So as the title above says: My Magellan Explorist GC GPS will not receive any programming downloads of GPS sites from the website anymore. My computer doesn't seem to even recognize it at all. This GPS shows on its screen that it is connected to my computer. But nothing happens when I try to download a cache site GPS info to it. It has been like that for some time. Years, in fact. More than one computer as well. Otherwise I can manually program in a location for a site. And it still takes me to a site okay. Just can't get any recognition from the computer. It used to be able to program the sites just fine originally. But it suddenly stopped some years back after a different computer had to be bought when the first one quit working or went bad, I forget. And I can't find any way to update the GPS. Although I saw on some answer and question site, I forget what it was called, that someone said the long awaited update had finally arrived for that Explorist GC. But I can't find it anywhere. And I can't even get on the Magellan website anymore either. SO DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT GIVES WITH THIS ? Or has Garmin managed to take over the whole GPS business now and left poor Magellan in the dust and bushes ?