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The Jester

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Everything posted by The Jester

  1. 2.079 miles, of course. Actually it depends on the scale of the map. On USGS 15' quads it would be 2.079 inches. You could do it by trial and error - start with small circles around each one (same size). Increase the size a little until the circles touch a common point. The other way that could be used is on the GPSr (at least on my Garmin Rino 110): use the Proximity Waypoints. You can set the size of the circle and the unit draws the circle around that waypoint. You can navigate to the right spot with the map, or mark a waypoint and use 'normal' navigation. I've used this while hiding a cache in parks with multi caches (set to .1 miles).
  2. If I grab it again does that increase my Jeep count? Or maybe we just in invented Jeep Ping Pong!
  3. I'm printing using Adobe Reader 6.0. Under Print Scaling I have two choices - Fit to Paper & Shrink Large Pages. Both set the zoom to 94%, leaving a larger left margin than right. Printing at 100% (no page scaling) loses about a character and a half from the left margin. I may have to see if one of the local print shops can print from a PDF file. It'd give better quality probably. Thanks for your help CYBret.
  4. Hey, it's not about the numbers, it about the fun!
  5. That's the same time as the WSGA - Summer Campout and Picnic. Maybe combine functions? BTW, Happy Birthday, youngster!
  6. ROFL! That's a "Greeeeeaaaaaaaat" log!
  7. The other way to deal with it is to encrypt the log and add a note why it was done. It doesn't remove the find from the other party, but does make the info less public. I did it once when someone gave very explict info on where the cache was.
  8. I really like the brochure, but can't get the PDF file to line up right on my printer. The margins aren't even or I lose charaters on one edge or the other.
  9. (tongue firmly in cheek) But isn't not finding something that's not there a success? And would that rate a ?
  10. Yes, common sense comes from 'education' (not formal education - schooling). If it didn't every person in the world would have it the same as everyone else. Both judgement and opinion is based on knowledge and experience.
  11. Lucky you. Come out here to Western Washington - with thick forest, big mountains, deep valleys and you'll change your tune quick enough. Last week I spent half the afternoon trying to get more than two sats wandering around Squak Mt.
  12. I've been involved with an orginized bike ride for years. One of the things I do is paint 'dan henrys' (road markings) for the riders to follow. I've found that I can see the markings from last year (or earlier) as I'm doing new ones. I've gotten to the point now to put them down on top of the old ones as much as I can, so there is less 'litter' on the road. Some years we use spray chalk - that only lasts a couple of weeks - but few surveyors use it.
  13. In the Seattle area, I only 'see' two Waas sats - both low on opposite horizons. So I don't use it much.
  14. I even knew it was the subject of this thread! I just got in a hurry and forgot to check everything before heading out. I think the last couple of hiders worked at hiding the cache better. I know I added a little more cover. The worst part of it is that about 15-20 feet away is a nice little hollow stump that would have made a great hiding spot (I was tempted to move it there, but resisted). Maybe not "no solution", but no easy solution. You can't MAKE people read the info available, much less interpret it the same (see the threads on the rating system for example). Even making them aware info is available isn't always easy. We can just keep doing the best we can, helping those who need it (whether they like it or not! ), and occasionally vent our frustrations with a rant in the forums.
  15. Oops, sorry. I didn't make it clear that the two parts were unrelated. Proving/not proving intent to damage is a great field for lawyers to work in...
  16. I might agree with you if I more clearly understood what you are asking for.
  17. Ain't that the gospel truth! If it weren't, half these forums would dry up and blow away.
  18. If I remember right the little girl was born in Belgium... Now if I were only a moderater...
  19. That's the crux - proving intent to damage. The front yes, the back ?? In Renton, WA every street sign has a big sticker on the back that has ID & date numbers punched out. I've used those as numberic clues for a multi. Just check to make sure they don't replace/change the sign!
  20. "Common Sense" - what is it? How do you aquire it? It's "stuff everybody knows or can figure out" or is it? You're not born with it. Much of what is taught children is 'common sense' - "Don't touch the stove, it's hot" but to someone who hasn't experienced heat that doesn't really explain (yes, a personal experience). So someone who has never hidden a box before may not ask all the right questions/know all the answers. How do you avoid mistakes? - Common Sense. How do you get common sense? - Experience. How do you get experience? - Make Mistakes. If everyone had to learn everything from scratch, we'd still be in the stone age. We need to share what we've learned with others so they don't repeat our mistakes - after all, there are so many new ones to be discovered!
  21. Just over 22 inches. It has a side-release buckle in it, so you could add any length strap to it. Or swap GPSrs as needed. I have my compass setup with the same buckle so I can have it out handy for the hunt. The compass goes in the pocket after the find, and the GPSr is clipped in.
  22. Carefully! Actually, it depends - neck lanyard, wrist lanyard, belt clip on chest strap, pocket, hand... Just so I don't leave it behind again (did so in Portland, discovered that just as train is pulling out of station!).
  23. I've never found a logbook too soggy to sign (and I live in the Seattle WA area - with a mild reputation for liquid sunshine). But then I carry one of those 'space' pens that write anywhere on anything. The one time I found a cache with the lid missing, full to the brim with water, a logbook that would tear without very careful handling - I signed with a short message. So you can work around anything.
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