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Jamie Z

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Posts posted by Jamie Z

  1. I've logged three SBAs that I can recall off the top of my head. Two were for caches I personally verified were gone, based on my previously having found those caches. Both of them had seriously changed hiding locations, and for both, the owners hadn't logged into the site for many months.


    My other SBA was for a distant cache which had something like six consecutive DNFs. The cache was in a particularly well-traveled area and the hint was a giveaway. Since I was planning to visit the area, I took and interest. Again, the cache owner of this cache hadn't logged into the site for many months.


    Basically, I only log a SBA when I know with near certainty that the cache is gone and will not be revived due to inactive owner.


    I've had one SBA posted on one of my own caches. The cache was perfectly fine, and the loggers never pointed out any problems, other than it was rather difficult and that they'd tried a number of times to solve the puzzle but were unable to. Astonishingly, the cache was archived within an hour, before I even had a chance to respond. After several emails back and forth, the cache was un-archived... apparently the archival was an "error."


    Like Ed pointed out, some cachers and reviewers view the SBA in a different light.


    I like the idea of making the terminology more descriptive of what actually happens... that is, bringing the cache to the attention of a reviewer to see if the cache (still) meets the guidelines.



  2. you need to download a gpx file (available to premium members).

    Just a clarification, because there seems to be confusion about this often. Typically, GPX files are not downloaded. Although there is an option to download a single cache as a GPX, the vast majority of geocache information is obtained by requesting a GPX be sent to your mailbox by filling out the Pocket Query form.


    A lot of people get confused after they become premium members because they don't see anyplace to download the GPX.



  3. You're not offering a whole lot of information, like the model GPS you have. That stuff is important.


    Also, where are you having trouble? With Conversion Manager? Is that what doesn't work? Or the map doesn't work after loading it onto the GPS? More detail is better when trying to obtain help.


    Just tossing a dart into the empty void, I'd guess you're not entering the serial number correctly. Don't use the serial number on the back of the GPS. Use the one that shows up when you look at the software information for your GPS.



  4. The ability to change your user name ended a few months ago due to technical reasons.


    Jeremy had a thread on it, if you do a quick search... but basically the answer is no. Sorry.



  5. A friend of mine from NZ tells me that is Mt. Taranaki, a dormant volcano. The circle is a natural result of the volcano's own solidified ash.

    Now I'm curious. The news article where I found the location said that the park boundary is nearly a perfect circle. (The planners simply found the 'center' of the mountain and made a circle around it.) The article claims that the color change you can see is a result of different vegetation growing on each side. Inside the park is natural growth, and outside has been altered by agriculture.



  6. You could bookmark your finds and split them up that way, but that won't give you archived caches.

    I'm pretty sure if you bookmark an archived cache, it's included in the PQ for that bookmark. At least that's how it worked a few months ago when I tried it. I don't know if that's a feature or a bug.



  7. My question for the My Finds PQ is why does it send me the whole friggin thing each time? Let's say I request the PQ today. Then this weekend I go find a handful of caches. Next week I order the My Finds PQ again, and not only do I get the three or four new caches, but I also get all 475 of the ones I got last week.


    Perhaps there could be a way to request only those finds which have been updated since last time.


    Or maybe it's fine the way it is.



  8. Although, with stash notes, there's one thing I've always wondered about. Pretty much no matter what cache I go to, it's always just a folded up paper lying inside of there somewhere. Some people tape it to inside of the lid if it's a large container, but still... just plain paper taped there.

    With my ammo box hides (which is all of them) I've laminated the stash note (~$2 at Kinkos) and purchased some high quality 3M double-sided foam tape. Then I tape the stash note either to the inside lid of the ammo box, or on the outside of the ammo box.


    One of my first hides has been in the woods for two years and the stash note is still firmly attached to the outside of the box with contact information printed in large, bold letters.



  9. I'm looking to buy a used Magellan Meridian Gold.


    My requirements: All buttons and backlight must work. Screen must be more-or-less scratch-free (I understand typical wear and tear).


    CD, manual, case, SD card, cables not necessary, but I will pay a bit extra for those.


    I'm looking to spend no more than about $100, which is about what these units go for on eBay. Anyone have an unused Gold lying around?


    Reply to this thread or email me through my geocaching profile.



  10. Today there are more than 200 geocaches in that same rural county, versus the four that existed there in February 2003. Who's to say that my experience was any less or more of an accomplishment?




  11. Like other's have said, the 500 is a fine unit. I've owned one since it came out. Sure, I have a few complaints about it, but overall I think it's just fine. I also own a Garmin. It's fine too, but I have a few complaints.


    Magellan holds only a small part of the market share, and a lot of what you hear is from the Garmin-owning majority who find an easy target. Like if you owned a Mac. (You don't, do you?) Not many Magellan threads go by without at least one suggestion to "Get a Garmin." Just ignore them.



  12. For some reason, I thought that I had heard in the beginning that when an owner responded with a maintanance log, it automatically changed the needs maintanance to a note or something.

    That's exactly what it does, but only a portion of cache owners post maintenance logs. On some that I've seen around here, a cacher will log a needs maintenance log, and then the owner fixes the problem and posts a note, leaving the attribute set. In other cases, the owner never posts anything, but based on the subsequent logs, it's clear that the owner fixed the problem.



  13. Does it really say "recalibrate"? If it does, I'm disappointed. GPS does not need calibration. GPS is simply a calculator, not a measuring device.


    That said, what is meant by the statement on the website is that if the GPS is not used for a long period of time (or is moved a great distance between uses) it does not know where it is. Where it expects satellites, there are none.


    So... in order to get the GPS back up to speed after a long period of disuse, simply leave it stationary where it has a clear view of the sky. It might take a while for the GPS to acquire satellite lock.10 minutes might be enough, or it might need 20 minutes or more.



  14. Man... wish I could help here. I own an Explorist 500 which is functionally the same as the 400. Problem is that the last time I used Easy GPS was about three years ago, long before I got my Explorist. I don't remember much about it, or even if it is compatible with the Explorist.


    The only thing I can offer right now is to try one of the other programs mentioned by geognerd. If you download GPSBabel (google it) and use the GPSBabelGUI, it should be a fairly simple process to put the .loc file onto your Explorist, although GPSBabel offers no functionality to see the waypoints on the screen like EasyGPS does.


    We'll get you through this, don't worry... just gotta dust the cobwebs out of my head.



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