... It's just this one individual in this one office who has the absolute right and authority to make the decision to ban.

    Sounds like a lack of "adequate permission".


    Hypothetically, a cacher (we'll call this cacher by a random name... say... "RP") places a cache on land controlled by a person known to be hostile to geocaching. RP know the manager is hostile to caching. We'll even assume the cache was placed before RP found out about the hostility and that RP didn't intentionally try to sneak a cache into a place where the manager was hostile. But the hostility is now a known fact, and even worse, the hostile manager now knows that the cache exists.


    Personally, if I were RP, I would choose (2) and archive. If I found out that a land manager was hostile to geocaching I would remove any caches of mine that were on land that person controlled because obviously I don't have permission to place a cache there. If I knew that manager personally I would try to convince him/her that geocaching can be harmless, and if I succeeded I would then replace the cache.


    And what would you do regarding the dozens of caches hid by other caches that are also covered in this presumed jurisdiction? This is also a jurisdiction where the law is what matters (not personal feelings) so no cachers (not just this RP person) were in the wrong in their hide placements (nor reviewers for approving all the hides), but personal feelings can become law (etc etc etc) which would force the archive of all the caches.


    Would you let the other CO's know the cat was out of the bag?

  11. Totally hypothetical, of course. Or maybe I'm asking for my brother's best friend's girlfriend's roommate.


    Here's the meat of it:


    Let's say you're geocaching in a place where there are no geocaching restrictions and all is happy but you know, courtesy of information from the individual in charge of this sort of thing, that geocaching is strongly disliked and if it were known to be in a particular area of jurisdiction, it would be banned.


    Let's say you have a hide... it's one hide amidst many hides by many other cachers... in this jurisdiction (which has no restrictions at this time). Let's say someone cannot find the hide and decides to start flapping their gums to every official on the planet that this cache exists. Let's say the office is now interested ... and not in a good way.


    Do you:

    (1) Hold your breath and hope your hide isn't discovered and doesn't trigger a city-wide ban;

    (2) Remove your hide and archive the cache to prevent it being discovered and a city-wide ban;

    (3) Remove and archive the hide because now that the cat's out of the bag, there'll likely be a ban, anyway;

    (4) Send a note to all the other CO's in the area to let them know what might be happening.


    How do you respond to the cacher who wanted the smiley so bad they started seeing if particular people (who aren't geocachers) knew where the cache was and started this mess (before even asking you for an additional hint)?



    LEO's are completely cool in this area. If you're interrupted by a LEO and say you're geocaching, they know what that means and move along. It's just this one individual in this one office who has the absolute right and authority to make the decision to ban.

  12. Your approach to the situation was confrontational. What did you expect to happen? I am NOT saying that was your intention, but the result is the same, intentional or not.


    Next time try it this way. "Howdy. I see you archived cache GCXXXXX. I will be out that way next week some time. If you haven't had a chance to pick it up by then let me know and I'll be happy to swing by and grab it." May get you a new caching buddy instead of an adversary. Much easier to work together than beat each other over the head.



  13. Try not to detract from the fun others take in this activity.




    We aren't playing Bingo here but I understand your excitement if that is a regular occupation for you.


    You seem to feel that this guideline is the one directing others to label people as cheaters?

    Maybe you can explain how calling people cheaters is "not detracting from the fun that others take in this activity"?

    I don't understand that and I am sure I am not alone.


    Under the O - nothing.


    Your failure to understand simple and obvious concepts is not an unusual circumstance. I don't recall anybody calling anyone cheaters. There was a vague notion of "cheating" that was mentioned once but, as usual, no one insulted anyone before your antagonistic comments twisted what was said.


    Waymarkers often play a form of Bingo using the grid, however it's also a casual term to denote that someone has said something right. Most individuals who have American English as a first language are familiar with this usage. I had used it with an additional unspoken implication that you ought to apply what you've said to yourself. Having to teach you the application of the word "bingo" does help explain why you repeatedly fail to understand simple concepts. I'll take this under consideration for all of your posts, especially with the seemingly random antagonistic and insulting personal attacks against people, and message others to consider this shortcoming before engaging you in an empty discussion.

  14. We try to follow the rules/guidelines and keep it simple.

    If you find a cache and sign the logsheet....then you get a smiley.

    If you don't find a cache....log a sad face.

    Anything different is called "cheating". :unsure:


    There will be cache owners who'll disagree with you based on their own insecurities, blow what little you've said way out of proportion and cry about their own fabricated hidden meanings in your post. Just let them run themselves in circles until they take their naps. I whole-heartedly agree with you.


    When you've found the cache, log a find.

    When you've not found the cache, log a DNF.


    The term "cheating" is emotive on the forum but a lot is emotive on the forum.

  15. When I'm not caching in the family unit, I have a non-geocaching friend with me (actually the wife of a friend... is that a friend-in-law or step-friend?). She doesn't care for the whole "finding a box thing" but likes the walk. She comes with me on CM runs where I have to walk a quarter-mile into a nature preserve. It's good to have company and it enforces our individual safety.


    I don't really know any cachers in my area and I can't make the events, either. Most of them are in the counties south of me, which I never go to. But, still and yet, I have met and spoken with cachers around here and they're great people. We just aren't friends, yet... but I'm sure if I ever sent a message asking to go caching, they would.


    So give it time. I actually think it's harder to appear at an even when you don't know anybody than to ask someone to meet-up to cache.


    I'd say send an email to someone that you think is pretty experienced and around your age, saying that you're new and would like advice and help. Then ask if they'd mind going caching with you. You can also make a general post on the forum for your local association asking if anyone would mind going caching with you because you're new and want to learn more. I'm sure there's people in your area that will jump at the opportunity.


    Happy Caching!

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