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James Lobb

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Everything posted by James Lobb

  1. got mine today, Australia. cant wait to move it along
  2. I would get one, to remember our world cache team. or more. email me when they are good to go edit: i wanted more
  3. I am thinking about Placing a Scuba cache,i was wondering if anyone had any tips or share their experiances if they have made or found a Scuba cache. this is how the cache will work: 1. the container would be waterproof 2. it would need a key to remove if from its site (it will chained to s fixed object to prevet it from drifting away) 3. the key would be on a travle bug which would stay withen 25 kilometer's of the cache 4. the Coordinats would lead you to the entry point for the dive, Compass bearings will be on the cache page. thats about the amount of infomation i want to share, i have a few more tricks up my sleave. Also the appx depth of the cache is 11 meters, the cache is located veary close to a dive shop. but this cache is not ment to be a commercial cache. its for conveinace and also the dive shop trains people in the bay where it will be located. so they can tell me if it breaks. What suggestions do you have for container. i was thinking an otterbox, but they dont come in a big enough size. do you know any alternatives. Thank you
  4. I agree Fully with Bad CRC, micros need to have their own listing section. and the distance between micro and normal cache should be smaller. also micros in non-urban areas should not be allowed. This is because stealth is not fun for me. you look like a fool when your on your knees looking for a film canister
  5. i think that all kids 13 years and younger should be supervised when on the internet. its just stupid to let them do it themslevs.
  6. 1.42 and also 520 meters. and i have not found one of them. (elusive multi)
  7. im so useing that as my idea for my next cache, i think its great.
  8. i would like to get my own made
  9. James Lobb


    i have found a geocoin and i want to know where i buy them, they are very nice to look at and i want some
  10. You should update that site. a Wordpress blog could work. The good articals can be posted and the magazine can be availble for download aswell
  11. im a casual cacher. i have to much to do
  12. there is a webcam/tv cache in sydney where the aim is to get on breakfast tv holding a geocacing sign. its called see you at sunrise
  13. i would but i would bring some form of breathing apparutus like a SCUBA system. as there can be a build up of methane. but knowing my slef i would just go on in with out the preperations
  14. First of all i recomend GSAK because its a great program also because you a PM you can either make a PQ and hope that you get the caches you want emailed to you OR book mark the caches you want the go to the bookmark managemnt page and click generate PQ then set it to run once and check the day of the week you want it to arrive at your email.
  15. Hey Sorry for starting a flame war. i was not intending it to become a flame thread. i will adopt the PQ method. and filter out Micro's i hope that i did not offend anybody who likes micro's
  16. It might be a bit intense as i know a lot of cachers like Micro-Spew. but can we but some kind of regulations on them. like no Micro-Spew in non urban area no micro's where a full size could be placed increase the no cache radius for micro's, so that there are less of them
  17. an hour is the max i spend, unless i am searching overseas (yet to happen, but it will) in which case i WILL find the cache. unless it has been muggled
  18. There is one cacher in my area, who FTF'S every cache. he is a driver and i know how he does it. because i have a driver aswell. being a limo driver has to be the best geocaching job because. they have a GPS with mapping for there car they have PDA's for keeping records they have crackberrys other like devices so when a cache is published they get an email sent straight to them and then, when they have time between jobs they can drive over there and get it. im sorry if i have offended anyone in this post, im not trying to make a sterotype or anything.
  19. thats sad that your TB has to end like that, i hope that you can work something out with the local revewier. one thing that you could do is ask the cache owner what the co'ods are and then foward them to another cacher in the area. sure its nots too legal but it could help.
  20. why are there so few, dont most cachers see this as a reasone to go the extra yard in making there caches awsome. i wish that there were more, and the next one i make will be a PM only cache
  21. i think VCS should still be on the Geocaching site as it lets you have one site. and one tally not multiple tallys
  22. whats the travle bug look up page, if it comes to sydney for some reasone i could put it in a TB hotel next door to the airport.
  23. woo hoo i hope to find the earth cache in Homebush bay brick pit, that would be a nice break from normal caches
  24. why do geocaches have such a problem with paper less caching, heres what u do. 1. download adobe pdf for your PDA 2. go to the cache page and hit the print pdf link 3. go to "Save a copy" in your pdf veiwer 4. transfer the file onto your pdf 5. open it with adobe pda pdf reader 6. go caching
  25. i ALWAYS take something and leave something, even if its just junk i do it to tidy up the caches. because of Mr "x" wants to leave Mc Donalds junk in a cache thats his choice but i will trade better items for worse ones so that ither caches can realise that Swag is important and should be thought about for longer then 5 seconds. but still i dont leave expensive things, mostly mini torches and crab's of commertive coins.
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