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Posts posted by TomBombadil79

  1. Markwell, I have been playing with topos as graphics but still cant bring myself to part with a paper map and compass... I work with computers and electronics all day and just don't trust them - LOL


    I use a screenshot of a ExpertGPS map or scanned map, converted to jpg and then thru "PictureGear Pocket" (Not sure what format once its on the Sony Clie)


    I store the image on a memory stick. I have not finetuned a "good size" yet.


    For streetmap and GPS link I have been using Mapopolis with good results. YMMV






  2. I was considering getting a GPS for "no apparent reason" and ran into this site when researching for info on different units...


    and lo and behold - A reason to buy! LOL


    One logged find. Several lone "walk bys" but will wait for my stepson to "find" them with me before logging officially.



  3. 1: "Quick" run to REI to purchase "a" water bottle.


    2: Stop by Costco "just" for TP and Papertowels.


    3: Complete paperwork for second mortgage on house to pay for those two trips icon_smile.gif Still trying to figure out how all those other items got on the reciept LOL



  4. Is that like - Oceanside... Just kiddin.


    Being a newbie to this rather addictive behaviour I would love to meet other San Diegans with the same bad GEO-habit.


    How about setting something up at Dos Picos on a Saturday? Beach? One of our semi-existant lakes?




    [This message was edited by tom_bombadil_79 on November 05, 2002 at 08:06 AM.]

  5. Does it count as a sport if I bring back dead bugs on the windshield and grill? icon_cool.gif


    Not sure if this is "normal" behaviour -but I have been driving by caches and researching all the closest ones to figure out which will be the best ones to hook my wife and stepson into the sport...





  6. Love this.


    I paid just in time for the dread "x" and green checkmarks to start showing up.


    I sign on here to whine and lo and behold I find a Beta that already addresses the issue.


    Thanks for a cool program and just as importantly, for your awesome support.


    A satisfied new customer. icon_biggrin.gif




    [This message was edited by tom_bombadil_79 on October 15, 2002 at 10:13 PM.]

  7. quote:
    that one's only 10 miles away..

    that one's only 20 miles away..


    LOL - just blasted coffee out the nose (ouch) Last night I used the PC to load two sets of caches 1-walking distance from work and 2-30 mile radius at home...


    Hmmmmm, which one to go for next...


    By the way - Thanks for the warm welcome all!



  8. quote:
    that one's only 10 miles away..

    that one's only 20 miles away..


    LOL - just blasted coffee out the nose (ouch) Last night I used the PC to load two sets of caches 1-walking distance from work and 2-30 mile radius at home...


    Hmmmmm, which one to go for next...


    By the way - Thanks for the warm welcome all!



  9. Took the plunge and picked up a Venture last night and plugged in a few Geocaches near work.


    Found my first on a lunch time walk in an area that I have walked many times...


    OK, had to brag - now back to work... icon_biggrin.gif

  10. Took the plunge and picked up a Venture last night and plugged in a few Geocaches near work.


    Found my first on a lunch time walk in an area that I have walked many times...


    OK, had to brag - now back to work... icon_biggrin.gif

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